Keirth R. Browben (Ina Von Alorra)



1 year, 9 months ago





AFFINITY (General)

Matter / Intake

AFFINITY (Specific)

Passive Absorption


Effectively Infinite




Moving Company Transporter

Ina Von Alorra


"The Great Mana Sink. A phenomena never seen before in the history of this world."

A mage specializing in compaction and intake, with a halo in the shape of a black hole. She tends to be optimistic, if a little solemn and not very excitable or easily stressed. She's relatively free, not constrained by much other than her family.


  • Her halo is of a black hole, and technically glows with shadow. Aka instead of casting highlights on things it casts shadows.
  • Tends to dress in loose clothing that is monochrome. The tatters and tears are just there for aesthetic.

STORY (click sections to expand)


Ina Von Alorra was born a commoner, and being the most powerful mage in her family, learned to use magic at a young age. Her magic output was still weak compared to the world, though, only barely large enough to suastain a flame.

Her specialization is in storage and compaction. She can send out a very dense point of mana, surrounded by a "bubble" made of thin mana film. With some effort, everything within the bubble gets compressed into the dense point, resulting in a small black capsule. She can then send out the capsule, and release everything that was inside, in the exact state it was in when it was compacted. She and people around her have always been confused by her affinity, as it does not seem to match her halo's appearance (a black hole, though no one in this universe has discovered them yet). Due to her affinity, she ended up working for a moving/transport company, using her magic to move entire houses and large amounts of cargo efficiently and without much effort.


Two decades after she was born, the Magical Council of Academics noticed an odd trend. The amount of mana in the world was decreasing at an alarming rate, and was not following the natural pattern of ebb and flow. In just a decade, the total mana in the world had been approximately halved. Suspecting a malicious power, they sent out many of their best mages to investigate and find the cause. Otara Nesarr was one of the people sent out. Eventually, Otara traced the disappearing mana to Ina.

What she discovered was that Ina's mana limit was effectively infinite - several times larger than the total mana in the world - and that Ina had been subconsciously absorbing and storing preposterous amounts of mana every time she used her compaction ability. Being a black hole, Ina's halo had represented her constant absorption of mana and vast mana limit, though no one had known.

Knowing that the council would likely vote to kill or keep Ina to do research on her, Otara brings Ina on a hunt for a mage that knows how to release the mana trapped inside her. They visit many different research institutes, several powerful (and known-to-be-safe) council members, and eventually get wrapped up in a war and quite a few conspiracies (actual war and conspiracies details TBD).


In the middle of it all, they find out that Otara, being the other half of Ina's dichotomy, can draw on Ina's power to augment Otara's naturally low mana limit. Through the story, they slowly fall in love, eventually asking Nero Pultar (a priest of the 6-Parted Quilt) to officially and legally marry the two despite resistance from Otara's family.


As described in the story section, Otara was sent out by the council to investigate Ina. They start off as simply aquaintances, but the two, after a lot of things, eventually fall in love. Otara is the other half of Ina's dichotomy, so the two are effectively opposites.

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