Axl Martenelli



1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Axl Martenelli

Species: Martes martes (pine marten)

Age: Twenty-something

Background: Axl Martenelli is the son of an aristocratic millionaire, however, Axl is dirt poor. He seems to have a complicated relationship with his father, where his father is always too busy to be physically there for him, but Axl will regularly receive checks in the mail from him to pay for housing and food. Axl shares a run-down apartment with his highschool friend, Mark Lotorius, and the two know and understand each other very deeply. Axl spends a lot of his time watching the television, and rarely gets out much. Mark actively tries to get Axl out of the apartment and seek out some way to busy himself, but Axl is very resistant to this notion.

Axl's biggest conflict comes from his seemingly heightened emotional states. (I have like none of this figured out, but it's either a condition where he will physically contort to match the extremes, or there is an entity that controls these extremes?? Kind of both I think). Regardless, when Axl is too sad or angry, he causes a lot of problems/damage/panic. Axl is a bit of a jerk at times too, so it's hard to tell if he really regrets or cares about the consequences of these situations. Mark, for one, has repeatedly sacrificed important people and connections to keep Axl happy or content, but Axl never thanks Mark, apologizes to Mark, or even acknowledges these efforts. Despite this, Mark still hangs around Axl, like he's obligated to help him out.

After enough poking and prodding, Axl does attempt employment at a company called Musteloidea (which is either an office or a supermarket, I haven't decided). There he meets other key players, like Arlo, Peggy, and Walter. But, can he handle the struggles of minimum wage employment, and how much damage can he cause in the meantime?

Likes: Slapstick humor, his green neck tie (his dad gave it to him), hitting things, yelling, biting, weapons, turning non-weapons into weapons, pizza, Mark(?), and Peggy.

Dislikes: Most things, waiting, Walter, being alone, and losing the remote.