


1 year, 6 months ago


Welcome back, Graye!

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User Profile





Army Sniper


Graye is Merely a codename, her real name is in fact [REDACTED]. She is one of several genetically modified humans from the Ark experiments. Her mutation is that her eyes have built in scopes and allow for her to see up to four hundred meters with perfectly clear vision.

Subject Graye Case Overview: Subject was offered to the Ark project by guardian [REDACTED]. Subject underwent screening, evaluations, and several genetic tests to start progress on genetic modification. Subjects DNA rejected ninty percent of modification tests, modification process requires further refining.

Six weeks after final refinement the subjects DNA accepted the modification and seems to have heightened the subject's eyesight, further vision testing required. Subject also seems to have a heightened sense of hearing as well, only not nearly as obvious as the increase in visual abilities.

Further vision testing has proven the subject can see up to four hundred meters with no issue. Anything passing four hundred and fifty meters however, require an extra scope on weapons. Additional hearing tests also have proven that the subject has hearing of a similar range to that of an average house cat. Final testing shows no signs of mental enhancements, nor other physical enhancements past prior stated facts.

Subject has been bought by one assistant chief [REDACTED] we hope subject Graye is suited to their needs and we hope to hear feedback soon on the aformentioned subject.

Subject has shown a considerable amount of interest in the following items: Coffee, Sleeping, Reading Books, Cold Weather, Golden Japanese Style Curry, Cinnamon and Sour Candies, and Horror Movies.

Subject has shown considerable distaste for the following items: Hot weather, Overly salty or sweet food, Romance novels/movies, Pushy or nosey people.

Subject's overall personality is... Interesting. Subject has made jokes with no indication of them being as such, in fact the subject often shows no emotion unless under intense distress, and even then the only emotions the subject displays are anger or sadness. Subject seems to only find minimal amounts of joy in the aformentioned list of items where interest was shown. When in rest the subject appears moody and unapproachable as described by other subjects.

Subject's Spare Notes: Graye has scars all over her chest and back from Ark and other incidents, both from her past and from her active service as a Sniper and is insecure about them. Graye is in her early to mid 20's. Despite loving horror movies, Graye is terrified of werewolves. Graye has a bad habit of smoking. She always smells of cinnamon, coffee, and cigarette smoke. She hasn't seen her natural hair color in nearly a decade. She has two tattoos, one on each arm, both are dragons, her left one being black and grey, and the other is colorless.


December 21, 20XX

I always knew father was strange, off... His borderline insane obsession with true crime and serial killers should have made it so obvious.. He made so many comments, that now in hindsight, were so concerning and downright gross. Mother... She refused to believe anything was off, she even went so far as to believe that every friday night and saturday morning he'd be out 'with friends'. Of course, I was no better, a dumb kid who thought if I didn't keep the secrets my father so desperately hid, I'd go to hell.. Little did I know I was already well on my way there. I just... I wish I could have helped her, helped them all...

December 24, 20XX

I remember when christmas was a fun time of year, when mom and dad would spend hours baking and cooking, decorating the tree, tearing open presents.. Now that's all long gone, nearly replaced with the graphic image of my mother... They tell you hindsight is twenty twenty, but a whole hell of a lot o' good it does after everything is beyond repair... My father was always.... Off.. And it was a chilly morning when I found out how truly sick he was.

January 13, 20XX

It's been exactly ten years now... at exactly 12:40 in the morning my father took his old hunting knife, some rope, and a handkerchief my mother had gotten him, and he murdered my mother in cold blood. I had started my morning out like normal, waking up early to eat breakfast before running off to school.. Like any normal kid would. Except, when I went into the kitchen, there was only my father, claiming mother was ill and to just go about things like normal, But I didn't.. I should've never opened that door.. My parents room... Because opening it sealed my fate and the one way ticket to hell.

June 13, 20XX

Birthdays... I know normal people celebrate them, glad to have been alive for another year.. but over a decade later, I still can't find it in myself to be happy that I've made it another year.. in fact I can't seem to be happy for myself at all anymore. ever since I was sent to this awful genetics program because I was "crazy" and needed help... But, I suppose here's to another year of a shitty existence.

January 13, 20XX

Finally, after fifteen years, I'm free.. sorta... At the least I'm not some sick bastards guinea pig anymore... but, instead I am now a military lap dog.. Not exactly sure if it's any better, but I don't think it'll be any worse.. The lady who bought me seems nice enough, but I am certainly keeping an eye on her and everyone else I work with in the future.








Designer Toongore

Value $85 USD

Species NA

Species Owner NA

Entry NA

Visual Data

  • Graye's natural hair color is a dark reddish-brown
  • Underneath all the gear Graye has a small bust, and her body shape is a smaller pear shape.
  • She has three piercings, her eyebrow, her lip, and her tongue.
  • Her casual outfit consists of a black sports bra, a dark gray long sleeve shirt, her mask around her neck, her camo pants, and her combat boots.
  • Normally she will wear sunglesses as her eyes are sensetive to light.
  • She will almost always be wearing fingerless gloves, whether it's official gear or more casual gear.
  • Graye is 5'4


Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin gravida risus at diam mattis, non feugiat velit rutrum. Sed eu dictum arcu.

Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin gravida risus at diam mattis, non feugiat velit rutrum. Sed eu dictum arcu.

Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin gravida risus at diam mattis, non feugiat velit rutrum. Sed eu dictum arcu.

Character Name


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin gravida risus at diam mattis, non feugiat velit rutrum. Sed eu dictum arcu.

User ID >441660

