


1 year, 5 months ago




Manipulative • Deceptive • Calm















Sun was born with the ability to use hypnosis on command when he looks into someone’s eyes and to move the light and heat of the sun. Despite his hypnosis, Which no one knew at the time he had at the time. Moving light around the sun seemed stupid and useless. In fact, His whole appearance was ridiculous. He was light and more thin than a normal rapterian. He was tall but not at all intimidating. He had sun markings on him that others thought was hilarious and just a joke. Sun looked like a ridiculous clown or a joke to everyone in the village.

Children in the village who had much better abilities would make fun of Sun for how useless it was. They would show off their abilities and force Sun to use his ability to fight them. Of course, he always failed and ended up getting beaten up at the end. This made Sun doubt himself a lot. What could moving the sun around do besides grow a few flowers and cause a bad hot day. His parents loved Sun deeply, But didn’t do much to show it. Both of his parents were hard workers and didn’t show Sun much attention. They were both stressed out and their drained out energy showed more than love for their child. His father worked all day and only came back when Sun was already asleep. He would talk to Sun sometimes, But they never had a close relationship. His mother was more kind and loving and paid more attention to her son. But she had relationship problems with his father and the two would argue a lot in the night. They would think Sun was asleep, But he would just pretend to be asleep and listen, just wishing everything would get better someday. His mother eventually got depressed and stopped paying so much attention to Sun. Sun tried getting her attention more, But she would just ignore him or be too tired to even talk to him. She stopped even leaving her cabin and slept all day. Without the protection of his mother, Sun was bullied and picked on by the kids even more. Even when he stayed inside his cabin they would find some way to make fun of him or physically hurt him. Because of how Sun was born, He never really put up much of a fight. Even when training he would hurt himself. He was just too sensitive and weak to do any physical fighting. Almost everyone in his village took advantage of this. The older kids in the village would beat up Sun and tell him to defend himself, But he couldn’t. He was just too weak to fight stronger rapterians even with his large size. Sun would wish, just pray someone would save him and the abuse would stop. But everyday seemed to get worse. No matter how much he tried to avoid everyone, Kids seemed to find him and keep attacking him. His parents didn’t care enough to stop it. Sun was truly alone. One day, Sun happened to bump into a group of older rapterians with strong abilities. With bullying, Comes gossip and rumors so these rapterians knew who Sun was. They started making fun of him at first but it quickly turned to physical fighting. Sun was terrified and didn’t know what to do. He begged them to stop but they didn’t. They only laughed and called him a coward. All he could do was run. Sun ran off into another village he had never seen before, The rapterians quickly following him. Sun panics and tries running faster but they still seem to be catching up. But that's when Sun bumped into Rose and Smoke. The two felines were playing around when Sun accidentally crashed into them. Rose was upset and started yelling at Sun to watch where he was going. But she quickly stopped when Rose saw the fear in Sun’s eyes. Rose looks up to see the group of rapterians chasing him. Rose snaps at them to back off, The smaller feline, Smoke, Quickly joins her as well. Sun is surprised that someone actually defended him for once and also relieved he can stop running now. But his fear suddenly jolts back in his heart when the group of rapterians and Rose start getting physical and clawing at each other. Sun was afraid that she would get hurt, But Rose was stronger than the whole group. She wins the battle and the group of rapterians soon run off. Ever since then, Rose, Smoke, and Sun became very close. Rose and Smoke told Sun their troubled homes and it was quite similar to his. Sun was happy to finally find someone who can defend and relate to him. Rose, Smoke, and Sun start exploring sakura together, Play wrestling and visit each other everyday. Sun was the smartest of their friend group, Because he had no friends besides them. He spent all his time reading books and studying. He knew a lot more than others. Sun never intended it, But he became more of a leader with the group. He always made the suggestions and gave orders, even if he didn’t mean to. Rose made fun of him for being the leader figure once, And the title just kind of stuck with him. Sun’s life was finally brighter every time he was with his friends. They were always supportive of him and were there to comfort him when he felt alone. But that all fell apart. One day, Sun sees his mother talking to one of the guards from the serenity kingdom. Sun had never seen any royal guards before. But he was more curious about what was so important to tell his depressed mother than amazed of how royals wanted to talk to her. When the royal guards left, Sun asked his mother what was wrong. But she said it was not important and not to worry. Sun was smart enough to know that was a lie. But he was soon to get his answer. When Sun tried leaving his den to visit Rose and Smoke, His mother snapped at him to stay inside and he couldn't see them. Sun tries asking why, But she doesn’t answer and just repeats herself to stay inside. Sun doesn’t see his friends for weeks and he wonders what on earth happened and why visiting his friends was so terrible. Sun expected Rose or Smoke to visit him, But they never did. Sun couldn’t take being away from his friends anymore and snuck off in the middle of the night. His mother was too sad to even notice him, Sun thought to himself. When Sun finds Rose and asks her what happened. Rose tells him that her mother banned her from speaking or even seeing him or