


1 year, 5 months ago



Gender Male
Race/Species Aqua fox
Role Supporting character
Voice Aang-Avatar the last airbender
Age 12

Delta is a positive, reckless, brave and stubborn adventurous kid that wants the best for the ones he cares about.

Delta ran away when his home was attacked and burned down, making him the last of his kind. He’s been through a lot, but still stays positive for his friends and everyone around him. He’s naturally brave, adventurous and won’t ever take no for an answer. He’s always ready to fight and defend himself and his friends from danger which can make him reckless at times, but he has the spirit.


Delta was born to an aqua fox tribe with his siblings. Aqua foxes are water element foxes that can turn to sea dragons once they touch water. It was peaceful and protected by guards. Delta’s mother was the head guard of the tribe. While Delta’s siblings played outside with the other young kits. Delta would watch his mother give orders, do patrols, or train with the other guards. Delta was inspired to be a guard just like her. But One day, The tribe was attacked, By creatures that the aqua fox called pirates. Delta and his siblings watch the other aqua foxes fight for their life. He was terrified by watching the fight, So much violence and destruction. One of the creatures spotted the fox kits and before he could grab him, Delta’s mother attacked him protecting her kits. Delta watched his mother get captured trying to protect Delta and his siblings. Delta’s sisters and brothers tried to run but were captured also. Delta watched it all in fear and panicked, and all he could do was run. He ran away from the human chasing him and jumped in the ocean near the tribe. When Delta's body touched the ocean, he immediately turned into his sea dragon form, Exposing himself to the pirates. They tried to hunt him down, And Delta swam away from the tribe in a panic. And when he looked behind him, what was once his tribe, was all now in smoke and flames. All he could do was watch in fear. Delta was now alone, His mother was probably dead. His siblings captured, His tribe burnt to the ground, And now the humans are after him seeing his dragon form. Delta wasn’t a skilled swimmer like his mother. So swimming in the Pacific Ocean was no easy job. Delta bumped into a sailor ship. He tried to get away but was captured by a giant fish net. Because the sailor was so amazed by what he had caught, Mostly because humans don’t know aqua foxes exist. Delta was brought to an aquarium and was trapped in a giant tank, big enough for his dragon form. The visitors loved Delta’s unique designs and dragon form, But they stopped being so amused when Delta growled and started slamming his body on the tank. The aquarium had to sell Delta because one, Delta has an aggressive attitude towards humans, Two. Delta could make them a fortune. Delta was sold to a sea animal center. But because of Delta’s aggressive attitude, He was chained and put in restraints. Months past and Delta is forced to obey the humans or they would starve him for three days and chain him. Delta finally escapes from the drought situation in the sea animal center. Delta ran and found his way back to the Sea. But Delta was caught in a current which pulled him to a small river. As months go by, the river carries the small fox to a land called Sakura. Delta was founded by a blind wolf named Ren and a small rapterian named Ash. The two brought him to Queen Media’s kingdom. Delta wakes up and has his wounds treated by Sensor and Ren. Delta was happy to find out he wasn’t alone. As he gets to know Sakura better, He finds out most of the animals and rapterians share his abuse towards humans. But he has to learn to not hold a grudge against them. Delta tries his best but has a hard time forgiving the humans for the abuse he suffered. He volunteers to become a guard in training for the kingdom. And Radiation was made his mentor. At first he was excited. But he grew frustrated as the other guards and trainers treated him like a kit, Even though he was. Delta wanted to be treated as if he was a grown up. His stubbornness and know it all attitude has annoyed a lot of his friends and guards. But he is still respected as a future guard from his friends and the queen. He made friends with Alice and Bella, And they would usually hang out together after Delta’s training. But one day Bella goes missing and Alice asks Delat to find this mystery. Delta agrees to help and is now trying to look for Bella.


Despite being a aquatic creature, Delta eats sea food and fish.

Delta really likes hugs and affection as if reminds him of his mother.

Delta can't survive without water for atleast two hours.


Alice Best friend/Crush

Alice is Delta's best friend and love interest. They are both extrememly reckless and stubborn and get into a lot of adventures and trouble. When Delta was found and welcomed into Sakura, Alice is the one to show Delta around and teach Delta how to start trusting others despite the hurt again. After Alice lost her best friend Bella, Delta didn't hestitate to help her and support her. Delta has a crush for her that he doesn't quite understand how he feels yet and has never confessed.

Radiation Parent figure

Radiation is kind of the parental guardian in Delta's life. They have had a lot of arguments from her bad drinking habits, but had a good relationship when it comes to training. However, Delta kind of became distant with her after Rai's drinking habits became more worse and more out of control. After Radiation is presumed 'dead' Delta is determined to avenge her.

Captain Sapphire Rival

Delta doesn't understand why Sapphire and her crew is chasing his friend group and just finds her as annoying. Little does he know the history between her and aqua foxes.


Delta looks like a fennec fox from his small size and large ears.

Delta has blue swirls and blue patterns all over him to represent he's a aquatic animal.

Delta's dragon form only shows when he touches water

Delta's patterns allow him to glow in the dark.

HTML by Jade-Everstone