


1 year, 5 months ago


Korami fox
Supporting character
Fire resistance and can turn into a mythical fire creature


Coy • Sassy • Brave • Determined

Ava grew up in a abusive circus along with Sylvester, Regina, Michio and her brother Kai. Seeing how abusive the circus really was, Ava convinced her friends to come up with a plan to escape. However, a fire started in the circus. Kai, Regina, and Ava were all caught in the fire and couldn't escape while Michio and Sylvester thought the three were dead. Ava was recaptured and was now depressed, thinking all her friends were now dead because of her.

When Ava finally escaped captivity, her paw was caught in a bear trap. This is how she met Ash. Using his abilities, Ash frees Ava from the trap and offers for her to stay with him. Ava accepts and stays with Ash. When her paw heals, she finds a home of her own and even is reunited with her brother, Kai. Ash and Ava became very close and would spend all day together. She eventually grew a crush on Ash but never confronted her feelings about it. When Ash and Alex go missing. Ava teams up with bloodtail to find them, as much as she dislikes her.


  • Ash
  • Playing in the snow
  • Outdoors
  • Chasing birds
  • Fighting


  • Alex
  • Bloodtail
  • The circus
  • Her collar
  • Being called reckless
"You scared to fight? I'll take you down any day of the week!"


Ava and Kai were found one day in a tree hollow as if they were meant to be hidden. The humans who found them took them to a circus that held weird and mutated animals. Ava grew up in the circus with her little brother, Kai. The circus wasn’t the best home, but it was the only home the siblings had. Ava and Kai were known for their circus acts and their strange looks. No one knew where they came from and what they were, Especially Ava. No human knew this, but Ava and Kai were both koramis. They are mythical powerful beings that take the form of an animal, The only difference between them is their tails. They can take many forms. Ava and Kai just happen to have a spike and fire tail. Ava and Kai weren’t alone in this circus. They had Michio, Sylvester, and Ava’s best friend, Regina. Regina had red eyes and a smoky tail. Because of Regina’s appearance, She was treated horribly in the circus. All she had was her circus friends, and her best friend Ava. Ava and Regina met when Ava was exploring around the circus. Ava heard crying and was curious who it was. Ava looked around and eventually found Regina. Regina was crying and had scars all over her. Apparently some kids that were visiting the circus thought it would be fun to bully Regina and poke sharp sticks and metal at her. Ava comforted Regina and tended to her wounds. This was the first time Regina ever experienced kindness. Ever since then, Ava and Regina were inseparable. Because Regina was quiet and shy and hated performing. Ava was always there to encourage and to help her be more motivated to perform. Although there was nothing Ava could do about the abuse. She stayed by Regina’s side and comforted her in any way she could. Ava loved all her friends and brother, But she loved Regina with all her heart and was willing to do anything to protect her. For years, Ava, her brother and friends performed in the circus. But as each year went by, The abuse got worse and worse. Sylvester and Regina were the most abused out of Ava’s friends. Ava had to watch it all. It broke Ava everytime, If Ava tried to help, she would get abused worse than whoever she tried helping. Kai saw Ava’s rebellious acts and tried convincing her to let it go, But this time it was the last straw when the humans hurt Regina. Ava was asleep when she heard a distress voice, Regina’s voice. Ava’s heart sank. Hearing any of her friends' cries stabbed Ava like a thousand knives. But this time it felt like getting hit by a semi truck. She couldn’t let any one hurt her best friend. She didn’t care if everyone saw her as a curse because of her red eyes, no one is hurting her friend. When Ava came to the noise. She caught Regina hiding behind some supply boxes while two male humans started poking things at Regina. When Ava got a good look, she noticed them to be nothing but small metal spears. Ava didn’t think. She didn’t have time to. Usually Kai would tell her this was a horrible idea and she should have a plan. But Ava shoves her doubts away and jumps in front of Regina. She hovered over the scared korami, protecting her. Ava snarls at the two circus employees. They try moving Ava off. But Ava was not moving until her best friend was safe. Eventually the humans started getting scared of Ava when her fire tail started growing stronger the more Ava got mad. They give up and walk off, Leaving the two koramis alone. Regina is thankful for Ava’s support but is still crying. Ava tries comforting Regina so she can stop crying, but she doesn’t. Regina vents to Ava on how tired she is of being abused and treated like nothing. Ava is heartbroken to hear her friend's pain but listens to Regina finally express her feelings. Regina just wants to leave the circus and have a better life with her friends where they don’t have to be abused and tortured everyday. Eventually Ava leads Regina back to bed and waits near her friend till she gets good sleep. But Ava can’t sleep when she tries to. Ava thinks about what Regina said. A better life where they don’t have to be abused. It was all Ava dreamed of. But whenever she brought it up, Kai told her it was a bad idea. Ava stopped thinking of freedom and thought maybe there's no life out of the circus. But what if they are wrong? What if Ava can help all her friends escape? Ava thinks about Regina. She can’t stand the abuse Regina goes through everyday. That's when Ava makes a plan to escape and free her friends. After performing, Ava gathers up all her friends and tells them her escape plan. Ava will distract the guards while everyone waits for her near the fence. Once all the guards are distracted and too busy, They slip through them and escape. Ava expected her friends to tell her what a horrible plan this was. But instead, Everyone agreed. Regina, Michio and Sylvester all encouraged her. Except for her brother, Kai. Kai snaps at Ava telling Ava this is a horrible idea and she will get everyone killed. This causes a big argument between the two siblings. Ava