[Cloud] Walnutowl



1 year, 6 months ago


"Never had luck, never needed it."


Reliable - When Walnutowl is asked to do something, he can be counted on to see it through! He is trustworthy, there is no need to worry and stress about making sure he is on task.

Diligent - Walnutowl is thorough in his work, wanting to make sure that he hasn't missed anything - big or small. He has a high attention to detail because of this, as well as being very persistent.

Patient - Walnut is incredibly patient; whether that was as a kit, waiting for his turn to hog the center of the nest, or as an apprentice, attempting to gather up feathers and other gifts (they like to dance in the wind a lot, it's tiring trying to catch them!). This trait helps immensely with his hunting. He needs to wait for the prey to be in just the right spot, after all.


Assertive - Walnutowl is confident and knows what he wants, or rather, the best way to do something. He believes that his ideas are the best and will make sure others know this.

Realistic - He is also realistic about what can be achieved - he knows that as a Cloudclan cat, there are certain things that he is more suited for, while others he will fall short. Though that doesn't have to deter him from trying to learn other techniques! He also understands that his family won't live forever - he knows everyone will pass on one day and that it is inevitable.

Aloof - Walnutowl can be considered pragmatic and logical, a realist, and a strategist, among other similar terms; they all have one thing in common, usually: not being great with social skills. Walnut is fairly distant and not quite understanding social cues, he tends to struggle with conversations (Especially small talk).


Haughty - Walnut is fairly antisocial which leads to him looking down on other cats at times. Combined with his assertiveness, why wouldn't he be arrogant? His ideas are better, he's obviously a better warrior, so that means he is superior to them, right? Plus he comes from a family of great warriors, it's obvious that talent runs in their blood.

Finicky - Walnutowl is incredibly difficult to please, he needs things to be exactly how he imagines it. If something isn't lining up with how it should be (in his mind), he will complain and even outright refuse to acknowledge it (or them, if it's a cat)

Abrasive - Why should he care how others feel about what he says or does? Perhaps they just need to develop a thicker skin - he's not going to smooth out his rough edges just to make someone else feel better. After all, how they feel doesn't affect him.


Prefix meaning
his fur resembles walnuts
Suffix meaning
his patience, hunting, and observational skills
Previous names
Walnutkit, Walnutpaw

Past Clans
Past ranks
Kit, Apprentice

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
34+ [born Moon 211] [Updated 5/18/24]
Aromantic, pansexual


Appearance > A brown spotted tabby tom with green eyes.
Build > Small, lithe, and slim.
Fur > A fluffy, medium-haired caramel brown spotted tabby with white markings.

Scent > Lemongrass
Voice > Ekko


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 20cm
Weight: 6.5lbs


Scars > None
Accessories > None
Bans > Weak Immune System
Other Items Used > None









  • Agility [9/10]
  • Stealth [8/10]
  • Speed [7/10]
  • Strength [5/10]
  • Endurance [6/10]
  • Climbing [5/10]
  • Swimming [4/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [7/10]
  • Hearing [5/10]
  • Taste [6/10]
  • Touch [5/10]


  • Den Building [6/10]
  • Battle Tactics [6/10]
  • Hunting Tactics [10/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [4/10]


>> Thistleflame > A gray tom with white speckles and green eyes > codesii
>> Algaebreeze > A brown tabby cat with green eyes. > RubyRose364


>> Lightninghound > A dark gray tabby tom with white markings and speckles, and green eyes. > ShiiDreams
>> Grousepaw [Missing] > A dark brown tabby tom with white markings and green eyes. > CGIspector
>> Evening [Missing] > A dilute spotted calico cat with one blue eye and one teal eye. > Caataegus


>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


Strikethrough - deceased.
Italics - mate of cat listed above them.

