


1 year, 5 months ago


Enhanced strength


Serious • Protective • Quiet • Aggresive

Bloodtail lived a terrible and truamatic life, which has made her the strong leader she is today. Bloodtail is the queen of the red tribe of sakura. She is almost feared and respected by everyone. When she speaks, everyone quiets down to listen to her. She is the mother figure of Alex and Ash. She raised them and taught them everything they know.

When Frost died, Bloodtail look the blame on herself but knew she needed to be strong for her two sons. She has tried her best to be supportive and has tried her best to comfort them. When Alex and Ash left sakura after Alex was framed for murder. Bloodtail promised Ash she would stay, but just couldn't. She was willing to team up with Ava to find her two sons, afraid her family will fall further apart..


  • Training
  • Soothing her tail
  • Being alone
  • Rain
  • Salmon


  • Ava
  • Disrespect
  • Ash or Alex in danger
  • Thinking about her past
  • Rose
"Do whatever you want, I'll still be standing waiting for your defeat."


Bloodtail was born into a group of rouge criminal rapterians with her sister Emma. The group was called the red tribe due to the camp being surrounded by the red pine and oak trees that surrounded the territory. Her father was the leader of the group. His only goal was for the group to have power over sakura. They stayed under the radar which is why the other rulers never paid attention to these criminals planning to take over, Plus. They didn’t think it was possible to defeat a ruler, they could slowly crush anyone who tried killing them or have their heavily trained guards to protect them. Which was perfect for Bloodtail’s father. His plan was to take over small villages, Force other rapterians to join their group. Then over power each ruler in each kingdom in sakura. When Bloodtail and Emma were born. Emma looked like a normal rapterian, Black fur and unique white spots everywhere. But everyone was shocked about Bloodtail. She had unusual red and brown fur, and a very long bushy blood red tail and was born with enhanced strength, which was unheard of or very rare in sakura. From the moment her father laid eyes on her, He knew he found his key to taking over all of sakura. She was given the name Bloodtail, to always remind everyone that she’s born a killer and to fear his daughter. Her mother however, knew his plan and refused to let him use her daughter as a weapon just for his own ambitions. When everyone looked at Bloodtail, they kept their distance and stayed away. When Bloodtail tried talking to anyone, they would pretend she wasn’t there and walked away. This made Bloodtail feel worthless, She didn’t want to be a killer. But everyone sees her like that. Did she have no choice? Bloodtail was left with her only friend, her sister Emma. When their dad and mother were busy, They would sneak out of the camp and play near a beautiful stream. It was the only time Bloodtail felt happy and safe, With her best friend and sister. When Bloodtail’s father noticed Emma and Bloodtail growing closer, He would take Bloodtail out to train and completely ignore Emma so they couldn't be together. Her father would teach her how to hunt her prey, But instead of just catching the prey and eating it. He would make her brutally kill her prey and keep it alive only for it to die slowly. Everytime training started, Bloodtail felt sick to her stomach and didn’t want to hurt anyone. But when she refused, Her father would threaten to kill Emma if she didn’t. Emma was Bloodtail's sister, her best friend. The only one who didn’t make her feel like she was just born to be a killer. She would do anything to protect her. As painful and sickening as it was. Her father would train her to kill more and more. Bloodtail’s mother got more upset as her training went on, until she finally just snapped. She yelled at her father that she was leaving the camp and taking Bloodtail and Emma with her. Her father tried protesting and said Bloodtail will never escape her fate, But her mother didn’t listen and took her two kids away from the camp. Emma and Bloodtail could finally be together again without their cruel father trying to control their fate. For months, Bloodtail, Emma and their mother stayed hidden, Peacefully living in a small cave near the mountains. But this happiness didn’t last. Bloodtail and Emma were both sleeping one night, But heard noise from the other side of the cave. Bloodtail wanted to go check but Emma was scared and tried telling her not to go. But What if her mother was hurt? She had to go help. So against her sister's wishes, she went to check the noise. What Bloodtail found changed everything. Her mother was there, Lying on the hard stone ground, her once beautiful fur now soaked in fresh blood. Before Bloodtail could run for her mother. A red tribe cat grabbed her by the scruff. Bloodtail tried fighting back but stopped when the red tribe cat said if she didn't stop, her sister would meet the same fate as her mother. As much shock and pain Bloodtail was still in, She stopped fighting. When Emma came to see what was wrong. She was taken by another red tribe cat, And they were both taken to the red tribe. When their mother left, Her father sent out a patrol to hunt her down and take back his two kits. As soon as Bloodtail saw her father