Queen Primrose



1 year, 5 months ago


Queen Primrose

"A rose for a broken heart."

Queen Primrose was the former queen of the winter kingdom and Queen Regina's mother figure

She was known by everyone as a gentle, kind and compassionate soul who was willing to do anything to help others around her, but after a horrible blizzard took away the lives of her family. Queen Primrose tried to keep on a smile and still serve her kingdom, but depression took over until she fell into a coma she would never wake up from.


Name Primrose
Age 34
Gender Female
Species Rapterian
Role Background character
Daughter Queen Regina
Residence The winter kingdom
Status Deceased

  • Roses
  • Gardening
  • Singing

  • Thorns on roses
  • Judgmental people
  • Anyone in pain


  • Primrose became good friends with Frost and Willow in the afterlife
  • Primrose was a aunt figure to crystal shards when she was little and the two were very close all the way till her death
  • Primrose is the reason Regina has a obsession with roses
  • Primrose has never believed Regina's eyes are what caused her death and knows well it was her own depression

Design Notes

  • Leaves are stuffed in fluffy neck and fur
  • Very fluffy soft, sometimes messy fur
  • Very big from a normal feline
  • Leaves are still in fur in spirit form


Queen Primrose had a hard life before she met Regina. Primrose had a decent childhood, Her mother and father taught her well and loved their daughter very much. Primrose never grew up with any siblings and lived in a big castle in a snowy plain, So it wasn’t hard for Primrose to become lonely. Her only friend was a rapterian her age that lived in the village. Her parents were supportive of her love for him. So as the years grew, Primrose and her dear love became mates. However, One day, Old age catched up, And Primrose’s parents finally passed on to rest with their ancestors. Primrose was now the only heir to the throne as there was no other family left, Now turning to Queen Primrose. It was a heavy responsibility on her, Especially now having the grief of losing her parents and having no one other than her love left. But because of her mate’s support, Primrose continued her rulership and was a respected and loved leader. Primrose and her love planned on having children and starting a new family, Continuing the generation of the winter kingdom’s royal bloodline. Eventually, They did. Three kittens. Words couldn’t describe Primrose’s happiness. She loved her family more than she did for herself. But that happiness was stripped away when a blizzard took over the kingdom. Primrose tried everything she could to help her subjects and her family by staying warm. But the stress took a big toll on her. She tried to be positive, But hyperthermia catched up to her three children and her mate. And they died in their sleep that same night. When Primrose found them all dead, The weight of the world crashed onto her and the queen fell into a state of grief.

After the blizzard passed, Primrose buried her family in the red rose garden near her castle. It was where the royal family agreed to be buried at. Primrose has now lost her parents and now her whole family. There was no one to carry on the bloodline. Primrose was now alone. Primrose would usually stay in her throne room, Not speaking to anyone as she didn’t want anyone to see their queen seem so broken and weak. The loneliness kicked in and Primrose fell into a state of depression. One day Primrose decided to hang around the rose garden, The only place that seemed to give her any happiness anymore. But it was when she was making her way to the rose garden that Primrose came across a small feline with brown fur and red eyes and a weird tail made out of smoke. The small child was hurt, She looked like she gave up on all hope, Like Primrose. Primrose didn’t hesitate to take in the child and helped her get back to full health. The child was named Regina. She explained how her terrible life was and she just escaped a human circus that would abuse her daily. Heartbroken by the backstory, Primrose knew she couldn’t just leave the little girl all alone. So she made the decision to take her in and raise her as her own child.

Primrose saw this as a new beginning and chance to have a family again. Her best advisors and guards advised Primrose to get rid of the child. Warning her that her pure blood red eyes will cause the kingdom only harm. But Primrose didn’t want to listen to such childish things and didn’t care what eye color Regina had. Regina becomes next in line for the throne and everyone is shocked and terrified that someone with blood red eyes is responsible for the future of this kingdom. Primrose could see how everyone treated Regina just for being born with red eyes. So she made it her job to make sure Regina felt as welcomed as possible. Primrose was the only one who made Regina feel loved and not shamed for having red eyes. Regina was the light of Primrose’s darkness. But sadly, It wasn’t enough. Primrose still stayed at the rose garden where her family was buried most of the time. Despite her being happy she had a new daughter to raise, It wasn’t enough to cure her depressive state. And that is what killed her. Primrose never let Regina worry about her mental health and always told Regina it’s nothing to worry about. But in reality, Primrose’s own sadness was killing her. And one day, Primrose just collapses and takes her last breath in front of Regina. Despite Regina trying to wake her up, Primrose was gone. Primrose got to see her family again, But decided to still look after Regina. She felt guilty for not telling Regina of her mental health state and knew the best she could do was watch over her daughter. However, Primrose was forced to watch her daughter become an evil ruler and a myrdere of an innocent healer’s life. Despite all of this, She still loves Regina. No matter how evil she becomes. Nothing, Will take away Primrose’s love for her daughter. Subjects and royal advisors in the winter kingdom think Primrose’s sickness was cancer or a contagious deadly sickness. Worse, They think Primrose adopting Regina was the cause of this and that she was a bad omen. When in reality, It was grief that killed her.

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