


1 year, 5 months ago



Name Carlos
Occupation Gunslinger/Outlaw
Age 19
Gender Male
Height 2 feet
Build Sharp spiky fur/Slim/Small
Race Cat
Role Supporting character
Positive Jokester/Brave/Calm
Negative Protective, Hates confrontation
Theme song Song link


  • Shooting random things for no reason
  • feathers
  • Collecting feathers
  • Annoying Azurite


  • Thinking about his home
  • Getting caught
  • No one getting his jokes
  • Fire




Carlos tries to enjoy the fun things in life and does his best to not worry that much, he loves going on adventures and heists and usually lightens up the gang's mood with his personality.


Carlos likes to say random jokes and insults in spanish, knowing no one in the gang will understand him.


Carlos's guns are a reverse of his rival Azurite's guns. Instead of melting stuff, the bullets explode.


Carlos’s mother was killed by a gang that she owed a lot of money to. His mother was the only one who raised him when his father left. She taught him almost everything he knows. So imagine his heartbreak and shock when he finds blood on the floor and his mother dead one day. Police couldn’t find the culprits, and as time passed there wasn’t enough evidence to continue the investigation. The case was close, and Carlos was left alone with no justice. Filled with so much heartbreak and rage, Carlos took matters into his own hands. He used his mother’s knowledge and created his own weapons. They looked like normal guns but they were far more dangerous from normal. He was able to create bullets that explode when far enough. Now that he created the perfect weapon, it was time to find the people who ruined his life and took the most precious thing to him. It took months, years, but by the time Carlos was 16, he finally found the gang. You would think he thought logically about this but nope. He was in so much rage he couldn’t think of anything else but getting his revenge. He attacked the gang leader and the bullets killed him instantly. Then when he was done, he set the whole gang base on fire. He got what he wanted, but at what cost? He didn’t feel satisfied that he thought he would. It seemed like revenge wouldn’t heal the heart in his wound like he thought it would. Carlos knew the police would find the massacre and follow it up to him. He catched up to a cargo boat and fled his home before anyone could suspect him. Ever since Carlos has been on the run from his own selfish karma. Carlos eventually found the train that led to sakura and hopped on it. Sakura was nothing like his home and he was amazed how beautiful it was. But even though sakura was indeed beautiful, it was known for one thing. Outlaws and crime. Especially in the western side since that is the only territory with no king or queen. Carlos figured that was a perfect way to blend in. Why would anyone pay attention to him when there's so many thieves? Carlos did end up stealing for his own needs but also because it was pretty fun to him. That's when he met Cheyenne and decided to join his group. He’s kind of annoying but the group loves him and he considers sakura his new home.



Azurite [Rival]

For years Azurite has been trying to capture Carlos but has never succeed. Carlos enjoys making fun of him, teasing him and sees Azurite chasing him as a game. He's also pretty competetive of him and always challenges him to prove who is the best gunslinger, something Azurite always falls for and agrees on.


Ghost [Best friend]

Ghost and Carlos are a ticking bomb waiting to explode when together. They get into all sorts of trouble. They pull heists together, play pranks and are both abosulte jokesters, which can annoy the gang.

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