>> Brookshine > A sandy brown tabby she-cat with green eyes. > Sn0wbranch
>> Rosecry > A dilute tabby calico she-cat with blue eyes. > GlaceonSky
>> Deerhop > A chocolate-cream ticked tortoiseshell cat with white markings and blue eyes. > Sn0wbranch
>> Ravenfrost > A sleek grey tom with green eyes. > ScorcherSoldier

Aunts, Uncles, and Auncles:
Brookshine and Rosecry's Litter: [Algaebreeze's]
>> Pumpkinpaw > A ginger tabby cat with amber eyes. > Hykuraa
>> Chestnutwind > A brown tabby calico she-cat with green eyes. > Living-In-Anime
>> Cougarblaze > A golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. > Spacecat011

Deerhop and Ravenfrost's Litter: [Thistleflame's]
>> Rootcry > A brown she-cat with a bobbed tail and blue eyes. > peeperonipip
>> Poppysnap > A tortoiseshell cat with white spotting and blue eyes. > Melontine
>> Daisyspring > A cream calico she-cat with heterochromatic brown and blue eyes. > codesii
>> Lilypetal > A diluted spotted caliby she-cat with green eyes. > XXCloudie-SkiesXx

First Cousins:
Chestnutwind and Cougarblaze's Litter:
>> Gorsewing > A golden tortoiseshell tom with white patches and amber eyes. > Living-In-Anime
>> Sorrelblaze > A golden tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches and green eyes. > Zodiac-Dream
>> Coyotecall > A hairless cat with patches of black and white hair, and one orange and one blue eye. > CGIspector
>> Nettleclaw > An orange tabby tom with white undercoat, a bobbed tail, and amber eyes. > codesii

Poppysnap and Daisyspring's Litter:
>> Anemonebloom > A brown calico she-cat with heterochromatic green and blue eyes. > 0Crow0
>> Bluetmoth > A black tom with white markings and speckles and green eyes. > StarfruitWings
>> Columbineweb > A tortoiseshell she-cat with white markings and green eyes. > forgetmenot-001
>> Wildflutter > A brown tabby cat with white markings and yellow eyes. > Thrushgh0st

Nieces and Nephews:
Lightninghound's Litter:
>> Breezekit > Brown tabby she-cat with green eyes > codesii
>> Flamekit > Black tabby tom with green eyes and white spotting > Shiisghetti


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
Flings only, he ain't a romance kinda guy
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • boldness
  • small
  • skilled hunter


  • looks like his siblings
  • overly energetic
  • family-oriented


Kithood [0-6 / moons 211-216] >

Walnutkit was born as the youngest of Algaebreeze and Thistleflame's litter, alongside his siblings Lightningkit, Grousekit, and Eveningkit. Walnutkit seemed to be pretty aloof and reserved, preferring to observe his clanmates and family rather than interact. Walnutkit did overhear that an apprentice, Forestpaw, had gone missing in a snowstorm.
His sibling, Eveningkit, came out as genderfluid shortly after the kits were able to move and speak. This revelation helped Walnutkit realize that he also preferred "they" pronouns.

When Walnutkit was 3 moons old, a severe snowstorm struck Cloudclan. Skunkpaw had died in the storm, and Cougarkit went missing. Walnut's dad, Thistleflame, was apart of the search party to find Cougarkit. He was later found dead, having sheltered the kit from the harsh winds. Walnutkit was angry, how dare Cougarkit go running off?! Now his dad was dead! Walnut sequestered himself away from the other kits and stayed with Algaebreeze more, as he missed his father.
In the same moon, Tideflower returned to the clan, as well as Walnutkit's aunt, Daisyspring.

A moon before Walnutkit was due to become an apprentice, Dragonflypaw was chosen to be Cloudclan's next herbalist apprentice. Daisyspring and Poppysnap are also mates again and are expecting kits. Walnutkit had more relatives on the way, apparently.
Algaebreeze, Walnutkit's parent, taught the litter sign language starting from a young age. Walnutkit didn't truly care much for it, but he wanted to please Algaebreeze.

Apprenticeship [6-12 / moons 217-222] >

Walnutkit was made an apprentice, Walnutpaw, and assigned to train under Rosebloom. Shortly afterwards, Rosebloom's mate, Blueberrybeetle, died in a fight against a rogue. This hindered Walnutpaw's training, which annoyed the apprentice. So what that the tom died? He still needed to be trained!
A moon into his apprenticeship, Walnutpaw's brother Grousepaw went missing, along with another apprentice. Algaebreeze and Eveningpaw went searching for him as often as they could, but there was no trace of the tom. Not long after, Poppysnap gave birth to Columbinekit and Bluetkit, and Daisyspring gave birth to Anemonekit. Daisyspring also found Wildkit out on a patrol and the pair adopted him.
During the next gathering, a deer crashed into a group of apprentices, injuring many of them, including Eveningpaw. Walnutpaw was at the gathering as well, but too far away to help his sister. Meanwhile back at camp, Cloudclan was attacked and their herb stores were destroyed. Lynxpool, Mudhorn, Widgeonfreckle, Lightpaw, Meadowbranch, Irispool, and Ashtalon were all killed in the fighting. Fireflypaw, Lightningpaw, Morningpaw, Panthercrow, Cheetahcloud, and Algaebreeze were all injured. The attackers reportedly smelled of Hailclan and Marshclan, which seemed suspicious to the apprentice. Several days go by and Algaebreeze passes away from their injuries.
Walnutowl was angered by Algaebreeze's death, he and his siblings were now essentially alone, according to him. He closed himself off even more so than before, refusing to be around anyone unless required to, to fulfill his duties.

