


1 year, 5 months ago




Emotionless • Serious • Calm




Wolf deer(Deer rapterian)

Bounty hunter










Archer was born in a small tribe of the last of the deer rapterians. Their species didn’t live in sakura and were all killed and hunted down by humans for their rare antlers and rare patterns on their fur. The last tribe was able to get away and hid away in a forest a couple miles away from a small human village.

Rapterian deers are usually the strongest out of any rapterian species and are fierce and cruel. But this tribe was different. They actually didn’t settle in for violence and would just run off when they are seen by humans like normal deer. If a rapterian deer was captured by a human, They would just accept their fate and not fight back. Archer was the runt and the youngest of his family. Archer had two sisters who were twins, the eldest brother and his mother and father. Even though they weren’t allowed to fight. They were the best hunters and were well respected in the tribe. Archer wanted to be just like them. But he was never allowed to come on any of their hunting patrols. They would tell Archer he was too young and needed more training, But his family and the whole tribe knew well why Archer wasn’t allowed to come on patrols. It’s because most of the tribe actually feared him. There were only two young deers born with abilities. One could control plants and wasn’t at all a threat to the tribe. But Archer's abilities even made his mother terrified. When Archer was born and his older brother looked into his eyes, He saw his biggest fear and refused to be near the young deer. His mother and father accused his brother of just being dramatic, Until one day while Archer was sleeping. Small metal objects were pulled away from human vehicles near a road that was near the tribe’s camp. They attacked the members of the tribe until their panicked screams woke up Archer. His parents refused to let Archer know about his abilities as they didn’t want him to feel like an outcast. Archer already had social anxiety and was shy about playing with the other kids. Plus the other deer rapterians made fun of him for being smaller than a regular deer. It didn’t seem right to just tell him he had an ability that could kill his whole family. His parents decided to ignore it until one day while Archer is sleeping. Sharp metal objects start attacking the tribe again and he only wakes up when his father shakes him away. His mother and father are now more stressed and worried for Archer. Archer becomes more insecure and is confused why everyone seems to be so upset with him. His mother decided it was time to teach Archer to control his abilities rather than ignore him. His mother came to Archer one morning and set down 30 metal curved knives with dark fabric wrappings. His mother found them at an abandoned human camp while on a hunting patrol. She thought they were perfect tools for Archer to practice his abilities with. With his mother’s help, Archer started learning how to practice his abilities. The knives were perfect and easy to control and they helped Archer be able to control his ability more and more. His parents and siblings were proud of him for learning self control and supported him. But despite the praises and support, Archer was still never allowed to come on a hunting patrol. Even when he begged and trained really hard, his family refused to let him come. They just didn’t trust that he had full control of his abilities yet. Archer got more irritated and upset that no one trusted him and he was just seen as the weak runt of the family. Archer didn’t have many friends in the tribe because he was too shy to interact with any of the other kids. So he just waited in his family’s small den waiting for his family to come back. Archer felt cooped up and more lonely as weeks passed, Just him waiting for his family to come back whenever they went on patrol. One day when his family left for hunting again. Archer was tired of just waiting in his den and decided to play outside in the woods. While playing in the woods, a rabbit runs past Archer. Archer notices the rabbit and thought this was the perfect chance to show his family that he could hunt and he isn’t just a runt. Archer goes after the rabbit but ends up chasing it out of the woods. But Archer doesn’t notice how far he was from home and just continues on chasing the rabbit. Archer stops when he catches sight of a large white fence. The rabbit he was hunting goes past the fence and Archer wants to follow it despite him now becoming more nervous. But Archer shoves his doubts to the side and continues to follow the rabbit. Archer now seems to have made his way to the human village. Archer is amazed and curious about the new world he has stumbled upon and completely forgets about the rabbit, Now focusing on this new town. As much as Archer knows he has to head back he is still curious and wants to explore this new village. Archer explores all the new houses and objects belonging to the humans. But even though he was a naive kid, Archer still knew he couldn’t be seen and used his mothers teachings to hide and keep out of human sight. Archer notices it’s getting late and knows it’s time to go back now. Archer climbs over the fence and runs back to his camp. But when he returns, His family is looking for him and Archer is met by his whole family hugging him in relief. They question where he has been but before Archer can answer. The tribe falls dead silent.. Archer is confused but before he can ask what’s wrong, His mother and father twitch their ears and their eyes suddenly widen in worry. They suspect humans have discovered their home. Archer is now nervous and worried, Hearing the same noises as everyone else. He begs them to let him help but his mother refuses and tells him to hide in the nearby bushes and don’t come out until Archer hears her voice. Archer is scared but does as she says and hides in the nearby bushes. But despite hiding in large thick leaves, There was a small hole Archer could peek through and see out of. Worried for his siblings, Father and mother, Archer peaks out of the hole to see what is going on. But now he wishes he never did. Gunshots can be heard and Archer can see silhouettes of deer rapterians fall to the ground and blood spreading across the grass. Archer is horrified by what he is witnessing and is about to jump out and try to help, But he remembers what his mother told him and waits to hear her voice again. Archer can’t watch from the small hole anymore and curls up covering his ears. The sound of gunshots felt like knives stabbing his ears and he couldn’t watch his tribe be killed by these large monstrous sounds anymore. Finally for what felt like hours, The sounds of gunshots stopped and everything fell silent. But Archer waits for his mother’s voice still. But everything stayed silent. Archer stayed there hiding for hours, Waiting for his mother. But all he was met was the sounds of wind blowing through the leaves in the dead silent woods. Archer was worried for his family and couldn’t wait any longer. Archer jumps out of the bushes and calls for his mother. But backs away in horror of what he sees. So many rapterians are limp on the ground with the plain