♕ Thesius



1 year, 5 months ago


I'll Do It

Ayesha Erotica

Name Thesius Savathian
Age Immortal, 22 Appearance-Wise
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Gay
Species Half Human, Half Ram
Occupation Monarch
Location Medieval Iceland
Status Alive??? idfk
"What a terrible night to have a curse..."
  • Wine
  • Swords
  • Animals
  • Public Execution
  • Playing the Violin
  • Public Speaking
  • Anarchy
  • Being Outcasted
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Thesius lacks any special behavioral traits. He is formal with his choice of words, and treats everyone with respect unless they've decieved him in some manner. He also has no patience for jokes or foolishness, and all around is quite boring to interact with.

Stat Name
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Introvert Extrovert
Calculated Intuitive
Polite Blunt
Rigid Flexible
Deceptive Sincere
Pessimistic Optimistic

Despite his appearance being rather frail, he can pick up heavy objects with ease, such as his sword which is probably heavy as fuck from how much shit it has on it. (Idk how to draw muscles either so L!) He is blind, and this has sharpened his other senses incredibly welL - his platformed shoes act like sensors and help him become aware of anything that might trip him. Lastly, his reaction time is very fast allowing him to dodge surprise attacks fairly decently.


Thesius takes huge interest in simple things such as gardening, sewing, and weaving, largely due to the fact he was trapped in his home for almost all of his childhood. This he doesn't do often, but every once in a while he likes swordfighting, especially those who seem stronger than him.


what do i put here


From time to time, Thesius gets severe headaches that tend to drive him mad from the intense pain. The cause isn't really known but it's assumed because of traumatic endurance. He has never seeked any sort of therapy from anybody besides his mother.


Thesius has several parts of his fingers missing, he tends to cut them off due to anxiety. (It's not really visible because he wears gloves that give him artificial claws.)


scary people i guess



rom the very beginning of his life, Thesius lived a chaotic tale. His mother denied being ruler to the kingdom he controls now. She was a troubled woman, and the thought of bearing the responsibility of a queen drove her mad. After Thesius was concieved, he was given straight to one of his mother's servants, named Fiona. Fiona was young and poor but regardless she took him under his wing, as she knew no one else would because of his unnatural appearance. The people of Niachethas have never seen anyone that slightly differed from human.

Thesius was sheltered for most of his childhood, and was taught entirely at home by his adoptive mother. He was allowed outside but was told not to wander past their secluded cottage on the faraway mountains. As he got older, these restrictions would be lifted, only for him to regret stepping out into town. his curved horns and bright teal hair would get him harassed with satanic remarks.


hen he was a teenager, Thesius realized he was transgender, in which his adoptive mother accepted and continued to love him unconditionally. At this time period, he also became more comfortable with going outside. This comfort would lead him to long morning walks in the boreal forest not far from his house. Unknowingly, this forest was a popular site for hunters, and one day he would get his eyes shot out by a poacher stalking behind a tree. Fortunately Thesius survived, except he was unable to see as his eyes needed to be amputated to prevent an infection from spreading.


By the time he was a young adult, he grew even more confident and managed to endure the torment the kingdom's villagers brought to him everytime he visited the town alongside his adoptive mother. Thesius continued to live with Fiona because she had a weak immune system and could not afford medicine for her illnesses. Instead of overworking himself to pay for remedies, Thesius saught out remedies himself, whether it be from witches or from his own backyard.

"Son, and heir of nothing in particular."

ater on, with the assistance of a certain individual (that i absolutely refuse to name. 👹) he would take back the throne his mother once failed to accept. Originally the people of Niachethas were outraged by this, having detested them all throughout his existence, but they somewhat changed their perspective once they noticed Thesius was a much more experienced ruler than the ones before him. Today, you can find him taking care of his adoptive mother, who's under an extensive coma that'll eventually lead in her passing.


Height 6'1
Weight idk
Build Thin
Complexion Light caramel brown
Hair Texture Long, goes down to half his back. Has the texture of an angora goat's wool.
Alternate Palette
Tattoos + Scars

His eyes were shot out by a hunter, they were then emergency-amputated and leaving him with black pits for eye sockets. Parts of his fingers are missing, and there are many scars from things simply explained as swordfighting.

Jewelry + Piercings

He doesn't wear that much jewelry, aside from necklaces and rings. His preferred metal is silver and for gems, he enjoys emeralds or rubies.

Additional Notes
  • His shoes are practically medieval demonias.
  • His horns used to be regular ram horns, but after meeting a certain individual they grew out to look like the horns on a devil.
  • His sword has a marble statue that was carved in the shape of his mother above the blade. The handle has an abundance of red roses & a pair of silver wings behind the marble statue & blade.
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