Smoke. When Sun asked why, Rose didn’t even know. Sun was furious. He never had any friends and barely a family to talk to. He finally finds friends he cares about and now they aren’t allowed to see each other for some reason. Sun assures Rose it will be okay. He explains to Rose that they will meet near the sakura tree so they could see each other again. Rose agrees and the two sneak off to find Smoke. Smoke was more hesitant, But he agreed because he could never imagine being separated from his friends. The three meet under the sakura tree and start playing around again. Wrestling, Making jokes, telling stories, Everything any normal friend group would do. But just when they were tired and getting ready to go back home. Sun’s and Rose’s mothers and Smoke’s parents all came rushing in. They dragged their child away from one another. Sun and Rose tried explaining the situation but they were both cut off. No one cared to listen. The parents start arguing and snapping at each other despite their children begging them to stop. Sun listens into the conversation and realizes why their parents don’t want them around each other. They were his only friends and his mother was aware of this. Why is she suddenly treating them like monsters? Despite the kit's plea, The parents didn’t listen and dragged each kit back home. Sun didn’t get to even say goodbye to his friends. When he tried his mother just held him back. When Sun was brought home, His mother and him had a huge argument. Sun tried getting answers on why he wasn’t allowed to see his only friends. But his mother was silent and just told him to obey her. Sun didn’t know what to do. Rose and Smoke were his only friends and he wasn’t even allowed to see them. Ever since then, Sun world happiness started slowly crumbling apart. The bullying and teasing came back and Sun now had no one to talk to. His mother never told him why he couldn’t be with Rose and Smoke and she never cared enough to stop the bullying. Sun got fed up with everything, Being mistreated, The neglect, Everything. But there was nothing he could do. One day, Sun snuck off into the forest nearby his village so he could finally be alone. Sun climbed a large oak tree and as he curled up into the branches, He started sobbing. Sun finally made friends who care for him and he couldn’t even see them. The bullying never stopped and got worse when he was separated from his friends and his parents never even cared to ask what was wrong. Sun didn’t know what to do. This was the only time he could cry withouts someone telling him he’s a crybaby or too sensitive. But as he starts crying, Sun notices dark mist forming around him. Sun is curious and watches as the mist forms into a dark spirit with two tails, Aurora. Sun would hear some stories but didn’t think they were actually real. Aurora greets the tall kitten and tells Sun he can help him and she will be his friend. Sun did think it was a bit shady, But what choice did he have? He was alone, He couldn’t see his friends, His whole village treated him like dirt. He had no one. Sun accepts and ever since then. Aurora starts teaching Sun how to manipulate and take anything he wants by just words. At first, It sounded horrible to Sun. Manipulating others just for your own personal gain. But the more Sun practices manipulation. The more he felt more powerful. All his life he felt powerless and smaller than everyone else. But when he used the manipulation Aurora taught him, He felt powerful and strong, something he never felt. Every night, Sun would sneak out to train with Aurora. Aurora helped Sun learn how to use his hypnosis ability and how to actually use his sun power. The more Sun practiced and trained, The more powerful he got. Sun ended up forgetting about Rose and Smoke. He used to miss them everyday and they were all he could think about. But now, All that went through Sun’s mind was getting revenge for how his village treated him all his life. When Sun turns to a teenager. A few older rapterians start picking on him, But this time Sun fights back. At first he insults them, But it quickly turns into violence when they realize Sun will not give in and take the abuse anymore. Sun didn’t know how to fight and he knew this, But he still couldn’t just take the abuse anymore, He was tired of everyone thinking he was just everyone punching bag. The two rapterians ended up putting up a fight. But Sun uses this to his advantage and has a plan. When he lands a paw on them, The two rapterian’s insides start burning. Yes, They fell for his trap. Sun set their intestines on fire. Everyone hears their screams of pain and runs to see the commotion. Sun feels proud of himself for finally winning a battle. But most of his village ends up snapping at him. Sun can’t understand why, Why was no one happy for him? He finally stood up for himself. They should be amazed and proud. But again, Sun comes to the realization they will never be proud of him. No matter how hard he tries, He will always be the weak and the joke. Before any law enforcement could see the commotion, Sun stomps off back to his home. Annoyed, Frustrated, He was hurt but he didn’t want to show it. His mother and father already heard what happened and tried questioning Sun. But he ignores them and walks off, Leaving them worried and concerned. Sun should have been proud. But all he could feel was anger. He felt something when he burned the two rapterians. He felt powerful and higher than them. It was a feeling Sun wanted to feel again, But when his village snapped at him. That feeling goes away. Sun used to be a sweet and shy kid, Someone who never wanted to cause any trouble for anyone. But now, He had a high ego. He wanted to feel that feeling of power again. He liked manipulating others. He used to think about the two friends he missed and lost, but now he barely remembered them. All Sun wanted was power and revenge, and he had a plan on how to get what he wanted. It was a silent day. The two rapterians were recovering from their burned intestines, Everyone was talking about what Sun did. But everyone turned silent when Sun walked into the town. Everyone glared at