keiri firefly-flitter



1 year, 5 months ago


[ firefly’flitter keiri | she/her | healer (and sometimes acts as a hunter) of the lily meadow alliance | 25 moons ]

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firefly’flitter often acts as an immature, childish even, cat; she often makes quick decisions and doesn’t quite consider consequences, acting on an impulse. she is loud and extroverted with many friends in and out of the alliance, and is externally optimistic. despite all this, however, she is actually a rather reserved cat- she doesn’t speak much about herself and refuses to be open and honest with almost any cat, save for her very closest friends. only with them does she feel safe to be a quieter, more real version of herself, a more realistic cat with time to breathe without putting on an emphasized mask. firefly’flitter can also be a bit moody at times, but she apologizes often for any hurt she causes. she’s generally well-liked with a lot of friends and allies.


firefly’flitter left her home on a whim, really, feeling outcasted from the rogue group of cats she lived in and feeling a strange calling to travel, guided by just her instincts. she came across shivering’sea, who was also on a journey guided by its instincts, as well as a small brown moth and a dream spirit. they asked firefly’flitter if she wished to join them for a while, and she did- but she never ended up leaving. when shivering’sea decided on the lily meadow alliance, firefly’flitter stayed by its side and supported it. she’s shivering’sea’s closest friend and confidant, and she often helps them to direct the alliance in the early stages while there is no official leader yet.