Two moons later and Lupinestorm, the deputy, went missing while out on a patrol.
After nearly a moon of searching for Lupinestorm, Halfstar chose a new deputy, Cheetahcloud. Almost another moon later, a patrol was sent out in search of the former deputy, departing for the Rogue Shroud. The patrol was attacked, after having discovered Lupinestorm's body. Pineconelight was killed in the fight.
Swansong, a senior warrior who had been missing for many moons, returned to Cloudclan, and was expecting kits. Additionally, Elderpond, a Marshclanner, moved to Cloudclan.

Warriorhood [12+ / moon 223+] >

Walnutpaw was made a warrior and assigned the name Walnutowl for his patience, talent in hunting, and observational skills. His siblings were named Lightninghound and Eveningsnap. Unfortunately, Grousepaw was still missing.
A few days after, Squirrelsprout was found dead in the territory, and Raspberryvine was taken by two-legs. Owlheart, a well-respected elder, had passed away in her sleep, too. Cloudclan also experienced their second-ever death by cow, when Saltsting was caught in a cow's path and crushed.

The next moon, Ocelotpaw and Cougarpaw were made warriors, receiving their new names: Ocelotflame and Cougarfire. Unfortunately, Lionpaw did not pass her warrior assessment and soon went missing, last seen wounded near the two-leg place. Walnutowl felt somewhat guilty and unnerved about the she-cat's disappearance. Was it his fault  - all those times he criticized and mocked her for being weak, claiming she was not fit to be a warrior, that Cloudclan didn't need her?
Although, in good news, Poppysnap and Daisyspring, having successfully raised their kits to apprenticeship, chose to retire to the elders' den together. Dragonflypaw completed her training and became Cloudclan's second herbalist, taking the name Dragonflylight.

Cougarfire's disappearance two moons later, along with the deaths of two warriors from an unknown illness, further unsettled the clan. Hazeldove also succumbed to this mysterious disease. In a distressing turn of events, Ashkit, Sweetkit, Katydidkit, and Foxglovekit went missing. but were later found and returned to camp with a kittypet named Arizona, who was allowed to stay temporarily for safety due to a fox in the territory. However, the day took a grim turn when Servalsnap was killed by said fox. Arizona was soon escorted back to their home after the fox threat diminished a few days later. Around the same time, Oakblossom was slain by an Empire cat who seemed to recognize them.

The clan faced more sorrow as Deerhop died peacefully in their sleep, and Crocusclaw was tragically crushed by a deer. As leaf-fall began, Walnutowl's sibling, Eveningsnap, decided to leave Cloudclan, furthering the sense of loss and upheaval within the clan. Walnutowl's aloof nature masked a deep-seated frustration and sadness at Eveningsnap's departure. He struggled to understand why his sibling would leave, feeling a mix of abandonment and bitterness.
The next moon, Halfstar stepped down as leader, and Cheetahcloud ascended to leadership, becoming Cheetahstar. Shortly thereafter, a kittypet named Daisy was allowed to stay in camp for a few days, though many cats were wary of her presence, especially near the nursery. Walnutowl agreed with his clanmates and was assertive in expressing his doubts about Cheetahstar's leadership, along with the decision to allow a kittypet to stay, viewing it as a potential weakness.