loved her little brother with all her heart, but she can’t live like this anymore. She doesn’t know how far she will go and can take so much abuse and stress. Kai doesn’t want his friends to get hurt and begs for everyone to stay. But Ava and the other three agree that they need to leave. Ava tries convincing Kai and begs for him to come with her. But Kai can’t. Kai refuses that he will join them and walks off. Ava is devastated by this. Ava and Kai did everything together. Ava didn’t know if she could go on without her brother. She didn’t want to be separated from him and to have freedom if it meant not being with him. But before Ava can cry, Regina, Sylvester and Michio all comfort Ava that they have her back and are doing this together. Ava smiles and knows she can’t let Kai ruin her friend's chance at freedom. Little did Ava know that this escape attempt would change everything. Everyone did as Ava told them to and waited near the gates for Ava. Ava ended up distracting the employees by tipping stuff over, Causing fake pawprints trying to make the employees think an animal broke in ruining everything or escaping. Ava does succeed in distracting all the employees. But before she can make it to her friend, Ava suddenly stops. Ava stares in shock of what she is seeing. It was a butterfly, But it was on fire. The butterfly circled around Ava as Ava watched in confusion and a bit amazed by what she was seeing. But Ava snapped back to reality when the butterfly started moving closer to her. Ava panicked and backed away from it but the butterfly kept flying towards her. Ava didn’t know what it was doing but she didn’t want to get burned by whatever this thing was. Plus, she had to get back to her friends. Ava runs off hoping to lose it but the butterfly keeps following her. Ava tried to move faster but the butterfly seemed to always be a foot away from her. Ava finally had a rough time and stopped running. She snapped at the butterfly, hoping to scare it. But the butterfly just stopped and stared at Ava. But before Ava could walk away again. It suddenly lands on her nose. Ava freezes and just stares at this fire creature. She expected to get burned by the flames coming from its wings, But nothing happened. Ava thought maybe the butterfly was harmless. But suddenly, Every part of Ava’s body goes up in flames. Ava’s eyes widened in shock and she panics. Her body was burning but she somehow wasn’t feeling any pain. She could feel the flames forming all around every part of her body, but it didn’t hurt her. Ava stands there in shock and mostly confusion. But she quickly snaps out of it when flames catch part of the circus tent on fire. Ava’s eyes widen and she now realizes the consequences. If this tent catches on fire, her friends and everyone are going down in flames. Ava tries everything to put the fire out. But it seemed like anytime she moved the more caught up in flames. The flames get larger the more Ava panics. She tries calming herself down but she can’t. Her friends were in this circus. If they don’t escape, She’s the cause of all their deaths. Ava’s panicking distress turns into sorrowful tears. She wanted to stop, She didn’t want to hurt anybody but it didn’t matter now. Suddenly, Ava can’t feel the flames anymore. Ava opens her eyes slowly and looks down to see that there's no more flames. Ava’s tears seem to put out the flames that consumed her whole body. She didn’t know how it worked but at that point she didn’t care. But just as she’s finally relieved and relaxed again. Ava looks behind her to see the flames are eating at the circus like a huge beast killing its prey. Ava’s heart sinks and her eyes widen in fear. Her fault or not, She had to save her friends and her brother that were still trapped. Ava runs through the flames, Calling for each of her friends' names. But all she is answered with is flames tearing away at wood and sounds of wood and objects falling and crashing onto the ground. But Ava doesn’t give up and keeps on crying out each name. But she is still met with just flames and burning wood. Ava starts tearing up thinking that the flames got to her friends before she could. She thinks about Regina, Sylvester, Michio and her brother Kai. All gone because of her. This is all her fault. Broken pieces of burnt wood fall near Ava and more flames eat up at the wood, completely surrounding her. But Ava doesn’t care. She lies there, Crying and grieving for her friends. They were the only family she had and it was her who killed them. She did this to herself. Why did she deserve to be the only one that escaped and survived the fire? After what felt like hours, Ava falls to the ground and blacks out from smoke inhalation. The fire department soon rushed over to the circus and put out all the fire. They couldn’t find any bodies or any dead animals. All they found was unconscious Ava. Ava was the only rare animal to be found. Everyone else was assumed to be dead and the flames ate up whatever was left of them. Ava could hear the humans talking about this while she was unconscious. Hearing that set Ava in a worse mental state. Ava was kept in a small cage as she was still a rare species and worth a lot of money. A new ringmaster noticed her on the news and Ava was sold to a new circus. The abuse was still the same and Ava was still torture and barely got any sleep. But this time, Ava wasn’t so rebellious anymore. She listened to every command an employee gave her and didn’t fight back anymore. She was in so much grief and fell into a state of depression. Even the thought of escaping gave her traumatic flashbacks. She never wanted to turn back into that flaming monster again and kill anymore people. Ava would think about her friends a lot, Mostly Regina and Kai. She missed them so much, But she knew their demise was her fault and she could never get them back. Ava hated the abuse. But she was too terrified to fight back. Despite Ava obeying to the rules, Ava was given a shock collar in case she ever tried to escape or got violent. Even when Ava was obedient. The shock collar would electrify her. Sometimes it would be employees messing around with the controller other times it would go off randomly. Ava hated every day of it, But she was too scared to do anything about it. But one day she had enough and just snapped. After a long and tiring day. Ava just