


1 year, 5 months ago






Outlaw/Criminal/NOT A VILLAIN





"I'm not a villain.. Right?"

Smoke was born with the ability to create molten lava and be immune to anything hot. Smoke is a happy and sweet naive kitten, Despite everyone treating him like dirt. Smoke’s parents were afraid of him ever since he was born. He almost burned his mother’s insides to a crisp if she didn’t get any help from the healers. Smoke knew his parents were afraid of him, but he still stayed positive despite everyone’s judgment. Smoke’s abilities were very unstable. No one wanted to be around him or even talk to him, Especially the children. Because Smoke couldn’t control his lava ability at the time, He could have hurt or burned anyone at any time. His parents struggled and didn’t know what to do with him. Smoke knew that he was a threat and it saddened him, He didn’t want to hurt anyone. He wasn’t trying to scare everyone but no one seemed to care about his good intentions and avoided him. Smoke just kind of accepted that no one wanted to talk to him or be his friend. As much as it hurt, There was nothing he could do and just hoped some day things would get better. One day while exploring, Smoke was tackled by another kitten named Rose. Rose mistakes Smoke as prey or a giant rabbit which is shy when she tackled him. Smoke didn’t see a lot of kittens around his village since most of them avoided him because of his ability. He took this as an opportunity to finally make a friend. At first Rose wanted nothing to do with him and tried getting rid of him. She insulted Smoke on how he was a cat and not a rapterian and he looks so small and weak. But Smoke just responded positively. This at first annoyed Rose, But she eventually started being nicer. Smoke and Rose became good friends that day. Smoke and Rose would play everyday, Rose did have to be careful about Smoke’s uncontrollable abilities. But because she had enhanced strength, She didn’t mind it so much. Smoke was just happy to finally make a friend and to play with someone near his age. Rose was pretty mean and liked insulting him a lot, But Smoke ignored the insults and still stayed positive. He knew Rose didn’t actually mean it and loved him as a friend just like he did for her. One day while Smoke and Rose were playing together when suddenly another kitten crashed into them, Sun. Sun was a shy rapterian that was picked on a lot. Sun was being chased and picked on by other stronger and larger rapterians. Smoke got scared and hid behind Rose as well just like Sun. Rose threatened them to back off and got into a fight with them. But thanks to her abilities, She wasn’t at all harmed. Ever since that day, Rose, Smoke and Sun became a friend group of three. Smoke didn’t really have anyone to talk to or anyone else to play with, So Smoke instead followed Rose and Sun everywhere. Rose was definitely the muscle of the group while Sun was the smart leader. They were the only ones who never judged and weren’t afraid of Smoke and they were his only friends which is why Smoke followed them everywhere. Smoke didn’t seem to mind his village so much anymore, Because he always had Sun and Rose watching his back. What did he need to worry about? But one day as Smoke is about to visit Rose and Sun. His parents stop him and keep him inside. Smoke thought it was a bit weird as his parents didn’t even talk to him. Why did they care where he was going suddenly? Smoke tried asking his parents what was wrong, But they just snapped at him and told Smoke to stay quiet. Smoke is more confused and upset that no one is telling him why he can’t visit Sun or Rose. As upset as he is, Smoke sighs and hopes it will get better the next day and falls asleep. Smoke suddenly wakes up to Rose’s voice calling for him. Smoke’s beady eyes light up, Excited to hear his friend’s voice again. Smoke sneaks past his parents and follows the voice. He finds Rose and Sun at the front of his home. Smoke is happy to see them and tackles the two in a hug. He hated being away from them for so long and just knowing they didn’t forget about him made him smile. Rose and Sun share the same happiness as Smoke. Rose explains how none of their parents won’t let the three see each other and no one knows why. This makes Smoke upset. He finally made friends and he was forced to be kept away from them now? He didn’t want to be away from his friends, he loved them and saw them like family. He could never stay away from them and wouldn’t know what to do without them. Rose and Sun felt the same way, The thought of never seeing each other again terrified them. Sun explains that they came to tell Smoke to visit them near the sakura tree. They can meet there every night so that they never have to be away from each other. Smoke was hesitant about this idea. He was afraid of the idea that they might get caught and they would really never see each other again. But Smoke did eventually agree and joined the two. He couldn’t imagine being away from them. He would rather sneak off into the night