Clear Topaz



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Steven Universe


Somewhere in the 3000s. She lost track after falling into a stasis like coma (3412 y/o)


Gem (Topaz)


Genderless (she/her pronouns)




Homeworld digger (previously), Gemgrove (current)


Taller Topazes (siblings), Waterdog (pet), GemGrove (team)

Significant other:



Unique things, calm settings, nature watching, freedom, her teammates, cute objects


Bullying, friends being hurt, being called inferior or imperfect, haunting over her emo/punk phase, thinking about Pink Diamond


A gem meant to be crushed for her inferior appearance after emerging too early. Sent to be executed, Pink diamond saw a future for the small gem, falling in love with her diamond shaped magenta eyes. She saves Clear Topaz from her quick death and places her in a dead kindergarten to work as a digger. After the death of Pink Diamond, Clear Topaz was distraught and escapes to Earth after years of mourning. She wanted to see the one place Pink Diamond cherished so much, but was accidentally impaled by falling wreckage in an abandoned kindergarten. Her form poofs into a clear gem, falling straight into the earth's crust in a stasis like coma. A millennia would pass before an earthquake would break Clear Topaz free and waking her from sleep. She emerges from the ground to find a lone gem leader walking along the dry husk kindergarten paths. Gathering herself despite being disorientated, Topaz greets the Emerald.

Physical Description:

Only being 5 feet tall, Topaz is much shorter and petite than her bigger sisters. Her gemstone is placed on her neck, shaped like a triangle. She does not have the build for doing heavy work. Although small, Clear Topaz was still trained in combat and taught herself to dodge and attack despite her handicap. Her choice of weapons are heavy digging gauntlets on each hand, used for digging and pulling gems out of the kindergarten walls. Her previous limb enhancers were only good for extraction and excavating carefully.

Many gems note her diamond shaped magenta eye, being drawn by the bright eyes compared to her soft colored outfit. She wears a loose blue dress with pink sleeves and a pink heart symbol on her chest. A single pink sash wraps around her waist, keeping the dress from impeding with combat. Her hair is a short, spiky tipped, wavy, and pale yellow color while her skin is pure white. She wears grey shorts underneath her dress and dislikes wearing shoes, finding them as an annoyance. Clear Topaz would rather go bear footed in every gem reform if she can.

Topaz's old homeworld outfit was more form fitting and cyan hued, following geometric patterns like other homeworld soldiers. It took convincing to change out of it after realizing she would fit in better by dressing like the humans. When first introduced to earth culture, Topaz adorned a black shirt over long sleeves and short cargo pants, wearing tomboyish clothes to match her gloomy attitude. She wore mostly dark colored outfits with occasionally hanging chains, enjoying her freedom of self expression. When going to concerts, Clear Topaz always wore appropriate raving clothes.


Topaz is willing to learn anything unique, although has trouble doing so. Her child-like curiosity is often causing more problems than understanding. Many of her emotions are mixed and mistaken for another, sometimes seeing abusive relationships as rivalry or believing her infatuation to be the feeling of love. Nonetheless, Topaz's love for her teammates are true to her heart. She starts doubting herself after learning about her problematic mixed feelings and becomes confused on how to act upon them. Topaz would rather figure out her owns feelings before asking for help. Overall, she's very easy to get along with and smiles brighter than the sun. Because she finds everything interesting and fun, humans find her interest in death to be a bit morbid. Her fascination with humans created a different and somewhat more damaging view of them.

Regarding her teammates, Topaz believes in her teammates with all her heart. She encourages them to do their best, tired of sitting idly by. Clear Topaz is most fond of Emerald as a leader and believes she still has the skills to carry this team through. She's a strong believer in teamwork and thinks it's best to plan together rather than jumping into the fray.

In the past, Clear Topaz prioritized her job more than anything. She was determined to complete her task given by Pink Diamond, wishing to please her after she had saved Topaz's life. Her persistence pushed her away from socializing with other gems, resulting in her anti-social nature. Towards highly respecting gems, Topaz will lower herself to those with leadership skills. She will not, however, lower herself if it disrupts or halts her work. Her goal focus determination pushes her to do her absolute best and never give up. When not working, she will quietly observe other gems interact from some distance. Topaz was interested in the foreign concept of friends and feels envy for the gems who are seen together having fun. Clutching her gem, she feels a longing pang for friendship.