she screamed and cried, Asking why he did it. Her father just said she was a traitor, and it had to be done. Bloodtail couldn't believe his words. Her mother was the only few who actually cared and loved her, Before she could say anything else. Her father threatened her that she will finish her training and become a soldier for the tribe, or he will take away everything she ever loved. Bloodtail wanted to fight back, Do something and make everyone pay for what they did. But she didn’t, she couldn’t. She just sat down, and accepted her fate. Emma tried talking sense into Bloodtail but she didn’t listen. She lost almost everything, if being her father’s weapon meant Emma was safe, So be it. Years past of training, How to use any death kill and strike. How to make everyone fear you, While Emma was ignored and just stayed put, Being forced to watch her sister become the very thing she tried so hard to avoid. As time went on, Bloodtail started not feeling the pain of killing anymore, At first it sickened her. Made her stomach crawl, But now.. She felt nothing, Nothing at all. Every kill she made, her tail was stained with guilt and blood. She would kill traitors, anyone who tried to escape, Any one who tried fighting back or stopping her father, She would eliminate. Even the kingdom's rulers were afraid of her, Sending their best troops to stop her, But they never came back alive. Bloodtail couldn’t control it anymore, Not even her sister made her feel the love and happiness she once felt. Bloodtail even met the mythical spirit Aurora. Aurora was impressed by her skills, and trained Bloodtail when her father wasn’t. She would sneak out in the middle of the forest so she could meet Aurora. Her father taught her how to fight. But Aurora taught her how to kill and use moves that no one else used. One day during a bad thunderstorm, Bloodtail and Emma were ordered to do a mission together with a fighting patrol to Imprison this village that kept fighting back. Emma surprisingly accepted the mission, This could be her only chance to talk sense into Bloodtail, Ever since their mother died. She wasn’t even allowed to talk to Bloodtail. They only did small talk when Bloodtail would walk by. Emma tried talking sense into Bloodtail, But Bloodtail just ignored her. She had no time to listen to her. When Bloodtail got to the village, The village was planning for her arrival and fought back. The patrol, including Bloodtail all fought the village. But Emma just watched her sister fight the rapterians who just wanted to defend their families get eliminated from Bloodtail’s claw. Emma still tried talking sense into her, But Bloodtail still ignored her. Emma couldn’t take it anymore and tackled Bloodtail and told her to stop, Bloodtail was about to claw at her but saw the pure horror and the sorrow in Emma’s eyes. She was hurt, She was terrified of what her sister had become. The two sisters that once loved and were always there for eachother, were now far apart. Because Bloodtail couldn’t stop the killing. She did it all just so she can protect her sister and not lose her like she did with her mother, But she still lost Emma. When Bloodtail saw how much it was hurting Emma, she stopped fighting back. Bloodtail tried talking to Emma but she wouldn't let her speak. She snaps at Bloodtail, how could she become such a monster. She ruined everything her mother gave her life for. Bloodtail tries defending her actions, But she can't. She knew it was wrong, She knew everyone saw her as a killer, The one thing she never wanted to be. Before Bloodtail could talk to Emma, Emma was already heartbroken and terrified that she ran off. Bloodtail yelled for her to wait up and went after her. Emma and Bloodtail ended up running to a cave, Emma stopped. Bloodtail tried telling her to please come back, But Emma didn’t. She couldn’t live in this misery everyday of her life. As Bloodtail begs and Emma refuses, The storm strikes lightning at the cave near Emma. Bloodtail realizes and tries to warn her, but it is too late. Emma was already caught in the rocks slide, Being trapped in the cave. Bloodtail cries for her sister, clawing the rocks, Telling her sister she’s sorry and she just wants to see her again. But she hears no response. Nothing at all, just dead silence and the sound of the rain falling hard. Days went by and Bloodtail tried looking for her sister, But she couldn’t even find a body. She found nothing. Everything she worked hard for amounted to nothing. She killed for her father so she can keep her sister safe, But she ended up losing Emma and it’s all her fault. Bloodtail didn’t see the point anymore, she didn’t want to kill anymore but does it matter if she doesn’t? She already took the lives of so many. Why would it matter if she stopped, She would always be a killer in everyone’s eyes. Bloodtail ended up running away from Sakura, her home, her life. She didn’t care if she starved, died or got eaten by a predator. She lost everything she loved, and it’s all her fault. When Bloodtail found her way out of sakura, She was hungry, weak and shattered into a million pieces. She eventually found a small den to hide in incase the red tribe hunted her down and tried taking her back. Bloodtail stayed there for weeks, not hunting for food or barely even moving. That was when Bloodtail met Xalen. A rogue rapterian that