


1 year, 5 months ago


Basic Info

Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'7"
Family: TBD
Magic Type(s): Healing, wind

Soraya grew up as an only child, raised by overprotective parents who intended to keep her as sheltered as they possibly could.
However, as she got older and started realizing how overbearing they were, she started to seek out how the world truly was, opening her eyes to how naive and sheltered she really was thanks to their upbringing.

Until she was able to leave home, she would often sneak out to meet with other kids in the neighborhood or to the library to read books to expand her knowledge. It was during one of her journeys out of her house that she would discover her magic abilities, one of her friends, Tyla, getting hurt by a typical neighborhood bully, and the burst of strong winds she created pushing the bully away.
The powerful offensive wind magic was followed by her strong desire to help her friends' wounds heal; manifesting the wish into reality, and her healing magic developing.

When she returned home, looking like a mess, her parents became aware of her secret outings. This would cause them to become even more overbearing, taking her out of public school and homeschooling her for the last year of highschool, forbidding her from meeting with her "delinquent" friends and scolding her for using magic.

The first chance she got to move out, she took with no hesitation. she would meet with Tyla again, who had developed his own magic during their time apart, and he would suggest they both apply to Naeperry academy, and live on campus.
However, due to campus rules they couldn't share a dorm, they still saw each other often and would hang out between classes.

Thanks to the campus rules however, Soraya would meet Ensue, who would become her roommate and eventually they would become best friends.
They would bond over their similar childhoods, and would practice wind magic together.
and eventually Soraya would introduce Ensue to Tyla, excited for her two best friends to meet and also become friends (which would take a while due to both of them being more awkward than Soraya).

During her campus life, she would also meet Kurt, who most people see as mean, aggressive, and scary; yet despite that, she seems to grow fond of him, developing a crush and tends to follow him around on occasion (allowing her to meet Enmity, Kurts personal annoyance).

In current times, she has essentially cut off her parents, as she felt hurt and that it was unfair that they kept her from seeing the world; the good, bad, and ugly sides of it. Preventing her to see the beauty that exists and to understand that the good parts can't be fully appreciated without seeing the bad and ugly sides of the world.
But more so that they still wont see what was wrong about them sheltering her so intensely, and refuse to apologize for their actions.