Is there any chance you'd trade πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ I am head over heels for her.Β 

(Also sorry I had to step away from the discord for a bit due to mental health)

Cash sale is always preferred but I'd be open to hearing offers!

(Never worry! Our server is open doors for cats like us to wander in and out whenever we so choose~! Feel free to come back in anytime you so desire!)

If you wanna browse *almost* anyone in my TH I'd be down to trade just about anyone I am so in love w this design

Shoot I didn't see anyone this time around, but feel free to visit back anytime with new offers!

I do have another account under if you'd like to browse there?Β 

Sadly I didn't see anything there I'd use at the moment