


1 year, 8 hours ago



Name: Peri

Age: 17

Pronouns: She/her

Recreate Type: Mythed Recreate

Birthday: 16 February 

Height: 5'10"


Other info:

Peri is far sighted (uses reading glasses often)

She has a twin brother 

She’s good friends with Akira

Extremely intelligent 


Peri’s eyes fluttered open. Tall oak trees surrounded her, she could hear the rustle of their leaves in the wind. She sat up slowly looking more into her surroundings. As she glanced to her right she locked eyes with a small boy who looked just like her. As she looked him up and down she felt a fist hit her nose. The boy had swiftly moved to a standing position, definitely on edge and weary of Peri. She grabbed her nose with one hand and pushed him down the mossy stairs with the other. The sibling quarrelling had already begun. She stood at the top of the stairs looking down the small flight with him at the bottom. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” She hissed, still holding her nose. The boy still wincing on the ground grumbled slowing raising himself. Peri took a deep breath and skipped down the stairs to meet her face with his. Grabbing his fist tightly she uttered to him slowly, “I’m not an enemy.” He muttered under his breath. “I still can’t hear you!” She exclaimed pulling him and herself to their feet. “Sorry-“ he scoffed, still weary of her. “I’m Peri.” she dusted herself off. “My names Hero but do you know where we are?” He said his eyes following the birds in the trees. “Mmm no I don’t but I’m sure that gate at the top of these stairs might give us an idea.' The two travelled up the small staircase to come face to face with a large gate, a house visable through the bars. 

Peering through the viney gate, Peri spotted a women tending to a garden just outside the home. “Can you see her?” Peri whispers, weary of being heard. “Huh?! I can’t see anyone!!” Hero shoves Peri to the side making a commotion. His voice carried through the wind causing the women to look up. Peri gripped his arm and pulled him down. “Shut UP!!” Peri covers his mouth as he squirms. Turning slowly she looks to see if the woman had gone back to her garden only to find the yard completely empty. Hero gasped for air as Peri had finally taken her hands off him. "Oh my gosh you scared her away stupid!!" Peri exclaims pushing him over. "Scared who away?.." A womans appeared behind them causing the two to jump. Peri grabbed Hero's arm, preparing to make a run for it until the lady knelt down and offered a hand. "I'm not an enemy." The woman smiled, Peri felt a shiver down her spine. Something didn't feel right.