wanted to get some peaceful rest. But a 3 employees walk by and grab a shocking stick and start randomly jabbig Ava with it. Ava tries ignoring them but she was in so much pain already she didn’t need this. Suddenly Ava eyes widen, As the same fire butterfly lands on her nose. Ava panics, But it’s already too late as her whole body sets on fire again. Ava panics and cries out for someone to help her. But the 3 employees who were annoying Ava before were now panicking and didn’t know what to do. No one can hear her cries now. Ava starts crying and getting flashbacks again and suddenly the fire stops. Ava tries calming herself down, But the traumatic flashbacks come flooding in her brain and she can’t handle all the constant stress. One of the employees grabbed the remote to her shock collar and tapped the button. Ava gets electrified again and falls to the ground. Ava is so tired she can’t handle the abuse anymore. She used to be so rebellious and stubborn, but now she was so scared of the consequences. She couldn’t take it anymore. Ava growls and gets up despite the constant shocks from the remote. Ava tackles the employee and starts biting at him. The other employees watch in fear as they are too scared to touch Ava. Ava ends up causing serious damage to the employee's arm and she only stops when Ava gets kicked off by another employee. Ava is still hostile and growls at everyone, But stops as she realizes they all have shocking sticks. Ava realizes if she gets caught, She will be punished and have to deal with more abuse. Her mental state couldn’t deal with any more abuse, she was so tired and sick of it. The butterfly suddenly flies back to Ava and she backs away in fear. Ava is terrified the butterfly will turn her whole body into fire again. But this time it doesn’t land on her. It swirls around her trying to get her attention. The butterfly flew to an open window and under it were some small old barrels. Ava realizes the butterfly is trying to help her. And before any humans can grab her, Ava climbs up the barrels. The humans go after her but Ava succeeded in jumping out of the window. For the first in a long time, Ava feels fresh grass between her paws. She’s finally free. She wished she could have enjoyed it with Regina or Kai. But she didn’t let those terrifying thoughts ruin her moment. For the first in a long time, Ava felt happy. But Ava’s moment is interrupted by a human's call and Ava knows if she wants her freedom, She has to fight for it. The butterfly flies around Ava’s head, Trying to get her attention. Ava now knows the butterfly is trying to help and follows them. Humans go after her and Ava is terrified she will get captured and tortured again. But she has no choice but to follow them. Ava eventually escapes the humans by running into a forest. The humans start getting worried about other wild predators and decide to give up. Ava takes shelter under a tree hollow, Just like the one the humans found Ava and Kai nested in. Ava was still confused where this butterfly came from. But it became her only friend because of how lonely she was. The butterfly warned Ava if there was a predator nearby and would lead Ava to nearby food. Ava grew attached to the thing and named the butterfly Hoturo, Which is firefly in japanese. Ava was happy to be free, but she felt so broken and guilty for what happened back at her old circus home. Ava would sometimes have nightmares and traumatic flashbacks of the event. Hoturo would sometimes try and comfort her even though it was useless. Ava still appreciated it. One day while searching for food. Hoturo suddenly starts flying around and tries to warn Ava of danger. But Ava can’t understand Hoturo and just keeps on walking despite Hoturo constantly flapping their wings aggressively and swirling around her. But Ava regrets this decision as when she takes the next step, Something sharp and metal clamps on to her paw. Ava yelps in pain and tries struggling in a panic, But her attempts were a failure. Ava slowly looks down to see it’s a bear trap. Ava’s heart sinks as she realizes there has to be humans if there was a bear trap not far from her. Afraid to be captured again and to endure the torture, Ava cries for anyone to help her. She begs and cries for anyone to help her but there is no answer. Hoturo suddenly flies off despite Ava begging for him to stay. Hours have passed. None of Ava’s struggles succeeded in setting her free. Ava was tired and stressed out. She didn’t want to get captured again but there was nothing she could do. Ava sighs and calls for help one last time. But this time she hears an answer. Ava stops for a few minutes to see if she heard correctly. But it was true, someone did hear her cries. Hoturo must have brought them to her. Ava calls for help again and she can hear footsteps running towards her. Coming out of the thick bushes is a small rapterian with light gray fur and dark paws. Of course, Ava wants to get free of the trap. But she’s still aware and not sure if she can trust this rapterian. The rapterian slowly walks towards Ava and lifts a paw out. Ava becomes hesitant but the rapterian assures her he means no harm. Ava calms down and lets the small rapterian help her out. With just a tap from his paws. The bear trap slowly dissolved and turned to dust. Ava stares at her paw, Relieved to be free from the pain but amazed of what the rapterian did. She never saw someone else have a burning fire ability like her. But Ava tried her best to not look so impressed. She tried walking away, But putting pressure on her paw caused her to yelp in pain and fall to the ground. Ava realizes her paw is probably broken or at least fractured. She tried walking again but it just caused more pain. The rapterian becomes concerned and walks over to Ava. The rapterian introduces himself as Ash. Because Ava couldn’t walk on her damaged paw, Ash offers to help her walk back to safety. Ava was still not so trustworthy, But what choice did she have? Ava accepts and Ash leads her to his home, Sakura. Ever since that day, Ava and Ash grew a bond. While walking to Ash’s home. Ava explains about everything that happened in her life and how she just escaped her abusive home. Surprisingly, Ash’s backstory was similar to hers. Ash was also trapped in an abusive home, and when he escaped he set a whole village on fire. He’s