and lose sleep than to never see them again. Rose, Sun and Smoke traveled to the sakura tree. They played, Told stories, Explored around the tree. It was so much fun for Smoke and he enjoyed every last bit of it. But as Rose, Sun and Smoke are getting ready to head back. Smoke’s fears come true and their parents are able to track them down and find the three kits. All their parents panicked and pulled each kit away from each other as if they had a deadly disease. Each parent starts arguing and snapping at one another. Rose and Sun try begging their mothers to stop, but it’s no use. Smoke tries calming his parents down but his mother and father are furious. His father snapped at Rose’s mother and Smoke was afraid they would end up fighting at one point. Smoke’s parents end up ignoring Sun and Rose’s mother and pick up Smoke and drag him away. Smoke tries struggling out of their grip so he could say goodbye to Sun and Rose. But his mother held on to him and brought him back to his home. Smoke’s mother and father snapped at Smoke as soon as they got back. They snap at Smoke asking him what was he thinking and how stupid he was. Smoke tries explaining himself. But no matter how hard he tried he got cut off by his mother and father. Smoke started becoming more emotional and he teared up. He didn’t even know why he couldn’t be around them and could barely think properly. All he could hear was voices telling him how he was stupid and how terrible of a idea it was. Smoke starts crying but it doesn’t stop his parents from yelling at him. Smoke gets so overwhelmed that he loses control and molten lava pours from his paws. His mother and father freeze and stare at Smoke in fear, both backing away. Smoke couldn’t even notice the lava because he was too busy crying. He felt so overwhelmed and the yelling and confusion was too much for the young kit to handle. His mother begs for him to stop crying and tells him he’s okay and isn’t in trouble. Smoke stops crying and believes it will maybe all be okay, but it gets worse. The next day Smoke wakes up to his parents talking to other rapterians in the village. Being curious and naive, Smoke walks out of his sleeping place and asks his parents what they are talking about. But Smoke just gets worried and a bit scared when his parents say nothing and glare at him. Smoke asks what's wrong and his mother explains he’s going away for a long time. Smoke gets terrified and starts panicking. He asks what she means but his mother just turns away from Smoke. Smoke begs for her to answer him, But is cut off as one of the rapterians picks Smoke up. Smoke is terrified and doesn’t know what's going on, But doesn’t want to fight to make things worse. He stays silent. The rapterian walks off with Smoke, About three others following behind him. The rapterian brings Smoke to a large metal container. Smoke’s eyes widened in fear as he realized what's going on. His powers are too unstable for anyone to handle that he’s being locked away so he can’t cause any harm. Smoke tears up and cries more and begs for the others to not put him in there. But they ignore the kits' plea and drag Smoke in the container as he tries to fight and struggle. Smoke tries everything, Fighting, Struggling, Using his abilities, But he couldn’t fight off the four grown rapterians. Smoke gets locked in the container. Smoke begs and screams for someone to let him out, But there's no one to answer him. Smoke just breaks down crying and is more terrified. He just wanted to see Rose and Sun again. They always made him feel better, But he didn’t know if he was even locked up for the rest of his life and if he would ever see them again. That's when Smoke hears a familiar voice outside the container, His father’s voice. Smoke’s ears perk up and he jumps up happily, Thinking his father would free him from his prison. But his father tells him that Smoke probably won’t ever get out and will probably be there for the rest of his life. In an instant, All of poor Smoke’s hope and happiness fade away. Smoke tears up more and begs for his father to not let them do this. But there is nothing he can do. His father tells him he will often visit Smoke’s prison. Hoping it would maybe make the poor kit stop crying. But he didn’t. Smoke just wanted to see the sun again and all the critters out in the forest. When his father leaves despite Smoke begging for him to stay. Smoke kept on crying as he could only hear silent. Smoke tried escaping with his abilities. But the container was made to stand his abilities so he wouldn’t ever escape, His powers were no use. Sadly, his father never came to visit him. Smoke waited for him to come and at least say hi to him. But no one ever did. Smoke just wanted to see the sunlight again or to hear someone's voice. Even if it was someone calling him a monster or his parents snapping at him, he just wanted to hear someone. Smoke stays locked up in that metal container for years. For years, Smoke could only hear silence. No one wanted to see him. No one wanted to