was hunting around the area Bloodtail was in. He found her while she was on the verge of death. Xalen had sympathy for the poor rapterian and gave her a few prey he hunted. As much as Bloodtail didn’t want to. She ate the food he gave her but Xalen didn’t leave her. He ended up taking care and warming the cold rapterian back to health. He would hunt for her since she was too weak to do it herself and curl his tail next to her so she wouldn’t get a frostbite. Bloodtail didn’t understand why he was helping her. She even tried explaining how she’s a monster and a killer. But Xalen ignored her and still tried helping her. Bloodtail and Xalen started getting closer whenever Bloodtail woke up and Xalen was next to her warming her from the cold. They became friends real quick as Xalen started telling Bloodtail about his life and he wanted to explore outside of sakura. When Bloodtail explained her traumatic past, Xalen surprisingly listened and let her vent and cry everything out. When Bloodtail was back to her full health, She thanked Xalen for everything. Xalen knew Bloodtail didn’t want to go home, Especially after everything that happened. So he offered Bloodtail to travel with him. Bloodtail actually felt loved and cared for again. Xalen didn’t see her as a monster, He saw her as a broken rapterian who needed help. Bloodtail hesitated but eventually accepted his offer. As time passes, Bloodtail and Xalen become closer. Always being there for one another and traveling together. Xalen and Bloodtail became so close that they ended up loving each other. All they needed was each other and they didn’t need anything else. Bloodtail felt like she had a family again, but that also scared her. Her sister and mother were both taken away in front of her, could that happen to Xalen? Bloodtail refused though, she wasn’t going to let it happen again. Xalen was the only one who made her feel like she was worth something. Only one person did that, and that was Emma. She wasn’t going to let him meet the same fate Emma did. As years passed, Bloodtail and Xalen eventually had two kits, Holly and Meadow. Because they were both born in winter, It wasn’t easy to hunt and keep their kits warm at the same time. Bloodtail and Xalen tried their best to keep their kids healthy but it wasn’t enough. One day Bloodtail volunteered to hunt while Xalen watched Meadow and Holly. Xalen accepted and stayed behind watching the kits while Bloodtail went to hunt. Bloodtail tried her best but couldn’t find anything. No Prey, Just nature and snow falling breaking the silence. But Bloodtail didn’t give up and still kept on trying, When Bloodtail finally found a rabbit. Before she could kill it a gunshot both startled her and the rabbit. Bloodtail focused on the gunshot and where it came from. Her focus was now on her family and she had to get back to them. She ran as fast as she could go and when she finally got back she was greeted by her worst fear. Xalen, Holly and Meadow were hiding in their den while two rapterians hunted for them. It was C.H.A.I.N.S rapterians. an evil organization that kidnapped and experimented on helpless innocent rapterians, turning them into monsters and weapons for war. Bloodtail heard stories about them and that every rapterian was wary and afraid of them, But Bloodtail didn’t show fear. She kept her ground and fought back the rapterians while Xalen ran away with the kits. Bloodtail tried her best to protect them, But more rapterians came attacking and scraped their metal claws at her from each side. But she didn’t give up and still kept fighting. But they kept coming at her, trying to knock her out or restrain her. But Bloodtail still didn’t give up. She wasn’t going to let the same misery happen to her, Not again. As hurt and tired as she was, She noticed two rapterians going after Xalen. Bloodtail suddenly had the adrenaline to push the rapterians clawing her off and go after her. Xalen noticed the rapterians going after him. He saw the pure rage in their eyes, how fast they were going after him. Xalen knew he couldn’t win this. He knew he wasn’t going to make it, Xalen stopped running and quickly hid Holly and Meadow in a small burrow nearby. His kits cried for him but he didn’t answer. He fought both of the rapterians to protect them, But it cost his life. When Bloodtail finally catched up, she was too late. Xalen was bleeding out fast, And the two rapterians were already too injured to finish him off and ran off. Bloodtail suddenly had flashbacks of her past, She couldn’t let this happen again. But it is, Right in front of her and there's nothing she can do about it. Bloodtail curled up next to Xalen and begged him to not leave her. But Xalen just smiled and told her it was going to be okay. Xalen asked Bloodtail if she would make sure Holly and Meadow were safe. And as heartbroken as she was, She promised. Now that Xalen knew everything was going to be okay, He breathed his last breath and died in Bloodtail’s paws. Bloodtail buried Xalen near her old home to always remember the time she had with him. Bloodtail kept her promise and decided to go back to Sakura so the C.H.A.I.N.S. rapterians couldn’t hunt her kits down too. Bloodtail tried traveling through the hard snow, But things got worse when a blizzard came in. Bloodtail knew two kits weren’t surviving this. She couldn’t be stubborn, She