also lost someone important to him as well. Telling each other's backstories made Ava and Ash a lot closer. When Ash brings Ava to his home, The red tribe. The leader, Bloodtail and Ash’s best friend Alex are hesitant about letting Ava stay in the tribe. When Ava and Alex first laid eyes on each other. Alex just showed hostility and aggression so Ava did the same. Ava could already tell they wouldn’t get along. It takes a lot of convincing, But Bloodtail ends up letting Ava stay with the tribe until her paw restores back to full health. Every day, Ash and Ava would explore sakura together. Ash taught Ava everything about rapterians and sakura. The cultures, The rules, The kingdoms and rulers. Everything. Ava always felt so calm near Ash. Ash was nervous and shy, But was kind and positive when around people he cared about. Ava has been trapped in such a dark place that being with Ash felt like being pulled away from a dark black void. This is how Ava grows a crush on Ash. For months, Ash and Ava explored everywhere together. And when they weren’t exploring they would walk to a large oak tree and just rest on the tree branches, Telling each other's experience and stories. The more Ava hangs with Ash. The more she notices how bad other rapterians treat him. Others would usually whisper or just straight up walk off and avoid wherever Ash went. This always made Ash a bit nervous but he was so used to it he didn’t really mention it. Even with Ava’s broken paw, Ava would defend Ash whenever someone tried insulting him or whispering behind his back. Ava hated how her family was treated back at the circus. Anyone hurting anyone she cares about brings her back to that moment and gives her a fit of anger and sadness. Months go by and Ava’s paw finally heals. Ava is now worried where she will go now. But luckily Ash helps Ava find a nice fox burrow at the Rainfall kingdom. The burrow was under the same large oak tree Ava and Ash would tell stories at. Although Ava was upset she wouldn’t see Ash everyday anymore. Ash promised her they would meet every week. Ava agrees and the two meet each other every week. Ava would sometimes just watch the clock and would day dream about Ash. She was in love but knew Bloodtail and Alex would try hanging her head on a wall if they ever knew. So she keeps quiet. Being in sakura, Ava starts figuring out that her friends never actually died. She heard this by hearing two rapterians gossiping about some mysteries and criminals in sakura. When Ava hears this. She starts gaining hope that maybe they are still alive. Ava asks around for answers. Any kind of info to find her friends. Eventually, She does gain a bit of hope. There are stories about a small creature that leads souls. A spirit with a permanent smile who terrorizes other rapterians just for the fun of it. A small friendly spirit who guides lost souls. An evil queen with red eyes and a smoky tail and an outlaw who can control metal and has a spiky tail. The only one she did end up finding though was her little brother, Kai. Their relationship is a bit rocky, Since Ava and Kai haven’t seen each other in so long. But they still visit each other from time to time and love each other. Everything seems to be going well for Ava. Ash was even able to help Ava find her own home once her paw healed. A small burrow under a tree near the rainfall kingdom. Ash would make sure to visit Ava everyday to keep Ava company. But ever since Alex was framed for Willow’s murder and he went missing. Ash went off as well but before he did, He told Ava everything and despite how hesitant she was to let Ash go. She trusted him and let him go find Alex. Now Bloodtail and Ava are traveling to find Ash and Alex. Ava hopes one day she can see Regina and they can become friends again, But after everything she did. She worries if she can actually be redeemed. Ava and Kai were found one day in a tree hollow as if they were meant to be hidden. The humans who found them took them to a circus that held weird and mutated animals. Ava grew up in the circus with her little brother, Kai. The circus wasn’t the best home, but it was the only home the siblings had. Ava and Kai were known for their circus acts and their strange looks. No one knew where they came from and what they were, Especially Ava. No human knew this, but Ava and Kai were both koramis. They are mythical powerful beings that take the form of an animal, The only difference between them is their tails. They can take many forms. Ava and Kai just happen to have a spike and fire tail. Ava and Kai weren’t alone in this circus. They had Michio, Sylvester, and Ava’s best friend, Regina. Regina had red eyes and a smoky tail. Because of Regina’s appearance, She was treated horribly in the circus. All she had was her circus friends, and her best friend Ava. Ava and Regina met when Ava was exploring around the circus. Ava heard crying and was curious who it was. Ava looked around and eventually found Regina. Regina was crying and had scars all over her. Apparently some kids that were visiting the circus thought it would be fun to bully Regina and poke sharp sticks and metal at her. Ava comforted Regina and tended to her wounds. This was the first time Regina ever experienced kindness. Ever since then, Ava and Regina were inseparable. Because Regina was quiet and shy and hated performing. Ava was always there to encourage and to help her be more motivated to perform. Although there was nothing Ava could do about the abuse. She stayed by Regina’s side and comforted her in any way she could. Ava loved all her friends and brother, But she loved Regina with all her heart and was willing to do anything to protect her. For years, Ava, her brother and friends performed in the circus. But as each year went by, The abuse got worse and worse. Sylvester and Regina were the most abused out of Ava’s friends. Ava had to watch it all. It broke Ava everytime, If Ava tried to help, she would get abused worse than whoever she tried helping. Kai saw Ava’s rebellious acts and tried convincing her to let it go, But this time it was the last straw when the humans hurt Regina. Ava was asleep when she heard a distress voice, Regina’s voice. Ava’s heart sank. Hearing any of her friends' cries stabbed Ava like a thousand knives. But this time it felt like getting hit by a semi truck. She