talk to him. His parents were too ashamed to even talk to him. There was only someone that would slide food in the container so Smoke wouldn’t starve. But they never talked, Smoke always said thank you and asked them to stay. But whoever fed him never listened. For years, Smoke stayed there alone, terrified, No one there to help him. Smoke starts to think maybe he’s the villain in the story. Everyone is happy while the villain is forever locked away. His power caused harm to anyone he cared about. Was he just born to be evil? 8 years have passed. Despite being all alone, Being locked up for life. No matter what, Smoke looked on the bright side and believed he would escape one day. He forgets about Rose and Sun, He almost forgets about most of his life the more isolated he was. Smoke started talking to himself and creating imaginary friends just to feel not lonely, But it didn’t really help. One day while Smoke is asleep. Smoke starts having a nightmare of never escaping his prison and will forever be alone. Smoke starts crying and begs for his dream to stop. After he screams stop, His dream turns to black. When Smoke wakes up. His eyes widen in shock as he stares at the broken hole in the metal container. Turns out he was in so much distress in his dream that lava surrounded the whole container. The container was built to hold Smoke's powers. But the container started slowly melting after 8 years of handling Smoke’s lava. Smoke slowly walks out of the container and looks around. Smoke tears up and he feels the happiness he used to have when he was 6. His dream finally came true. He was free, After years of waiting, he was free. Smoke looks up at the sunlight and just smiles while crying. He never felt so happy in his life. The only thing that Smoke was worried about now was being captured and put back into the containers, only for the rapterians to reinforce it to make sure he really never breaks free ever again. The thought terrified Smoke and he promised himself he would ever be locked up like that ever again. Smoke was too terrified to go back to his village and see his parents again. He didn’t want to see their disappointed faces that they always gave him. In fact, He was terrified of anyone seeing him. Smoke ran away from that container and ended up building shelter under a tree, Building shelter inside the hollow down the bottom of the tree. Everyday, Smoke would explore around sakura. He was so happy to be free he wanted to get every moment of his freedom that he had. This is how Smoke met Melanie. Melanie was just traveling one day, Exploring sakura just like Smoke was. The two happen to bump into each other. Smoke panicked and apologized for bumping into her but Melanie just laughed and shrugged it off. Melanie was happy to see someone else exploring around like herself. She could tell Smoke was not familiar with the outside world and just assumed he stayed inside his home a lot. Smoke was surprised someone wanted to be his friend and started following her around. Melanie and Smoke became good friends and did almost everything together. Because Smoke didn’t want to talk to anyone else so he wouldn’t get locked up again, Melanie was the only one he talked to. Smoke never told her about his powers or past. He was just too afraid of her not accepting him. He was so terrified of future consequences he kept quiet. Whenever Melanie brought up or asked about his past, Smoke would quickly change the subject out of fear. Smoke ends up falling in love with Melanie. She was kind to him and the only contact he had with another cat. Smoke planned on expressing his feelings to Melanie. But that would sadly never happen. Smoke was asleep in the tree hollow he sheltered in when he suddenly heard a scream of help. It was Melanie’s scream. Smoke panicked and followed the voice. He was so worried about something happening to her. He couldn’t do much, But he had to save her from any harm. Smoke finds Melanie trying to climb a tree while hungry black wolves try to climb after her. Smoke cries out Melanie’s name but that catches the wolves attention. Smoke's heart suddenly drops in fear and he tries to back away but the wolves quickly run after him. Smoke is so terrified that all he can do is curl up in fear and wait for the sharp razor teeth to sink into his neck. But instead of that, It turns silent for a moment as a wolf's cry breaks that silence. Smoke looks up to see the wolves running off. Two of the wolves have badly injured burns on their legs and limp after their pack. Smoke looks down at his paws to see molten lava eating up whatever was left of the grass. Smoke doesn’t even take time to think about what happened and runs to Melanie. He just wanted to make sure she was okay. But Smoke stops as Melanie backs away. Melanie looks down terrified at Smoke. Smoke tilts his head and calls out her name. But Melanie just looks at Smoke, Terrified. Melanie heard about the cat that escaped lockdown because of their unstable powers that could kill anyone with their molten