Sweetpaw requested and was granted a name change to Muffinpaw. The new apprentices this moon received mentors with close ties to Cheetahstar, including his sister, Panthercrow, who was appointed deputy. Walnutowl echoed the sentiments of many of his clanmates, accusing Cheetahstar of nepotism and criticizing him.
Cheetahstar led a bold attack against the Empire, infiltrating their camp with a strategic strike aimed at weakening their grip on the clans' territories. The battle was fierce and deadly, resulting in the loss of three Cloudclanners and three Empire cats.
In the wake of the attack on the Empire, Panthercrow, Cloudclan's deputy, stepped down and left the clan. Panthercrow revealed a personal conflict: a relationship with a rogue, who now had kits from another fling. Panthercrow's decision to leave was driven by a desire to help raise these kits, a revelation that shook the clan deeply. Walnutowl felt angered by Panthercrow's departure, viewing it as a sign of weakness and disloyalty. His abrasive attitude became even more pronounced as he lashed out at others, was there anyone fit to lead this clan?

Almost as if they knew of Cloudclan's internal turmoil, the Empire launched a devastating counterattack on Cloudclan's camp. The ferocity of the assault forced Cloudclan into a dire retreat, scattering the clan members and driving them from their territory. In the chaos, many Cloudclanners fled to the tunnels, seeking refuge in the dark, labyrinthine network beneath the land. Walnutowl's reliable nature shone through as he remained a steady presence for his clanmates in the tunnels, ensuring that his group survived despite the harsh conditions.

Walnutowl found himself trapped in the tunnels with several clanmates, including Warrenpath, Ashpaw, Coyotecall, Rosebloom, Fireflylight, Sorrelblaze, and Crowwish. The conditions were harsh and unforgiving; the air was damp and musty, causing Walnutowl to develop a persistent cough. Food was scarce, often limited to earthworms and the occasional rodent, leading the cats to become emaciated and weak. The darkness and isolation took a toll on their spirits, but Walnutowl clung to the presence of familiar faces, especially his former mentor, Rosebloom, and his relatives, Warrenpath and Sorrelblaze.

After what felt like an eternity in the tunnels, salvation came unexpectedly, as the ceiling of the tunnel collapsed, with a stout, dark brown cat crashing onto the floor in the center of the group. The tom seemed to smell vaguely of Marshclan, from what Walnutowl could remember. The group also heard calling from above the surface, asking if 'Cedarbark' was okay. It seemed.. It seemed like their time in the tunnels was over, that they were finally rescued, after four moons. Walnutowl resided in Marshclan alongside other Cloudclan refuges, where he spent his time regaining his strength and practicing his training. After a moon, he was assigned his first apprentice - young Hollypaw, Jaychirp's kit.
The four clans banded together to attack the Cervine Empire, residing in Cloudclan's territory, in an attempt to drive out the encroachers and regain Cloudclan's land. In the battle, many cats were injured or killed on both sides, and some even went missing. Though for Cloudclan, Cheetahstar lost his first life, and one of Walnutowl's cousins, Nettleclaw, was killed. After reclaiming their land, Jaychirp was named deputy, and the rogue Claypaw rejoined the clan where he took the name Phoeberain.

It was one moon before the camp was reconstructed and the displaced Cloudclanners could return home. Walnutowl, despite his attitude at times, was relieved to be back home, to be with Fogcackle, Lightninghound, and even Hollypaw. Tragically, his aunt Daisyspring slowly faded away, overcome by grief for her mate, Poppysnap, who was presumed dead in the initial attack.

In the midst of rebuilding and loss, there were also moments of hope and renewal. Lightninghound announced the impending arrival of kits with a surrogate, making Walnutowl an uncle, a role he was uncertain about but determined to embrace. New members joined Cloudclan, including Mousestep, a distant relative, and Bristlefur, A former Marshclanner who quickly integrated into the clan and started a family with Gusthowl.
A small group of cats also arrived in Cloudclan, a rogue named Prophet and their three newborn kits, who were found by a patrol. The patrol claimed that the rogue was exiled from another clan, and was friends with Cirrusflight, Cloudclan's eldest herbalist. As Lightninghound's kits, Flamekit and Breezekit, were born, in honor of their grandparents' legacy, the clan continued to endure challenges. Elmchirp and Quailbelly's tragic deaths protecting their son Rubblepaw from a pack of stray dogs were a stark reminder of the dangers that still loomed. Another pack of dogs attacked the following moon, causing more deaths and injuries. The sudden passing of Cirrusflight from the wasting disease left Dragonflylight as the sole herbalist, underscoring the ongoing struggles Cloudclan faced as they rebuilt and healed from their ordeals.

Name | Relationship

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First Impressions

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First impression

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First Impression

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First Impression

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