couldn’t let any one hurt her best friend. She didn’t care if everyone saw her as a curse because of her red eyes, no one is hurting her friend. When Ava came to the noise. She caught Regina hiding behind some supply boxes while two male humans started poking things at Regina. When Ava got a good look, she noticed them to be nothing but small metal spears. Ava didn’t think. She didn’t have time to. Usually Kai would tell her this was a horrible idea and she should have a plan. But Ava shoves her doubts away and jumps in front of Regina. She hovered over the scared korami, protecting her. Ava snarls at the two circus employees. They try moving Ava off. But Ava was not moving until her best friend was safe. Eventually the humans started getting scared of Ava when her fire tail started growing stronger the more Ava got mad. They give up and walk off, Leaving the two koramis alone. Regina is thankful for Ava’s support but is still crying. Ava tries comforting Regina so she can stop crying, but she doesn’t. Regina vents to Ava on how tired she is of being abused and treated like nothing. Ava is heartbroken to hear her friend's pain but listens to Regina finally express her feelings. Regina just wants to leave the circus and have a better life with her friends where they don’t have to be abused and tortured everyday. Eventually Ava leads Regina back to bed and waits near her friend till she gets good sleep. But Ava can’t sleep when she tries to. Ava thinks about what Regina said. A better life where they don’t have to be abused. It was all Ava dreamed of. But whenever she brought it up, Kai told her it was a bad idea. Ava stopped thinking of freedom and thought maybe there's no life out of the circus. But what if they are wrong? What if Ava can help all her friends escape? Ava thinks about Regina. She can’t stand the abuse Regina goes through everyday. That's when Ava makes a plan to escape and free her friends. After performing, Ava gathers up all her friends and tells them her escape plan. Ava will distract the guards while everyone waits for her near the fence. Once all the guards are distracted and too busy, They slip through them and escape. Ava expected her friends to tell her what a horrible plan this was. But instead, Everyone agreed. Regina, Michio and Sylvester all encouraged her. Except for her brother, Kai. Kai snaps at Ava telling Ava this is a horrible idea and she will get everyone killed. This causes a big argument between the two siblings. Ava loved her little brother with all her heart, but she can’t live like this anymore. She doesn’t know how far she will go and can take so much abuse and stress. Kai doesn’t want his friends to get hurt and begs for everyone to stay. But Ava and the other three agree that they need to leave. Ava tries convincing Kai and begs for him to come with her. But Kai can’t. Kai refuses that he will join them and walks off. Ava is devastated by this. Ava and Kai did everything together. Ava didn’t know if she could go on without her brother. She didn’t want to be separated from him and to have freedom if it meant not being with him. But before Ava can cry, Regina, Sylvester and Michio all comfort Ava that they have her back and are doing this together. Ava smiles and knows she can’t let Kai ruin her friend's chance at freedom. Little did Ava know that this escape attempt would change everything. Everyone did as Ava told them to and waited near the gates for Ava. Ava ended up distracting the employees by tipping stuff over, Causing fake pawprints trying to make the employees think an animal broke in ruining everything or escaping. Ava does succeed in distracting all the employees. But before she can make it to her friend, Ava suddenly stops. Ava stares in shock of what she is seeing. It was a butterfly, But it was on fire. The butterfly circled around Ava as Ava watched in confusion and a bit amazed by what she was seeing. But Ava snapped back to reality when the butterfly started moving closer to her. Ava panicked and backed away from it but the butterfly kept flying towards her. Ava didn’t know what it was doing but she didn’t want to get burned by whatever this thing was. Plus, she had to get back to her friends. Ava runs off hoping to lose it but the butterfly keeps following her. Ava tried to move faster but the butterfly seemed to always be a foot away from her. Ava finally had a rough time and stopped running. She snapped at the butterfly, hoping to scare it. But the butterfly just stopped and stared at Ava. But before Ava could walk away again. It suddenly lands on her nose. Ava freezes and just stares at this fire creature. She expected to get burned by the flames coming from its wings, But nothing happened. Ava thought maybe the butterfly was harmless. But suddenly, Every part of Ava’s body goes up in flames. Ava’s eyes widened in shock and she panics. Her body was burning but she somehow wasn’t feeling any pain. She could feel the flames forming all around every part of her body, but it didn’t hurt her. Ava stands there in shock and mostly confusion. But she quickly snaps out of it when flames catch part of the circus tent on fire. Ava’s eyes widen and she now realizes the consequences. If this tent catches on fire, her friends and everyone are going down in flames. Ava tries everything to put the fire out. But it seemed like anytime she moved the more caught up in flames. The flames get larger the more Ava panics. She tries calming herself down but she can’t. Her friends were in this circus. If they don’t escape, She’s the cause of all their deaths. Ava’s panicking distress turns into sorrowful tears. She wanted to stop, She didn’t want to hurt anybody but it didn’t matter now. Suddenly, Ava can’t feel the flames anymore. Ava opens her eyes slowly and looks down to see that there's no more flames. Ava’s tears seem to put out the flames that consumed her whole body. She didn’t know how it worked but at that point she didn’t care. But just as she’s finally relieved and relaxed again. Ava looks behind her to see the flames are eating at the circus like a huge beast killing its prey. Ava’s heart sinks and her eyes widen in fear. Her fault or not, She had to save her friends and her brother that were still trapped. Ava runs through the flames, Calling for each of her friends' names. But all she is answered with is flames