Created on one of homeworld's kindergarten facilities, emerging from the ground too early and becoming smaller than her other Topaz sisters. Clear Topaz was originally trained in heavy combat like the others, but failed to be on par with them because of their larger size. When being sent to be crushed for her imperfections, Pink Diamond catches a glimpse of her magenta diamond eyes and becomes infatuated. She saves Topaz from her end and places her in a kindergarten as a digger, or gems who clear out facilities of ungrown aka false gems. These gems typically failed to emerge in time and are placed in bins to be collected. Clear topaz is unsure where they're taken, but doesn't question her Diamond's authority. Hidden from the other diamond's views, Topaz continues to check specific kindergartens and examining the status of each one before extracting the remaining gems to be salvaged.

The whispering news of Pink diamond's shattering sent Clear Topaz into a spiral of despair. She tried to ignore the horrifying words, but was broken when Pink diamond's gems were being relocated and assigned to different diamonds. She knew the reign of Pink Diamond were no more, crying great tears of grief and mourning for years. She stayed hidden from the other gems during her grieving and stayed mostly motionless, hoping for her end to come one day. It was when a gem emerged from the kindergarten's crust very late that convinced her to leave, questioning Topaz's purpose life. With a spark of inspiration, Topaz steals a ship with the newly formed gem and escapes towards Crystal System Colony Planet Earth. Paying homage to Pink Diamond's planet, Topaz lands the ship and starts walking along one of her old kindergartens. The walls long dried out of life, but here once lied her great soldiers and subordinates. Unbeknownst to her, one of the drills break loose from the upper walls and falls over, wreckage piercing her body and putting her in a stasis like coma inside the depths of Earth's cracks. Thinking this as her end, perhaps she can finally sleep out her days. Forever slumbering on Pink Diamond's planet.

A few millennia have passed since Clear Topaz's accident, the Earth's environment constantly changing as the years go on. During an earthquake, Topaz's gem is broken free from her earthy confinement and immediately reforms on the over world. Looking around in a panicked haze, she's unable to gauge how many years have passed, feeling completely disorientated since her last awakening. Eventually, an individual is seen taking down one of the paths in the distance. Topaz wills herself to follow unknown gem, hoping to know what had happened to this planet. She gets called out instead by the individual.

Ongoing Story:

Topaz, now a member of the GemGrove, continues to live out her life on Earth alongside her new teammates. With Emerald assisting her, she attempts to understand human culture through socializing. At the same time, Topaz's growing crush on her teammates become harder to deny.


Able to summon two heavy plated gauntlets from her gem that can be used to crush, break, or dig through solid rock. The armored gloves can deflect projectiles or grab a hold of objects with a strong grip. Topaz can scale a rocky wall with ease, previously doing it often as a homeworld digger. She sometimes digs a nice ditch to sleep in.

With her homeworld training still entrenched in her mind, Topaz knows how to fight with her body type and tends to dodge before finding an opening to strike hard. If irritated, Topaz will instead deflect or redirect attacks in an aggressive stance.

Unlike her bigger sisters, Topaz cannot phase together perfectly with them. She, instead, inherited the ability to phase through rocks after years of working in the kindergartens.

Extra Info:

  • Secretly likes Helio for being overly confident:
    • Will never admit it to her face
    • Blushes every time Helio looks cool, but looks away when caught looking
  • Human ignorant (can't understand humans well)
  • Serenaded by Emerald after her long slumber with an acoustic guitar:
    • Topaz swooned, but in a dignified way
  • At one point had a(n) emo/rock phase. Still enjoys rock music, but embarrassed telling others about it
  • Has a pet crocogator named "Waterdog" (alligator/crocodile hybrid)
  • Still likes rock music and going to concerts, but does so in secret:
    • When alone in the temple, Topaz will blast loud rock music throughout the entire place and jamming out everywhere
  • The temple has electricity and running water, being paid by Emerald's florist job