now painted in red. Their antlers seemed to be cut off and even some of their fur were taken, Only leaving plain skin covered in blood. Archer runs away from the area immediately, Still calling for his mother. But no one answers him and the small wolf deer is now crying and sobbing for any of his family to answer him. Of course, He was met with silence. Archer struggles to walk over limp bodies of his tribe members. He keeps on walking but stops when he sees the corpse of his family. Archer immediately runs towards his mothers corpse. Her antlers are cut off and bleeding onto her head. Archer begs for her to please wake up and answer him. But she’s already gone. Lying down next to her is Archer’s three older siblings and his father. All their antlers were missing and blood was streaming down their heads. Whoever did this took his family's antlers and killed them all off in a cruel way. Archer couldn’t just leave his family's corpse, He had to bury them. He didn’t want to and was still trying to deny his family was really gone and it was all his fault. Archer suspected the humans must have followed him when he got lost and found his way to the human village. He was probably not killed off so he could lead them to the jackpot, The hidden tribe. Putting all the pieces together just made Archer feel more guilt and pain. He just wanted to help out his tribe and he ended up killing them without even knowing it. The least Archer could do was bury his family to honor them and keep their memory alive. But while Archer was digging the graves for the dead tribe members. There were still hunting patrols who left the tribe before the tragedy happened, So you can imagine their reactions to what they came back to. The hunter rapterians could hear loud screeching shots coming from their camp and followed the noise. But they were too late and came back to a complete massacre. Archer tries to explain everything to them, But the hunter rapterians are horrified and are panicking. They start asking Archer so many questions of how on earth this could possibly happen. It was a lot for Archer and he tried to explain everything, But the questions and panicked voices weren’t helping him and he felt so pressured. He just lost his whole family and watched half of the tribe get murdered and suspects he’s the reason their dead. Of course he was still trying to take everything in. Archer starts covering his ears and begging them to stop talking, But the questions and overlapped voices is all he could hear. All the hunters were horrified and panicking how their once nice quiet home is filled with their loved ones' corpses. They kept pressuring Archer until Archer snapped and told them it was all his fault. He explains everything on how he got lost and made his way back home. The hunter rapterians stay silent, Some look at him in disgust, Anger, Sadness and Disappointment. Archer begs his tribe members for forgiveness but one of the hunters snapped and attacked Archer. She pins him down and screams at him in a pain sorrowed voice. She screams how he could have done something since he’s the only one in the tribe that could control any weapons. But he didn’t and just let them die. Archer starts sobbing again and still tries to explain himself, But another hunter is enraged and claws his face. Archer doesn’t fight back and just continues crying. Suddenly, The hunter rapterians all fall to the ground, Blood spreading on the ground. Archer jumps back in fear and looks around nervously, Wondering if the monstrous sounds have come back. But when Archer looks down at his paws, all he sees is his mother’s knives covered in blood. After a few seconds of thought, Archer knows exactly what happened. His stress and grief took over the knives and they stabbed through the hunters that were harming him. Archer looks around the whole plain of dead bodies. This is all his fault, He killed his whole tribe. He’s now a traitor and a killer. That same day, Archer buries his tribe members and family all near his small den. He sets down 30 of each knife down on each 30 graves for all the members, including his family. When he finally finishes, Archer rests near his mother’s grave and starts sobbing once again. Still trying to process that everything he loved is really gone because of him. While Archer mourns over his mother’s grave. Spirits of the rapterian deer look down at Archer. They all wish they could do something to comfort the young rapterian but Archer can’t see them and they’re not much use anymore. Archer is the last of the deer rapterian now. He should be protected but there's no one left. The spirits can’t just rest while he is alone. But there's one idea that could work. All the spirits look at each other, Getting the same idea. The spirits stand near the knives Archer set down on the graves and form into them. They all surround Archer and try their best to let him know they are there. Archer looks up at them and stops crying. He can tell it’s his family, and he now knows he’s not alone anymore. The knives will forever be there to protect him. Archer knew his new goal now. Find the hunters who killed his tribe and make them all pay for what they did. Archer spent years tracking the humans. Even at such a young age, He wanted blood for what happened. Archer finally finds his way in sakura and stops at a western village to rest. But when he was on his way leaving. Another kid bumps into him. A albino red eye kid named Vortex. Vortex was stealing from some gamblers and Archer helped him hide. Ever since then Archer and Vortex have been very close friends. Vortex had a hard home life. His mother left him when he was really young and his father didn’t care for him and completely neglected him. Vortex was also very lonely by having an ability that could kill anyone he touches. Something Archer could relate to. Archer and another kid named Celestial were Vortex’s only friends. Archer was very supportive of Vortex and always comforted him when he was upset. Archer told Celestial and Vortex about his mission. Celestial and Vortex only half believed him though and didn’t think he would actually find these human hunters and kill them. Eventually an accident happened which caused Vortex to accidentally kill his father. Vortex came to Archer one morning in a panic, Explaining how the village would kill him for what he had done. Archer promises Vortex he will not let anyone hurt him and that he will always be there to help him. Archer and Vortex planned to leave the village, But Celestial volunteered to come. She wanted to be wherever Vortex was. The three wolves travel all around Sakura to hide away from the crimes Vortex did. When they turned to teens, Archer let Vortex’s bad influence get the best of him and he started helping him steal from others by pickpocketing and gambling. Celestial was the only one who didn’t steal like they did, But she never did anything to stop them. Archer eventually started hanging out with two outlaws named Arron and Chase a lot, Until he eventually was influenced enough to join the twos gang. He was basically the strongest in the gang from being the largest and having large antlers for defense. Archer and Vortex didn’t see anything wrong with their crimes as it helped