tearing away at wood and sounds of wood and objects falling and crashing onto the ground. But Ava doesn’t give up and keeps on crying out each name. But she is still met with just flames and burning wood. Ava starts tearing up thinking that the flames got to her friends before she could. She thinks about Regina, Sylvester, Michio and her brother Kai. All gone because of her. This is all her fault. Broken pieces of burnt wood fall near Ava and more flames eat up at the wood, completely surrounding her. But Ava doesn’t care. She lies there, Crying and grieving for her friends. They were the only family she had and it was her who killed them. She did this to herself. Why did she deserve to be the only one that escaped and survived the fire? After what felt like hours, Ava falls to the ground and blacks out from smoke inhalation. The fire department soon rushed over to the circus and put out all the fire. They couldn’t find any bodies or any dead animals. All they found was unconscious Ava. Ava was the only rare animal to be found. Everyone else was assumed to be dead and the flames ate up whatever was left of them. Ava could hear the humans talking about this while she was unconscious. Hearing that set Ava in a worse mental state. Ava was kept in a small cage as she was still a rare species and worth a lot of money. A new ringmaster noticed her on the news and Ava was sold to a new circus. The abuse was still the same and Ava was still torture and barely got any sleep. But this time, Ava wasn’t so rebellious anymore. She listened to every command an employee gave her and didn’t fight back anymore. She was in so much grief and fell into a state of depression. Even the thought of escaping gave her traumatic flashbacks. She never wanted to turn back into that flaming monster again and kill anymore people. Ava would think about her friends a lot, Mostly Regina and Kai. She missed them so much, But she knew their demise was her fault and she could never get them back. Ava hated the abuse. But she was too terrified to fight back. Despite Ava obeying to the rules, Ava was given a shock collar in case she ever tried to escape or got violent. Even when Ava was obedient. The shock collar would electrify her. Sometimes it would be employees messing around with the controller other times it would go off randomly. Ava hated every day of it, But she was too scared to do anything about it. But one day she had enough and just snapped. After a long and tiring day. Ava just wanted to get some peaceful rest. But a 3 employees walk by and grab a shocking stick and start randomly jabbig Ava with it. Ava tries ignoring them but she was in so much pain already she didn’t need this. Suddenly Ava eyes widen, As the same fire butterfly lands on her nose. Ava panics, But it’s already too late as her whole body sets on fire again. Ava panics and cries out for someone to help her. But the 3 employees who were annoying Ava before were now panicking and didn’t know what to do. No one can hear her cries now. Ava starts crying and getting flashbacks again and suddenly the fire stops. Ava tries calming herself down, But the traumatic flashbacks come flooding in her brain and she can’t handle all the constant stress. One of the employees grabbed the remote to her shock collar and tapped the button. Ava gets electrified again and falls to the ground. Ava is so tired she can’t handle the abuse anymore. She used to be so rebellious and stubborn, but now she was so scared of the consequences. She couldn’t take it anymore. Ava growls and gets up despite the constant shocks from the remote. Ava tackles the employee and starts biting at him. The other employees watch in fear as they are too scared to touch Ava. Ava ends up causing serious damage to the employee's arm and she only stops when Ava gets kicked off by another employee. Ava is still hostile and growls at everyone, But stops as she realizes they all have shocking sticks. Ava realizes if she gets caught, She will be punished and have to deal with more abuse. Her mental state couldn’t deal with any more abuse, she was so tired and sick of it. The butterfly suddenly flies back to Ava and she backs away in fear. Ava is terrified the butterfly will turn her whole body into fire again. But this time it doesn’t land on her. It swirls around her trying to get her attention. The butterfly flew to an open window and under it were some small old barrels. Ava realizes the butterfly is trying to help her. And before any humans can grab her, Ava climbs up the barrels. The humans go after her but Ava succeeded in jumping out of the window. For the first in a long time, Ava feels fresh grass between her paws. She’s finally free. She wished she could have enjoyed it with Regina or Kai. But she didn’t let those terrifying thoughts ruin her moment. For the first in a long time, Ava felt happy. But Ava’s moment is interrupted by a human's call and Ava knows if she wants her freedom, She has to fight for it. The butterfly flies around Ava’s head, Trying to get her attention. Ava now knows the butterfly is trying to help and follows them. Humans go after her and Ava is terrified she will get captured and tortured again. But she has no choice but to follow them. Ava eventually escapes the humans by running into a forest. The humans start getting worried about other wild predators and decide to give up. Ava takes shelter under a tree hollow, Just like the one the humans found Ava and Kai nested in. Ava was still confused where this butterfly came from. But it became her only friend because of how lonely she was. The butterfly warned Ava if there was a predator nearby and would lead Ava to nearby food. Ava grew attached to the thing and named the butterfly Hoturo, Which is firefly in japanese. Ava was happy to be free, but she felt so broken and guilty for what happened back at her old circus home. Ava would sometimes have nightmares and traumatic flashbacks of the event. Hoturo would sometimes try and comfort her even though it was useless. Ava still appreciated it. One day while searching for food. Hoturo suddenly starts flying around and tries to warn Ava of danger. But Ava can’t understand Hoturo and just keeps on walking despite Hoturo constantly flapping their wings aggressively and swirling around her. But Ava regrets this decision as when she takes the next