


1 year, 9 months ago



Name: Rin

Age: 16

Pronouns: She/her

Recreate type: Outer recreate

Birthday: 4 February

Height: 5'2"


Rin’s eyes burst open, the wind pushing hair over her face. She was falling, falling with the stars. Breathing heavy, she felt herself hit the sharp leaves of the trees below her. Laying there in the silence of the night she watched as the stars continued to fall. Rin felt peace yet the scratches and bruises from the fall caused her to wince slightly as she sat up. Looking around at the blanket of blue draped across the grass she decided to lay back down and continue to watch the stars.

Rin’s eyes fluttered. A young child looked back at her, eyes wide. They grinned and ushered a hand over. Sitting up slowly Rin saw a beautiful, tall woman walking towards her. “Thank you Kay, we’ll take them down to the school and patch them up. Can you walk dear?” The woman offered a hand as Rin steadied herself. The three walked through the grass, the sun glazing over their faces. The other child jumped behind Rin, giggling as they began walking beside her. “My names Kaylpso but you can call me Kay. Oh and that’s Cherry! What’s your name?” Kay gripped Rin’s hand tightly. “My name is Rin.” She muttered, looking at K through her wispy bangs. “It’s so nice to meet you Rin!! We’re gonna be best friends!!” Kay swung their hands as they walked. “Be careful Kay, Rin is probably still getting used to the world so take it easy.” Cherry said softly, her eyes moving to Rin. “We’re here.” Rin looked forward, nothing but continuing trees and grass. Cherry muttered something as she pressed up against what seemed to be an invisible panel. A wall began to lift causing a city to become clear. Rin’s eyes gleamed as they continued their walk.

Sitting quietly, Rin’s legs dangled off the table as another woman dabbed anti bacterial on her scratched up knees. The sting caused her to flinch at the touch of the cloth. "There, all cleaned up." The woman slipped a band aid onto the wound. Kay peeked through the crack in the door, their halo emitting a slight glow into the room. The woman helped Rin off the table, passing her a lollipop as she ushered her out the room. Unwrapping the heart shaped treat she found Cherry and Kay waiting patiently in the hallway. "You're all better right? Right? Can we go out now?!" Kay exclaimed tugging on Rin's sleeve. "I guess so but please be careful.." Cherry sighed rubbing her forehead. "YAY YAY RIN RIN FOLLOW ME!!" Kay bolted down the hall, Rin trailing behind them. "NO LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS!!" Cherry shouted, her voice disappearing as they turned the corner.

The wind flowed through her long hair as her and Kay found themselves in a beautiful grove of trees. "Sit here!" Kay gently pat a small cushion next to them, it was kinda dirty and was pretty wore out by Rin sat anyway. It had started to get dark, the sun had dissapeared over the tress leaving the sky a soft deep blue with a pretty orange hue blending into it. Rin's eyes glisened as she watched the colours bleed into one another. "Its so pretty right?" Kay's voice was soft, Rin looked into their eyes. The two felt like the sunset, blending into each other, feeling connected.

As time goes by Rin and Kay find themselves visting that same spot every night, speaking out of their dorms to watch the sunset. Rin was now 14 and spent a lot of time studying whilst Kay would often skip classes and was more of the rebelious type. "Rinnn~" A sly voice echoed through the hall. Rin turned swiftly looking around at what could be calling her name. Squinting through the flooded halls, she spotted a bright halo. Squeezing through the bundles of people she came face to face with Kay. "Hey there!" Kay held up a blind fold, smirking slightly. "Whats this for?" tilting her head, Rin found Kay's had in hers. "Meet at my room 10:00 tonight, ok? I've got a surprise." And like that Kay was gone. Rin shruged it off and made her way to her next class.

The hallway to Kay's room was dimly lit by the moon shining through the window. Knock Knock. Rin lightly tapped on their door. Kay opened it immedietly, the same blind fold in hand. "Oook Rin hold my hand" Rin found the blind fold wrapped tightly over her eyes. "I'm so confused Kay." Rin muttered as she gripped Kay's soft hand. "Don't stress, just trust me." Kay began to walk, Rin stumbled after them. 

The walk to where ever they were going was cold, the wind threw Rin's hair backward. "We're heree!!" Kay quickly took the blind fold off, Rin's eyes took a moment to adjust but when they did she found herself looking at a beautiful meteor shower. The stars fell through the deep blue sky in the same place she found herself falling so many years before. "Happy birthday Rin." Kay squeezed her hand, grinning slightly. The two watched the stars glow across the sky. 

As they began their walk back, a small light glistened through the trees. Rin squinted trying to see what it could be when all of a sudden Kay gripped her hand tighter telling her they needed to go. The two ran through the dark trees sounds of shounting followed behind them. Rin felt a rock under her foot causing her to fall down into the muddy path. "RIN!" Kay turned to find themself looking at three armed humans, one gun pointed right at Rin's head. Rin was shaking, tears flooded her dirty face.