


1 year, 5 months ago



Name Rain
Occupation Runaway princess/Criminal
Age 23
Gender Female
Height 3 feet
Build Soft fur/Fluffy/wavy/Water tail
Race Northern aqua fox
Role Supporting character
Positive Compassionate/Sweet/Optimistic
Negative Protective, Hates confrontation
Theme song Song link


  • Rain
  • Fights
  • Train robberies
  • Sword fights


  • Aquarius
  • Rude people
  • Being yelled at
  • Anyone in pain




Rain does everything in her power to make sure everyone has a good day. She never wants anyone to go through what she went through.


She's in the arts of herbs and healing and loves helping others.


She loves hanging out with Ghost and her pet fish, Gilly.


Ever since the aquatic rapterian and southern aqua foxes went missing. The northern aqua fox kingdom has been hidden. Rain was the young princess of the kingdom along with her older brother, prince Aquarius. Aquarius was adopted, and because of that. Rain would be the next heir. Aquarius never seemed to be that upset with Rain when he heard the news, and has always had a happy and close relationship with his little sister, which makes what he did more confusing and painful to Rain. One day, Rain and Aquarius were training near a small fountain. Aquarius was teaching Rain how to use her water abilities. But when he tried giving her a demonstration, something went wrong and he ended up creating a big giant wave and it ended up hurting Rain. His parents, the king and queen, were furious with Aquarius and snapped at him for hurting their perfect daughter. Despite Aquarius and Rain trying to explain that it was an accident. His parents forbid Rain from playing or training with Aquarius anymore. This upsetted Rain that Aquarius was punished for a small mistake. She felt bad for her brother and wanted to comfort him. When she thought her parents were too busy to notice her, Rain snuck off to find Aquarius. Suddenly, She heard yelling in the throne room. Curiosity took over her and Rain went to check. Aquarius and her father were arguing about the incident. Rain was nervous and wanted to calm everyone down, when suddenly Aquarius tackled the king. It was a bit of a struggle, but by the time Aquarius sat up and looked down. There was blood everywhere. Rain looks down and shocked and realizes what he did. Aquarius killed her father. Rain screams in horror catching the attention of Aquarius. Aquarius doesn’t attack her and yells at Rain to wait. But afraid he will attack her too, Rain runs off in fear. Aquarius goes after her which didn’t make things any better. Rain runs out of the kingdom, calling for someone to help when she stops at a waterfall. At first she hesitates, but when her brother shouts at her to stop. Adrenaline kicks in and Rain jumps over the waterfall. Rain was carried by the river for days since she couldn’t drown with her gills. Rain finally woke up and was now on her own. Remembering the training her brother taught her, she was able to hunt small fish and make it out on her own. After days of searching, Rain finally found a small village where she could find sources of actual shelter and help. But unfortunately, Rain was known as the runaway princess. Anyone who brought her back to the now King Aquarius would be rewarded millions. Rain felt a mix of shock and betrayal. No use asking anyone for help since they would just turn her in. Having no other way for anyone to help her, Rain had no other choice but to steal food to survive. Even though it got her into more trouble. What choice did she have any more? One day while pickpocketing for extra cash. Rain could see in the distance her brother Aquarius and some northern aqua fox guards looking for Rain. Rain panicked and immediately ran off. Aquarius noticed her voice and immediately went after her. While running, Rain ran into a stranger with a dark hoodie on. Despite their suspicious appearance, Rain didn’t care and begged the stranger to help her. The stranger noticed Aquarius and agreed to help. He held onto her and whispered to Rain to stay quiet. Rain was confused, but did as he said. Suddenly the two turn invisible and Aquarius and his guards run past them. After Aquarius walks past them. The stranger immediately grabs Rain’s paw and runs off. When they finally are safe, the two hide in the stranger’s hideout. The stranger removed his hood, and revealed that his name is Ghost. Rain was still a bit scared of him because of his ability, But she felt like she could trust him. She told Ghost everything, and was met with sympathy and comfort from Ghost. Because of Ghost’s compassion, Rain felt safe and happy when she was close to him. Ever since then, Rain and Ghost became very close. They did everything together, from stealing to traveling together. They eventually became lovers and later got married. Rain and Ghost eventually joined Cheyyene’s gang and have stayed there ever since. Rain eventually got news that her mother, the queen of the northern kingdom, had passed on from old age. Leaving Aquarius the only line and heir. Rain was heartbroken when she heard this. She tried forgetting about her past when she met Cheyenne and Ghost, and now it’s all flooding back to her so fast. She never got to say goodbye to her mother or even talk to her after she ran away. Luckily, Ghost was there to comfort Rain and assured her she will always have him to help and protect her. Rain now sees the gang as her family. But even though she’s a gang member, she’s still a kind and compassionate person and always willing to help someone in need.



Ghost [Husband]

She's very close and affectionate to him. She would do anything to keep her safe and is very protective and supportive of him.

Aquarius [Older adoptive brother]

Aquarius and Rain had a healty sibling relationship. But she became terrified of him when he killed their father, the king of the aqua foxes. He took the crown and Rain ran away. She's now terrified of him and hates him for what he did, but a part of her still misses the brother she once had.

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