had to make sure they were okay. She had to keep her promise, even if that meant losing them. Bloodtail eventually found a small cabin owned by a sweet human couple. As much as it was going to hurt and break her, She knew it was time to let them go. Bloodtail left her two kits at the cabin's door and quickly left before anyone could see her. When she saw the two humans pick up the two crying kits and take them inside. She knew they were going to be fine. She did the brave and right thing, as much as it hurted her and was going to destroy her inside everyday. She had to keep her promise. Bloodtail ended up traveling back to Sakura and so much had changed when she left. Rapterian groups from refuge villages ended up getting so big and strong that they overpowered the red tribe. The red tribe was forced to hide before they were arrested or found by the rulers. Bloodtail's father however, Died battling a rapterian group defending queen Crystal shards. Bloodtail's father was gone, Which meant she was finally free from his manipulation and mind state of trying to please him. This actually made her a bit happy, But she still felt wrong about the red tribe. Most of them were terrible yes, But they still had families they loved and had to kill for and were manipulated by her fathers words. Bloodtail was tired, hurt, broken into pieces, But she couldn’t let others suffer because of her and her family's mistakes. Bloodtail went back to her tribe. When she walked in the entrance of their hidden camp. Rapterians were shocked and whispered how Bloodtail is alive? Where did she go? Why is she back after so many years? Bloodtail claimed the role as leader of the tribe, and because everyone was so afraid to stand up to her. They accepted her as the new leader. Everyone assumed she would be just like her father, But Bloodtail proved she was nothing like everyone said. She was respectful, Strong, stubborn, never backed down from a fight or was afraid to speak up. She turned the once broken and terrible red tribe into a place full of rapterians with families that didn’t live in villages. Everyone respected her more than feared her because they knew she was strong and deserved their respect. She always defended a rapterian in her tribe and even from different kingdoms. She never let anyone see the hurt and pain that she hid inside. She even made great friends with Queen Media and together they made Sakura a better place. She never wasn't going to let anyone see that side of her. Until one day. Bloodtail found a lost kitten in the forest. He was alone, scared, confused. Bloodtail took the lost kit to the tribe and sheltered him, Just like Xalen did for her. The kit was named Alex and he was a victim that escaped C.H.A.I.N.S. When Alex told her, Bloodtail suddenly felt hatred in her heart. C.H.A.I.N.S. took her love from her. She couldn’t let Alex suffer from them, She ended up raising the kit like he was her own. She trained him, taught him how to use his enhanced strength, Hunt, Fight, Everything Alex knows today. Bloodtail felt like raising Alex was her second chance after losing Holly and Meadow. She made a vow that she would always protect her family, No one was going to take that away again. Bloodtail eventually found a white rapterian and her little brother lost in the forest, And just like Alex she took them into her tribe and raised them. These two were Frost and Ash. When Ash revealed his uncontrollable powers to Bloodtail, She tried her best to help him control it. Everyday they would go out to train in the forest, And although it didn’t stop the fear, it helped Ash alot. And Ash will always thank Bloodtail for that. Alex and Frost eventually got together and Bloodtail supported them all the way. It made her smile to see her loved ones live the life that was taken from her. But after Frost dies, Ash and Alex are both broken into pieces, When Bloodtail saw them mourn all she could see was herself. Crying for her mother, Emma and Xalen. Bloodtail was there for them when they were heart broken. She would sleep next to them when they had nightmares, Defend them when they were arguing. She was always there for Ash and Alex. And they were there for her. Bloodtail had an actual family, And they weren’t going to be taken away again. When Alex is framed for murder, He leaves Sakura to protect his family. He never left a trace where he went but it didn’t stop Ash from going after him. When Ash waits for a train to arrive. Bloodtail catches up to him in time, She tries begging him to stay. But Ash tells her he can’t sit around and do nothing, He has to help Alex. Bloodtail knows he’s right, But he can’t afford to lose him again. She will have no idea where he will go or when he will come back. She will be lonely again and she can’t protect him. But If she doesn’t trust her family, she could still lose them. Bloodtail had to do the hardest thing and that was to let Ash and Alex go. Bloodtail hugs Ash and tells him she will always love him. Ash hugs her back and catches the sakura train to find Alex. Months later, Bloodtail meets an old friend, Ava. Even though they never really got along, Bloodtail and Ava decide to leave Sakura to go find Ash and Alex. Bloodtail loves her family with all her heart, she will do anything to keep them safe. Now, She is traveling with Ava, trying to find her two sons.