them travel faster and to survive. But their crimes eventually caught Thale’s attention and he started hunting the two young troublemakers down. This made Vortex more stressed and nervous but Archer still assured him he won’t let anything happen to him. But it didn’t stop Vortex’s obsession with cards and gambling. Vortex became more distant the more he gambled and won. It seemed no one could beat him when it came to card games. One day Archer and Celestial didn’t see Vortex in a while and started getting worried. Archer and Celestial searched everywhere for him and when they finally found him, He was.. Different. Vortex didn’t have his albino white and gray fur anymore. Now he had dark gray and white fur with red markings. He looked like a completely different person. Archer and Celestial tried to question Vortex on what happened, But he would just get annoyed and change the subject. Ever since his fur changed though, He seemed to be more social and happier so Archer and Celestial just tried to deal with it. One day while Archer is alone in the woods. Searching for Celestial and Vortex. Thale ambushes Archer. Archer fights back and almost wins until Thale turns to his werewolf form and takes the upper hand. Thale threatens Archer if he doesn’t find Vortex and turn him in, He will kill him. Archer thought he was bluffing at first and didn’t listen to him, Until enforcers who worked for Thale surrounded him. Archer starts getting worried now and really is starting to believe he is serious. Again, Thale threatens him and Archer refuses. Archer promised him he would always protect him, He couldn’t just betray him. But Archer starts to see that he truly is serious. Finally, Archer gives in and agrees to help. As much as he didn’t want to, Thale would kill him if he didn’t. Archer eventually starts to gain Vortex trust more until he finally leads him away from Celestial. Archer leads Vortex to a cave and lets Thale ambush him. Words couldn’t describe the heartbreak and betrayal Vortex felt, But what Archer and Thale didn’t know was Vortex was way stronger than he let anyone know. By using his mother’s book, He turns into a giant snake creature and attacks Thale, Planning on killing him. Archer is caught up in the middle and wants to try and reason with Vortex, but he can’t just let Thale die. Archer is left with no choice but to use one of his knives to stop Vortex. Archer stabs one of the knives in the creature's neck and Vortex turns normal, Now with his neck bleeding. Vortex is able to get away and Thale’s plan fails. Now in more rage, Thale threatens Archer again to help him capture Vortex again. Archer refuses but before he can walk away Thale tackles him and says not only will he kill Vortex, But Celestial as well. This makes Archer give in. He couldn’t let Celestial suffer for his and Vortex’s mistakes, She didn’t even do any crimes. But Archer decided to twist the deal to avoid Vortex getting hurt again. Instead of Vortex, He would help Thale capture Chase’s gang. Thale agreed and Archer betrayed them all. He told Thale every hideout and location they hid away at and let Thale do the rest of the work. Aaron eventually found out it was Archer who caused them all the trouble and planned an ambush to stop Archer before he could hurt his siblings, Max and Isabella. Archer and Arron fought before Archer could attack his siblings. The fight made Archer lose his balance and Archer fell into a ditch between two cliffs. Arron decided to leave him knowing he was only a traitor now. Archer tries to get up but the more he tries the more rocks fell onto him and crashed into him, Causing more injuries. More rocks were falling down and Archer knew he was trapped now. But suddenly, Archer looks up to see a familiar figure looking down at him from the edge of the cliff. His closest friend, Vortex. But when Archer calls for help, Vortex just turns away and pushes more rocks down the ditch. Archer now realizes what is happening, Karma has got to him and he’s now been betrayed. He just wanted to protect everyone he loved, but he ended up losing that. The rocks pile onto Archer and he falls unconscious from a concussion. Because Archer was just outside the Sakura border, scientists were able to dig up all the rocks and found Archer. He was brought to a lab and was tested for many horrible torture and experiments. Humans found it fascinating how strong and weird of a creature Archer was. They tried learning more about him despite him fighting back. Eventually an experiment went wrong, and the cost was Archer’s emotions. The experiment was supposed to test how Archer would react to certain pain, But it went wrong and instead took every emotion he felt away. He could longer feel any anger, Sadness, or pain he felt for anything. Everything was numb. Archer stopped fighting back and didn’t even seem to care about anything anymore which made more torture and lab test way easier. But eventually, Archer’s knives attacked the lab and freed him. Archer no longer felt the sympathy he once felt for anyone anymore. He knew he was powerful, But always hesitated to hurt someone. But now, Nothing matters anymore. Only revenge and blood did. Any guard or scientist that tried to stop Archer was brutally killed or severely injured. Others saw their fear when he looked into their eyes and they would run away, screaming in fear. Archer makes it out of the lab and flees to the forest. Now that he was free, It was time he continued what he should have started. Finding the hunters that started his pain in the first place. It takes a long time, But Archer tracks down each hunter by scent and memory. Archer would stalk them for a while, then kill them when they least expected it. He didn’t stop until all 5 hunters were all killed. Now that they were all dead, He should have felt something, Right? But no, Nothing. No matter what Archer did, He couldn’t feel anything. Archer would give anything to feel something again. Archer eventually turned into a bounty hunter so he could provide for himself. Any bounty who came in quietly was too scared of Archer, and those who fought back led to painful deaths. One day Archer was visiting the forest where his tribe used to live. He was visiting the graves that he made for his family, until he could hear shuffling in the bushes. Archer gets ready to kill whoever was trying to sneak up on him. But stops when he sees who it is. It’s another rapterian deer. A little cat fawn. Archer is confused and it takes him a moment to process what he is seeing. There are no more rapterian deer, He should be the last one. Archer sees that the fawn has nowhere else to go and is confused about the situation. Knowing the pain he went through, He knew he couldn’t let the little fawn suffer the same fate he did. Archer takes in the little fawn and names her Maple. For the first in what felt like forever, Archer feels again. His love for Maple made him care for her and protect her from any danger. Archer still does bounty hunting to support Maple and himself. He’s not that good, But he isn’t pure evil either and Maple is proof of that. Now Archer hunts Alex after seeing how everyone thinks he’s a murderer. Archer doesn’t care if he’s innocent or not, Just for the reward.

