Peggy Molina



3 months, 16 days ago


Name: Margaret "Peggy" Molina

Species: Conepatus chinga (Molina's Hog-nosed skunk)

Age: About 20 something 

Background: Peggy is a charismatic and welcoming figure. Her social circle tends to be very large, to the point that it's honestly more of a social Venn diagram. She takes the time to get to know people, and treats them like friends, even if they're jerks. Axl just so happens to be a self-proclaimed jerk, but he genuinely wants to get to know and be around Peggy, which is a rare feeling for him. Luckily, they're coworkers at Musteloidea, so they see each other frequently. 

Peggy is maybe a bit too forgiving and inviting, which has hurt her in the past, but she always wants to give everyone a fair shot to start off. She can see the effort Axl puts into improving himself, albeit slow and subtle, and she's willing to help where she can. She can put her foot down, and will when necessary. Although, she'd rather spend her time uplifting the good Axl does, than complain about the bad. She gets the feeling that Axl is already well aware of the bad, and pointing it out repeatedly hasn't fixed it and won't fix it. Whether or not Axl wants to commit to improving himself is a different matter.

Likes: People. Just in general. Also, fighting games and platformers, action movies, fast paced music (mostly ska), dancing, boxing, cooking, and evening strolls. 

Dislikes: Losing connections, being alone, her job, misplacing things, and parking tickets.