Queen Regina



1 year, 5 months ago


"I've lost everything i have ever loved, i have nothing left to lose."

Queen Regina



Unlike the others, Regina hated the circus. The ringmaster thought she was a curse and a bad omen because of her blood red eyes and smoke tail. Because of this, Regina was treated real low by the other employees and animals. The only respect she ever got was from her friends, Sylvester and Michio, And her best friend, Ava. Ava always made Regina feel included and encouraged her to not give up. One day, Regina was just done performing. Ava ran to Regina with a look of fear. Ava told Regina that the collars were electric collars, And the ringmaster would be more abusive. Regina was upset about this, As if she didn’t have enough to deal with. When Ava formed an escape plan with the others. Regina was happy to leave the circus, She finally didn’t have to deal with being treated lower than dirt. But the circus caught on fire, And a pile of wood crashed on Regina. Regina saw Ava and called for help, But Ava didn’t hear her and left. Regina thought this was betrayal, and grew a deep hatred for Ava. Regina was caught and tortured for trying to escape, This turned her heart cold, Thinking her friends just left her for bait. Regina snapped and attacked the ringmaster, And the employees were too scared of Regina’s eyes. When Regina escaped the circus. She found a forest known as Sakura. Curious and confused, She walked into winter kingdom territory. She met one of the rulers named Primrose. Primrose was kind and took care of Regina, Treating her like a daughter and making her heir to the throne. Regina was happy to be the next queen, She was finally not treated so low and was now a royal. But she would sometimes hear whispers from the guards, Talking behind her back and her red eyes. This made Regina more cold, And upset that everyone was still scared of her. Primrose caught a rare sickness, And soon died from it. This broke Regina, The only one who cared and loved her was now gone. Regina wasn’t ready to be queen. But she snapped, Her heart turned cold. And she distanced herself and closed her feelings, Not caring for anyone. Regina took the crown without a ceremony, And became queen. Anyone who talked about her eyes were thrown in a dungeon, And any rebellion or mutiny would be exiled. Regina made a plan she kept from the other rulers, And that was to rule and take over all of Sakura. Regina was feared by everyone, All but one. Willow, Willow wasn’t afraid of Regina and knew she was up to something. Regina tried ignoring her, As she wasn’t worth her time. But Willow snuck into her castle and stole her scrolls, Planning to reveal Regina’s dark plans. The only person she told about Regina’s plans was Alex. When Willow tried to tell the other rulers. Regina caught up to her and severely wounded her head, Accidentally killing Willow. Regina was terrified of what she did. But tried ignoring it, The only person who witnessed Willow’s death was Levi, And he kept quiet. Regina found out that Alex knew of her plans. And she told everyone Alex is a cold blooded murderer. Alex tried telling everyone about her plans. But everyone believed Regina. Regina sent guards out to arrest him, But Alex escaped falling into a human city. Regina's main goal is to capture Alex and take over Sakura..

[ Personality ]


  • Red roses
  • Hanging out in the garden
  • Revenge


  • Dead roses
  • The circus
  • Alex


Regina is usually very quiet and distant. She tries not to get close to anyone, afraid they will hurt her or betray her. She rarely ever smiles and finds it hard to find the positive things in situations. But even with her quiet nature, she can be very cold and threatening. She's not afraid to claw anyone that gets in her way and make them suffer for challenging her. She is also very emotional and can't let go of her past. She tries to move on, but it seems hard for her too.

[ Basics ]

AGE 19
RESIDENCE Winter kingdom
THEME Empire

[ Story & Trivia ]

After Regina killed Willow, She was shocked and panicked for what she had done. The only one to witness the murder was Levi, her royal guard. However, he was too loyal to turn her in. Levi and Regina hide the evidence and both run away from the scene, leaving Alex to find Willow's dead body. Regina was stressed out, she never meant o kill anyone or to even get in this mess, but now look what happened. She knew people would get suspcious and would follow the evidence to her. She was afraid of what the punishment would be for the death of a innocent rapterian. She had to think of something quick. However, that night when Regina was trying to figure out what to do. Alex broke into her castle and accused Regina of the murder. Regina was at first nervous and didn't know what to do. But she then realized this is the perfect plan to cover her tracks. She would blame the murder on the most hated rapterian, Alex. He already broke into her castle and was threatening the queen, it was enough evidence for her to blame it all on him. Regina pretends to be terrified and calls for her guards. Alex was chased off and Regina's plan was in action. The next day she told Queen Media, King Flame, Queen Crystal shard, and Bloodtail that Alex attacked her and was the murderer of Willow. However, Bloodtail knew her son wouldn't just attack Regina, especially for no reason at all. Bloodtail snaps at Regina and it leads to a huge argument until Bloodtail knows theres no arguing with her and she walks away. Alex was now being hunted for the murder. Regina's plan worked. However, a few months after she framed Alex. Aurora informs Regina that Alex stole the eclipse device from her and fled sakura. Regina was now more paranoid and terrified and had to think of a plan. She gathered all of her friends that she knew were fit for the job and promised them power if they succeeded in catching Alex. Now Regina has more sinister plans other then catching Alex up her sleeve, but what is it?

  • Regina is one of the few ocs who has never had a design change.
  • Regina visits Primrose's grave almost everyday.
  • Regina loves red roses, so much most of her castle is beautifully decorated with red roses. It's one of the only things that remind her of her mother, Primrose.

[ Relationships ]

Best friend/Royal guard


Levi is probably the only thing thats keeping Regina from going totally insane. He loves her more then she will ever know and will never abandon her. Even if keeping Willow's death a secret has ruined his mental health. Levi is always following Regina or doing her bidding. He's loyal to her and would give up the world to keep her safe. However, Regina has never seen Levi in a romantic way, but has seen him as a close friend. It's ussually him she goes to for comfort and to vent all her feelings to. It makes Regina feel happy because he's respectful and listens to her.

Friend/Best assasin


Although Ahmya is a chaotic ball of fluff and is not in her right mind. Regina is impressed with her skills and considers her the best guard and assasin she has. Like Levi, she sees her as a close friend.



They never knew each other well and Alex didn't really care much for her or Primrose. But he hated her when he found out it was her who killed Willow. Regina hates him as well and hopes he can be locked away for a long time so her secret can be safe.
