


1 year, 5 months ago



Name Ghost
Occupation Criminal/Swordsmen
Age 23
Gender Male
Height 3 feet
Build Soft short fur/Small/Round features
Race Cat
Role Supporting character
Positive Goofball, Clumsy, Compassionate
Negative Stressed easily, Over protective
Theme song Song link


  • Rain
  • Fights
  • Train robberies
  • Sword fights


  • His glitching state
  • Rain or the gang getting hurt
  • Aquarius
  • Thinking about his past


Stressed easily


Despite his struggles, Ghost is caring for those around him and is willing to do all he can for them.


Ghost uses jokes to cope in situations. He's a goofball and makes terrible puns.


He's into the arts of sword fighting and wants to be the best sword fighter in sakura.


Ghost was born the runt and was the youngest. His older brother and sister, Saber and Cedar. Although protective of him, they liked to pick on him a lot. Ghost never really knew his dad and was raised by his mother, Sakra. The small family never really had a home and were constantly traveling and moving from place to place. Sakra lived outside Sakura which is why her life was a struggle. Sakra struggled to take care of three rapterian kits on her own and she was barely able to feed them. It was a struggle but they made it through together. One day while Sakra was looking for some sort of shelter and food. Sakra came across a certain powered device. It was glowing white and white electric sparks surrounded it. It looked dangerous. Sakra knew something was wrong and her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the C.H.A.I.N.S. mark on the device. She immediately knew the dangers but before she could leave, she was attacked by one of the guards near the device. Cedar, Saber and Ghost were terrified and called for their mother. Sakra fears her kits will get hurt and yells at them to run. Even though they were terrified, Cedar and Saber do as Sakra says. Everyone except Ghost. Ghost cries for his mother and runs towards her. Saber notices her little brother and goes after Ghost. Meanwhile Sakra is able to throw off the guard. But she knows the guard will just go after her children. Thinking her children are far enough. Sakra rams her horns into the electric device, causing an explosion. However, Sakra was wrong. Her kits didn’t follow her orders. Ghost and Saber both got caught up in the explosion while Cedar witnessed everything. The explosion threw Saber back, luckily. The only damage she had was a burned arm. But Ghost was nowhere to be seen. Cedar and Saber could only assume Ghost and Sakra were killed from the explosion. Now hopeless and alone, the two siblings run away. But little did they know, Ghost survived. Ghost woke up from the explosion. He didn’t seem to feel any sort of physical pain. He was confused and scared. He called for Saber and Cedar, his mother, and anyone for help. Ghost wandered around for hours, looking for someone to help him. Ghost eventually found a small rapterian village outside the sakura border. He ran straight to the village and called for help. The rapterian villagers all looked at Ghost confused. When one of the rapterians asked him what was wrong. Ghost explained in a panic. Suddenly, his whole body started turning transparent and glitching. Ghost was now more scared and confused. The rapterians were confused and terrified. Despite Ghost’s pleas for help, they all backed away in fear. This caught the attention of the national felonies unit. Two enforcers notice the kitten crying for help, they reach their paw to try and grab the kitten but Ghost just runs away in fear. The enforcers chase after Ghost but lose him when Ghost gets more scared and turns invisible. Ghost didn’t ask anyone for help after that. He tried understanding this new power he held, but it just felt like more of a curse. Whenever Ghost got stressed, He physically couldn’t make contact and glitched like a computer with a virus. To avoid more enforcers, Ghost started wearing a dark hood to hide his abilities. Having no idea on how to hunt and having no trading stocks. Ghost stole food and often found himself running away from enforcers. It never felt good stealing, but it was the only way to survive. Ghost stealing food just got the enforcers more annoyed. They started hunting him down to stop this and it only made Ghost more stressed and scared. One day while walking through the village with his hood, hiding his face. Someone ran into him. Ghost started glitching in a panic and looked to see who it was. It was a distressed female fox. She was terrified and seemed to be running from someone. Before Ghost could ask if she was okay. Another fox that looked like her came chasing after her. The female fox begged for Ghost to save her. Even though he was confused, Ghost agreed and grabbed the fox. They both end up turning invisible and the fox passes the two. Ghost and the fox run away and end up hiding in Ghost's hideout. The fox's name is Rain and the fox chasing her was her brother, Aquarius. Rain explains that she’s a runaway princess after Aquarius killed her father for the throne. Ever since then she’s been on the run, trying to escape her brother. Ghost relates to her and tells her that no matter what, he will protect her. Ever since then Ghost and Rain were always together. They became very close, and they eventually turned from best friends to lovers. One day, Ghost and Rain ran into another small group stealing, Cheyenne and Rogue. Rain and Ghost decided to help them since they were most likely the same. After they successfully got away from the enforcers. Rain and Ghost asked if they could join Cheyyene and Rogues’s group. They accepted and ever since then, Rain and Ghost have been following Cheyenne's and Rogue’s commands. They were the first two members to join their gang before anyone else did. Eventually Ghost found Saber and Cedar and was finally reunited with them. He offered for them to join the gang and they accepted. Eventually more members joined the gang until it became a full outlaw gang. As for his relationship with Rain. They got married and promised they will forever be together. Sadly, Ghost still suffers from his abilities. The more stressed he is, the more he can’t control his ability. Luckily, He has Rain and the gang to help and support him.



Rain [Wife]

Ghost would do anything to keep her safe. He loves her more then life itself. He's always supportive of her and will do anything to make sure she's happy.


Saber [Older sister]

Even though she likes to tease him and is very over protective of him over Rain. Ghost looks up to her and loves her dearly. He blames himself for the scar on her back and can't stand to look at it.


Cedar [Older brother]

Cedar is more quiet, awkward and agreeable. But him and Ghost get a long well and are quite the chaotic sibling duel.

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