Leo / Lee




Lone universe's name: The Sea Snare

-Inspired by Eelektross
-Has an 'eel form' that changes his legs to that of a default mermaid (but with an eel/Eelektross tail)
-Zappy! (Antenna in particular generate the most electricity, as well as their teeth. The teeth are on command, the antenna, not so much) (Thought it would be a cool touch for the electricity to sound vaguely like a charge and an Eelektross cry)
-Siren like tendencies
-Body horror teeth like an eel encouraged (probably has trace 'throat teeth')
-FTM trans
-Alternative names: Leon, Lee, Leonardo
-Can float or levitate (Eelektross'Levitate ability)
-Slippery! Vaguely slimy
-Sucker like mouth if he wants

-Drowns prey
-Strong aa arms
-Flexible! Can wrap around prey like a snake/eel
-Big fan of blood and meat, could be considered 'vampiric'

-When he hunts underwater, the yellow parts of his body glow and pulse and (like Donnie) it's used to lull prey into a false sense of security
-They also visibly spark when he's agitated in any way

-'Bat in flight' shaped cheek patterns
-Mouth marking ends at chin

Leo is based on an Eelektross and therefore a Sea Lamprey by extension (so he's technically not an Eel.) He has siren like tendencies and is mostly spotted in the darker recesses of the ocean or during thunderstorms. There are legends that he's a sea monster or the angry spirit of someone who drowned after being thrown overboard by the rocky seas during a thunderstorm as he's typically heard over the roar of the ocean and the crack of lighting but really he's just up there to charge like a lightning rod. He has a tendency to prey on humans who are lured in and will typically use them as bait for further sustenance (like paralysing his prey so others will wad into the water) or manipulating their bodies to wave for help with electric jolts against pressure points despite them being unable to move by their own violation. Leo can breathe on land but will have to remain moisturised. A slimy mf at the best of times. Limited human speech, only really learnt what he had to for hunting  Everything else I have written for him is more so his qualities- like some of his design features and how his anatomy works (like electricity outlets and storage locations)