him, Sun could see the hatred they always had for him since he was born. But Sun wasn’t hurt anymore. Instead, He just grinned sinisterly. Before anyone could ask why, They noticed the hotter it was around the area. Rapterians tried seeing what the problem was, But the more the heat rose. The more people could barely move. It was that hot. Everyone was weak and even standing on the ground burned everyone’s paws. Sun smiled evilly watching his village suffer. His plan worked, No one could stop him. When the guards near his village noticed the commotion, They tried arresting Sun and saving the village. But when they looked into his eyes, They all turned blank and lost all control. Sun hypnotized them. The village watched in horror, No one knew about his hypnosis ability. Sun found out he had hypnosis from Aurora. He didn’t want his village to know anything about it and waited for the perfect time to use it. His parents noticed what was happening and tried to stop him, But the heat stopped them from barely moving. Sun felt no sympathy, This is what they deserved, He thought. Sun was in control of the village that caused him so much suffering, and he enjoyed every last moment of it. The village stayed under his control for months. Whoever tried to stop him would fall under Sun’s control, Being hypnotized whenever they looked into his eyes. If no one listened to him, He would purposely make the heat worse until they gave in. Despite Sun’s control. The villagers thought of a plan to stop him. They remembered one weakness about Sun. Sun is powerful, But he’s weak and can’t fight. The villagers, Even his parents, All thought of a plan to make him stop. But little did they know that Sun overheard their plan and knew they were planning to overthrow him. Sun didn’t want to give up his new found power, But if he stayed. His village would punish him for the damage he did. No one would care what he has to say and he would be thrown in prison once he was down. Before anyone could execute their plan. Sun left his village. The heat and hypnosis stopped. Everyone was free, But no one knew where Sun went. Bounty hunters tried searching for him. But Sun was cunning, Mischievous and smart. He knew how to hide and stay off the radar. Sun was safe, But he felt the feeling of loneliness again. He wasn’t in control of anything anymore. Aurora stopped visiting Sun and he never knew why. He had no one and no one would ever forgive him for what he did. He knew this. He didn’t expect any redemption in himself anymore. One day while Sun was wandering around, Sun saw someone he never thought he would ever see again. His childhood friend, Rose. Sun was shocked, he didn’t know what to say. Rose was clawing angrily at the ground and sobbing. Sun was happy to see her again, But seeing his old friend crying in pain made him feel sympathetic. Sun didn’t feel sympathetic for anyone, But it was only seeing Rose crying that made him feel sorry for her. Sun comforted Rose until she stopped crying. Rose and Sun were together again. Sun was able to convince Rose to join him. Rose had nowhere else to go and didn’t want to go back home. She accepted and the two traveled together. Rose was aware of what Sun did to his village and that he was on the run. But she didn’t care. She just wanted to be by his side. She didn’t want to leave him again. Sun and Rose also found Smoke when he accidentally tripped and fell into a ditch. Rose and Sun helped him up and offered for Smoke to join him. Smoke was a bit hesitant, But he was so happy to see his old friends again that he accepted. Sun, Rose and Smoke always stayed together ever since. It was Sun who had the idea of creating a criminal gang called F.A.N.G. A criminal gang who wanted revenge for everyone who ever mistreated them. Rose agreed with Sun. Smoke was hesitant and didn’t want to hurt anyone, But he just wanted to be with Rose and Sun and he also accepted. Ever since then, F.A.N.G terrorized Sakura. Causing crimes, theft, fire, and even threats to other villages. Sun became leader of the group and Rose and Smoke followed and listened to his orders. Sun was the leader, But he did respect Smoke and Rose. They were more than just his gang members, They were his family, His only family and friends. F.A.N.G. crimes came to an end when Bloodtail and Queen Media teamed up to drive them out. But F.A.N.G escaped before anyone could make an arrest. F.A.N.G made it to the city. It was Sun’s suggestion to evacuate to the city. It was a busy place to lie low. Eventually F.A.N.G caused crimes in the city as well, But were stopped by their enemy, Kitsune and Violet. Rose and Sun grew a burning hatred for Kitsune. Whenever they did any crime, Kitsune was always there. But Sun had a plan to get rid of her. F.A.N.G. had a powerful crystal that they got from stealing so much from sakura, The insanity crystal. This crystal could make its victims trapped in your mind, Having your most traumatic experience repeat in your mind. Over and over again. Sun’s plan was to trap Kitsune in her own mind so that way it would take months for her to recover. But the plan backfired. When Sun and Kitsune meet again. Sun tries to make her touch the crystal, But Kitsune accidentally makes the crystal touch him. Sun was trapped in his own mind. He fell into a coma for months and Rose had to take over and take care of F.A.N.G. Sun didn’t want to get trapped in his own mind of course. But Kitsune still fell into his trap. Sun’s backup plan was to reveal Kitsune’s identity to the world. Sun grabbed all the info from her and gave it to Smoke. When the time was right, Smoke and Rose revealed KItsune’s identity, leaving Kitsune a high amount of stress. Now that Kitsune is no longer a hero. It’s up to Violet and her symbiote Virus to stop F.A.N.G. But Sun shortly woke up after Kitsune ran off. When Sun was told his planned work. Sun evilly smiled and was glad he didn’t have to deal with Kitsune anymore. But he was more glad to see Rose and Smoke were okay. Sun is egotistical, Manipulative and a power freak. But no matter what happens, he will always love Smoke and Rose and will be there to support him.