• Design notes

• Has a red bushy tail

• Slit pupils.

• Has X paw marks

• Slim and built.


• Trivia facts

• Bloodtail was originally the main villain of the story and was a bloodthirsty killer. She however got a glow up and is nothing like how she was back then

• Alex is actually the second strongest rapterian, Bloodtail takes the first.

• Bloodtail hates her name and her tail, but still keeps her name due to some stubborness and pride.




Bloodtail was the one that found Alex and raised him to be the strong rapterian he is today. He has his deepest respects for her and has not once questioned her commands He would do anything to protect her even though he knows Bloodtail can take care of herself. When he lived in sakura, he would always follow Bloodtail around like a personal body guard. He sees her as a mother figure and a respected leader. He's unaware Bloodtail went after him after he left sakura.



Ash was found by Bloodtail when he got seperated from his sister, Frost. She took him in and allowed him to stay in her tribe. Just like Alex, Bloodtail would raise Ash like she was his mother. Bloodtail's personality always changed around Ash. While she was strict and serious with others, She was kind, quiet, and understanding always with Ash. When she saw how shy and gentle Ash was. She became very protective of him and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who tries to harm him. When Ash left to find Alex, Bloodtail didn't hesitate to team up with Ava to find him.



The only reason she let Ava stay in her camp was because Ash asked her. She never really payed attention to Ava until she grew a crush on Ash. She became protective and grew a dislike for her, but she let Ash hang out with her so he can be happy. Alex and Ava would argue a lot, but Bloodtail never did anything to stop them. She would never defend Ava or call out Alex for his behavior. However, she's willing to team up with her to find Alex and Ash. Despite her dislike for her, she promised Ash she would protect her.



Frost was like a apprentice to Bloodtail. She found her lost in the woods and helped reunite her with her brother, Ash. She silently blames herself for Frost's death and doesn't talk about her.

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