step, Something sharp and metal clamps on to her paw. Ava yelps in pain and tries struggling in a panic, But her attempts were a failure. Ava slowly looks down to see it’s a bear trap. Ava’s heart sinks as she realizes there has to be humans if there was a bear trap not far from her. Afraid to be captured again and to endure the torture, Ava cries for anyone to help her. She begs and cries for anyone to help her but there is no answer. Hoturo suddenly flies off despite Ava begging for him to stay. Hours have passed. None of Ava’s struggles succeeded in setting her free. Ava was tired and stressed out. She didn’t want to get captured again but there was nothing she could do. Ava sighs and calls for help one last time. But this time she hears an answer. Ava stops for a few minutes to see if she heard correctly. But it was true, someone did hear her cries. Hoturo must have brought them to her. Ava calls for help again and she can hear footsteps running towards her. Coming out of the thick bushes is a small rapterian with light gray fur and dark paws. Of course, Ava wants to get free of the trap. But she’s still aware and not sure if she can trust this rapterian. The rapterian slowly walks towards Ava and lifts a paw out. Ava becomes hesitant but the rapterian assures her he means no harm. Ava calms down and lets the small rapterian help her out. With just a tap from his paws. The bear trap slowly dissolved and turned to dust. Ava stares at her paw, Relieved to be free from the pain but amazed of what the rapterian did. She never saw someone else have a burning fire ability like her. But Ava tried her best to not look so impressed. She tried walking away, But putting pressure on her paw caused her to yelp in pain and fall to the ground. Ava realizes her paw is probably broken or at least fractured. She tried walking again but it just caused more pain. The rapterian becomes concerned and walks over to Ava. The rapterian introduces himself as Ash. Because Ava couldn’t walk on her damaged paw, Ash offers to help her walk back to safety. Ava was still not so trustworthy, But what choice did she have? Ava accepts and Ash leads her to his home, Sakura. Ever since that day, Ava and Ash grew a bond. While walking to Ash’s home. Ava explains about everything that happened in her life and how she just escaped her abusive home. Surprisingly, Ash’s backstory was similar to hers. Ash was also trapped in an abusive home, and when he escaped he set a whole village on fire. He’s also lost someone important to him as well. Telling each other's backstories made Ava and Ash a lot closer. When Ash brings Ava to his home, The red tribe. The leader, Bloodtail and Ash’s best friend Alex are hesitant about letting Ava stay in the tribe. When Ava and Alex first laid eyes on each other. Alex just showed hostility and aggression so Ava did the same. Ava could already tell they wouldn’t get along. It takes a lot of convincing, But Bloodtail ends up letting Ava stay with the tribe until her paw restores back to full health. Every day, Ash and Ava would explore sakura together. Ash taught Ava everything about rapterians and sakura. The cultures, The rules, The kingdoms and rulers. Everything. Ava always felt so calm near Ash. Ash was nervous and shy, But was kind and positive when around people he cared about. Ava has been trapped in such a dark place that being with Ash felt like being pulled away from a dark black void. This is how Ava grows a crush on Ash. For months, Ash and Ava explored everywhere together. And when they weren’t exploring they would walk to a large oak tree and just rest on the tree branches, Telling each other's experience and stories. The more Ava hangs with Ash. The more she notices how bad other rapterians treat him. Others would usually whisper or just straight up walk off and avoid wherever Ash went. This always made Ash a bit nervous but he was so used to it he didn’t really mention it. Even with Ava’s broken paw, Ava would defend Ash whenever someone tried insulting him or whispering behind his back. Ava hated how her family was treated back at the circus. Anyone hurting anyone she cares about brings her back to that moment and gives her a fit of anger and sadness. Months go by and Ava’s paw finally heals. Ava is now worried where she will go now. But luckily Ash helps Ava find a nice fox burrow at the Rainfall kingdom. The burrow was under the same large oak tree Ava and Ash would tell stories at. Although Ava was upset she wouldn’t see Ash everyday anymore. Ash promised her they would meet every week. Ava agrees and the two meet each other every week. Ava would sometimes just watch the clock and would day dream about Ash. She was in love but knew Bloodtail and Alex would try hanging her head on a wall if they ever knew. So she keeps quiet. Being in sakura, Ava starts figuring out that her friends never actually died. She heard this by hearing two rapterians gossiping about some mysteries and criminals in sakura. When Ava hears this. She starts gaining hope that maybe they are still alive. Ava asks around for answers. Any kind of info to find her friends. Eventually, She does gain a bit of hope. There are stories about a small creature that leads souls. A spirit with a permanent smile who terrorizes other rapterians just for the fun of it. A small friendly spirit who guides lost souls. An evil queen with red eyes and a smoky tail and an outlaw who can control metal and has a spiky tail. The only one she did end up finding though was her little brother, Kai. Their relationship is a bit rocky, Since Ava and Kai haven’t seen each other in so long. But they still visit each other from time to time and love each other. Everything seems to be going well for Ava. Ash was even able to help Ava find her own home once her paw healed. A small burrow under a tree near the rainfall kingdom. Ash would make sure to visit Ava everyday to keep Ava company. But ever since Alex was framed for Willow’s murder and he went missing. Ash went off as well but before he did, He told Ava everything and despite how hesitant she was to let Ash go. She trusted him and let him go find Alex. Now Bloodtail and Ava are traveling to find Ash and Alex. Ava hopes one day she can see Regina and they can become friends again, But after everything she did. She worries if she can actually be redeemed.