lava, But she didn’t think it was Smoke who escaped and was that fugitive. Melanie can’t believe he never told her and looks at him like Smoke is a monster now. Smoke tries explaining himself and begs for her to listen. But Melanie just snaps at Smoke to get away from her and runs off. Smoke cries out for her to wait and to just listen to him. But Melanie is already gone and Smoke is alone again. Smoke starts crying. He just wanted to protect Melanie and didn’t want to be cast out again. But Melanie reacted just how Smoke feared. Smoke runs off, Face full of tears. He didn’t care where he was running. It didn’t matter to him. He felt so alone. The one person he thought of as a friend and even fell in love with looked at him as if he was a monster now. He didn’t want to be one. But that's how everyone looked at him and treated him, Like a monster. Smoke was running so fast and crying so much he couldn’t see what was in front of him and fell into a ditch. Smoke broke his paw from the landing impact. Smoke tried to move but couldn’t because of his paw. Smoke called out for help, He didn’t expect an answer but surprisingly someone did. But it was from a voice he never thought he would ever hear again. Rose and Sun rushed out of the forest to see Smoke stranded. Smoke’s eyes light up in shock. He never thought he would never see Sun and Rose again. He saw them as family, But after being locked away from any isolation for so many years. He forgot about them. He forgot about most of his lives for being trapped for so long. Rose and Sun were happy and just as shocked to see Smoke again. The three were finally back together after being separated for so long. Sun and Rose help Smoke back to their camp and are able to bandage Smoke’s wound. Rose and Sun explain everything to Smoke, Their pasts and everything Smoke missed. Smoke was just happy to see them again. He never wanted to be separated from Sun and Rose ever again. He had nowhere else to go and knew everyone else would turn him in and lock him back up in that metal container. But he knew no matter what, Rose and Sun would never betray him. He thought that was Melanie, But they were his true friends. Smoke was hesitant at first, but eventually joined F.A.N.G. He didn’t want to be a villain. But it was the choice he made to stay by Rose and Sun’s side. F.A.N.G. Causes chaos all around sakura and were feared criminals for a long time. But that all changed when Queen Media and Bloodtail teamed up to drive F.A.N.G. out. But because of Sun, Smoke, Rose and Sun escaped before any arrest was made. They evacuated to the city and took shelter there. Their plan was to lay low, But they eventually started causing chaos there as well. But someone stood in their way. Kitsune, Violet and Virus. They stopped F.A.N.G whenever they tried to cause any chaos. Sun and Rose got annoyed by Kitsune. Sun finally got fed up with Kitsune and thought of a plan to get rid of her. Before Sun started his plan. Sun walked over to Smoke and handed him a chip. Smoke was curious and confused why he trusted him with this chip. Since Smoke was known for easily losing focus and breaking things. But when Smoke asked, Sun just said give the chip to Rose when the time is right. Smoke was confused but did as his leader said. After Sun falls into a coma. Smoke and Rose become stressed and panicked without Sun with them. But that's when Smoke remembers what Sun says and gives Rose the chip. Suddenly, Rose doesn’t seem so and seems like she has a plan. Smoke is happy to see Rose happy again, But doesn’t realize the mistake he had made. Smoke and Rose find out Sun put all of Kitsune’s info in the chip. Smoke didn’t understand why but Rose grinned and knew exactly what to do. She doesn’t tell Smoke and Smoke is left confused till the next day. To his horror, Smoke finds out the chip was to reveal kitsune’s identity. And now Kitsune is no longer a hero. Rose is proud of herself and filled with her ego. But Smoke feels terrible. He never meant for Kitsune’s life to be ruined, he just wanted to help his family. Smoke feels like a true villain now. It was his fault that Rose got the info on Kitsune and he shouldn’t have listened to Sun. Smoke is left to wonder now, Is he really a true villain? Villain or not, He won’t leave F.A.N.G. Nothing will change that. No matter how hard it is, He won’t leave his family again. Smoke never wants to know the feeling of being alone ever again.


  • He does all that he can to help his family, even if that means being in the wrong
  • He's terrified of small spaces and places where you can get stuck in. He's claustrophobic due to his past
  • Despite being hesitant and small, he's suprisngly strong and skilled in battle
  • He loves flowers and butterflies and collects them. He has a whole collection in the treehouse


  • Cookies
  • Nature
  • Flowers
  • Butterflies


  • Fluffy wavy fur
  • Small cat size
  • Amber eyes
  • Usually has beady eyes
  • Fluffy bushy tail
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