"Anything that hurts her, i will kill."

Being around maple, Practicing with the knives, Hunting

Everyone, Nightmares, Failure


Knives, Build and antlers
Small cabin in the woods of sakura



design notes

  • He's very large and taller then a human. He has a large tail that almost as long as him. He can have clear orange eyes or dark inverted eyes which is optional. His antlers are huge.
  • Kinda looks like a wolf.
  • Even though he's related to a deer animal. His build looks more of elk or moose.

Emotionless // Serious // Calm //

Archer used to be very happy and friendly. He was very adventurous and playful and always willing to make new friends. He would usually drag his cousin, Cheyenne. Into his trouble and adventures. Although he was still a quiet and calm kid and loved the peacful themes of the forest he lived in. Well, that was before his life went downhill..

Archer is usually either intimidatingly calm or very aggravted. Either way, his appearance and demeanor alone are terrifying. Due to being emotionless, it's hard to tell what he's thinking at times. But when he's angry it's pretty obvious. Archer really has no time for playing around and games. He's very serious about his job of bounty hunting, and you will die if you try to get in his way. He's usually aggravated because he hates working or being around others so he can come off as snappy and rude. However, when he's with his daugheter Maple. He's a calm gentle giant and never lets her see the terrible side of him.


The place where he grew up with Vortex and Celestial, he hates it there and only visits for work.

An abandoned cabin he found and fixed up for himself. Now Maple and Archer live there.