• Design notes

• Has a electric collar she can't take off(She hates it)

• Has one white paw while the others are black.

• Soft fur

• Her eyes have two different colors.


• Trivia facts

• Ava was created from a paper comic Emmi would draw on in her free time.

• She loves playing and hunting in the snow and doesn't know why Alex and Ash hate it so much.




Bloodtail wasn't as terrible to Ava like Alex. Mostly because she didn't care much for her and only let her in her camp because Ash asked. But when Ava developed a crush for Ash. Bloodtail and Alex were both annoyed at this and they all began to hate eachother. However, They respect Ash and don't fight that much. Bloodtail and Ava don't have a good relationship, but when Bloodtail came to Ava saying she needed her help. She knew something wasn't right. The two are struggling to get along as they travel together, but it's worth it to find Ash and Alex.



Ava and Alex have never liked eachother. Alex would be his normal hostile self towards Ava and Ava wouldn't take it and often insult him. They fight alot but never in front of Ash. Things only got worse when Alex catched on Ava's crush for Ash. Alex would threaten her to leave Ash alone, but Ava being Ava. She did the oppisote. one. To make him more mad, two, because she really does care for Ash. However, Ava was very concerned for Alex when he was framed for murder. Even with their bad relationship she knew Alex wouldn't kill someone, let alone his close friend. Even if he's terrible to her, Ava is willing to help Bloodtail find him.



Ash and Ava have always had a close relationship. After so much abuse in her life, having someone so kind and quiet like Ash was nice. Ava and Ash would talk and hang out with eachother everyday. eventually Ava grew a crush on Ash and she's unaware he feels the same way. Ava didn't hestitate to team up with her rival when she heard Ash left sakura to find Alex. She's hoping she can say her feelings to Ash when she finds him again.



Kai and Ava were always close. Living in a abusive circus, the two siblings had to have eachothers back. Ava was heartbroken when Kai was too scared to escape with her and her friends and it led to a huge argument. When the fire started, Ava ran back into the circus in hope of saving Kai. However, she was captured and was informed it was impossible for anyone to survive the fire. For years she blamed herself, thinking Kai was dead. However, thanks to Ash. Ava and Kai were reunited. Ava never judged Kai for turning into a outlaw and would even support him whenever she could. She said her goodbyes to Kai before she left with Bloodtail, and Kai wonders when she will come back.

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