"I'll be back.. I swear i'll have my control again."

Planning things out, Science, Things going his way

Rose and Smoke getting, Getting called names, Teased


Tall size, Slit pupils, long tail and ears
Tree house in sakura

Short fur

Slit pupils

design notes

  • Sun was born very unusual. Usually rapterians with such tall height are more weak and sensitive to physical contact, Sun was no exception. However, thanks to his long tail he's good at keeping balance and running fast. His long ears allow him to hear better then everyone else and he can see more faraway with his slit pupils.
  • Has big ears.
  • Has markings representing the sun.

Manipulative // Cunning // Mischiveous //

As a child Sun was shy and quiet. Due to being picked on and bullied so much, he became more distance and quiet. It was only when he met Rose and Smoke did he become more happy However.. After his parents seperated him and still ignored him,

Sun is very conniving and manipulative. He can become a control freak when he loses to his enemies. Throwing an angry fit when he can't get control. However, he never shows that side to his enemies and can be seen as scary and just.. evil. Kitsune has nightmares about him just from his personality alone. However, past all that he can be pretty caring and kind. Well.. only to, Rose, Smoke and Archer. He cares for them and couldn't imagine anything bad happening to them.


Childhood home

The place where Sun grew up in. He ran away after he took control of the place and the villagers tried driving him out. He's scared of ever seeing his parents again or going back home in fear the village will attack him.

A tree he created into a hideout that Rose, Smoke and Sun now live in.


Best friend/Crush


Best friend/Brother figure


Close friend