


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Older than the Rebellion


Helio (Everyone)








However Heavy Gems Are


Homeworld soldier (previously), Gemgrove (current)


Genderless (she/her pronouns)




Fighting, talking dancing, gossiping and overall making herself feel better than others.


Being denied, being inferior or useless, being poofed.


A gem that was never meant for greatness, after emerging too early. While Helio's aims were high, and her pride strong, her hopes were dashed soon after creation when she realized the extent of her debilitating mutation. Unlike the rest of her fellow Heliotropes, she was brittle and smaller than she was supposed to be. She became a liability in combat, and while Pink Diamond accepted her for her faults, her fellow foot-soldiers did not. 

On the battlefield, during the Crystal Gem rebellion, Heliotrope was  betrayed by her own kind. After Pink Diamond's death, Heliotrope went into a frenzy in battle, and those threw herself into situations where she would be poofed. Fed up with her antics, she was poofed by her own Heliotropes and forcefully sent back to Homeworld for her own safety. Upon reforming, Heliotrope was enraged. With her Diamond shattered, she was placed in the care of Blue Diamond and made to look after the Human Zoo...a job she absolutely despised. She was desperate to prove herself to her fellow Heliotropes...what better way than destroying the Crystal Gems herself? She escaped the Human Zoo the moment she got a chance, and stumbles onto Earthen soil in a meager craft ready to battle countless years later... 

Physical Description:

Heliotrope is a medium sized gem with a slender build. She has flecks of oranges, reds and yellows imbedded in her skin to mimic her gemstone.

She has poofy green hair that looks wild and untamable, despite the fact its so short. Her eyes are a powerful red color. Her skin is green, and before joining Gem-Grove she was under the jurisdiction of Pink Diamond.

Heliotropes, or Bloodstone, are powerful gem warriors created for the sole purpose of being utilized in Pink Diamonds new army. With their innate ability to grow stronger with every hit they take, Heliotropes are juggernauts in battle who must be dealt with carefully. This Heliotrope, however, popped out of her Kindergarten much too early. She's exceedingly brittle, and due to this unfortunate mutation, she can only take a few hits before she poofs. This has frustrated her since the dawn of her creation. 

Heliotropes gem is located on her abdomen, where the bellybutton would be on a human. Her gem weapon is a long, large scythe that she pulls hilt-first out from her gem. It is dotted with the same patterns that are imbedded in her skin.


Who in their right mind would allow such a stubborn, obstinate gem to exist? Helio is lucky Pink Diamond was such a wonderful soul. If she had been in the charge of any other Diamond, Heliotrope most certainly would have been shattered. Someone so brittle has no business being so prideful. She's all talk, and when you see through her lies, you can tell just how lonely she is.

Arrogant and loud, Helio acts like she has something to prove 24/7. She's exceedingly ambitious, and abrasive towards everyone regardless of if they're in her way or not. She rarely ever gives up on her goals, and lets anger drive her to fuel them. After all, she never forgot the "injustice" she suffered during the rebellion, and she was on that Human Zoo for years! Thousands of them!

Being a Homeworld gem, she's still trying to rid herself of that caste-system mindset. She's really not the person you'd expect to hold to it, but still, she gets caught up in it. Helio views herself as superior to other gems due to a deep, deep, inferiority complex that causes her to lash out at others and attempt to do rash things in order to seem stronger. She unknowingly hurts her "friends" a lot due to lashing out at them. She's very insecure.

That insecurity is due to a lot of deep fears, fears she'll never share with another gem. She constantly thinks she's never good enough, and that she'll never fulfill her purpose as a gem. She's constantly fearing of other peoples judgement, and most importantly, of their disdain. She's got to prove she's strong! It's all that matters! Once she does, people will respect her, and they'll never hurt her again. They'll never "act in her best interest" again. 

The last thing Helio wants is for people to hold her back. Her time at the Human Zoo was killing her--she had to seek revenge. She arrives on earth thousands of years after the Rebellion, with hatred in her heart and her weapon ready. But...she doesn't see any Crystal Gems. She doesn't see any of her comrades either. Where did they go? She's been shut up in that Zoo for so long, she hasn't been keeping notice of the news. Where is everyone?

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Helio, like the other common Heliotropes, are foot soldiers with a twist. With their durable bodies, they can take hit after hit, and grow stronger as a result of these blows. This is a large asset in battle, and this ability is present in this particular Helio as well. 

However, Helio emerged from her kindergarten hole too early, and thus has a mutation that makes her exceedingly brittle. She can only take a few hits until his poofs, unlike other Heliotropes, that can sustain hits with ease. This causes Helio a lot of frustration, obviously, as she's obsessed with proving her strength. She takes her anger out on others.

Bonus Facts:

- Helio is oblivious to love, or that people care about her in general. In her mind, its her against the world. She thinks they're "pitying" her, and she brushes it off.

- Looks down on humans, and doesn't even try to understand them. They've yet to interest her, but they still deserve some right to live, she guesses.

- Doesn't understand fusion, but is okay with it solely because it makes her feel strong. She's tired of her weakness.