


1 year, 5 months ago


Warrior Biography 1 - Code by jiko ------------------------------ -->
Female (she/her)
13 moons
The AshCallers

I never listened to anyone who said I can't do something.

Maine Coon x Ragdoll

Sunbeam's predominant features include her long, thick fur and it's feathery tecture. As this is the warriors' world, there are probably more cat breeds combined in there, however, these two seem to be the most prominent in her bloodline.
Fur Colour
Ginger and brown with gray splotches

Sunbeam is a ginger and brown tabby cat with small gray splotches over her body. Her legs and chest are brown, with a small white patch on her chest. Her tail extends into a lighter orange color.
Body Shape

Sunbeam had a very strict mentor, which can explain her temperment. Under the watchful eye of her mentor, Sunbeam leapt to knew heights and honed in her skills. Underneath all that fluff she has a lot of muscle, which is greatly due to the intense training she was put under.
Ice blue

Shockingly enough, Sunbeam has icy blue eyes that seem to pierce through you. She is always watchful, which makes her an excellent hunter and foe in battle.

Despite her harsh training, Sunbeam has no known scars, except maybe emotional trauma.

Mild . Disciplined . Clever

Sunbeam does her best for her Clan. She is very disciplined, mainly due to her harsh training, but it is because of that, that she would never act the same towards another young cat in the Clan. She does have an attitude on her, but she always means well. She is clever when hunting, and always makes sure her Clan is fed before herself.

At the end of the day, Sunbeam would go hungry before she let one of her Clanmates skip out on a meal.

Independent . Analytical . Stubborn

Sunbeam perfers to hunt and patrol by herself. It's not that she dislikes her Clanmates, she just prefers to not be distracted during a hunt. She enjoys analyzing over the borders and figuring things out for herself.

If someone were to tell Sunbeam that she couldn't do something, she would do it anyway, just to prove them wrong.

Impulsive . Manipulative . Secretive

Sunbeam loves keeping secrets. As an apprentice, she would sometimes cross the border to meet up with friends outside of her Clan, and create friendships. She can manipulate any situation to fit her own needs, and she always acts on impulse before she truly thinks about the situation.

These may be negative traits, however they do work to Sunbeam's advantage.

the lore

The Beginning. . .

Sunkit was born to her mother, Yarrowfeather and her father, Acorntree. She had a sister named Moonkit. She had a normal kithood, playing with her sister and getting into trouble. She was a very different cat back then. She loved to run and play mossball, and she was really close with Moonkit. The two of them were inseperable. Even though there was a war going on, the two kits never seemed to bat an eye at it.

As she got a little older, Sunkit noticed Yarrowfeather would leave the nursery a lot to go out on patrol, but she thought nothing of it. Acorntree went too. It wasn't until later that Sunkit realized they were helping to patrol the border, due to the war going on with the StoneRaisers, and the Clan needed all the help they could get.

This continued for the rest of her kithood. Her parents would leave her behind, and sometimes Sunkit and Moonkit would be forced to hide in the nursery because an attack on the camp seemed likely. Sunkit was beginning to realize the reality of her life.

The Middle. . .

Sunkit finally became an apprentice: Sunpaw, beside her sister, Moonpaw. Sunpaw was given a strict mentor named Sharkfang, who was meant to train her hard and fast so she would be prepared for anything should the worst come to her. Sunpaw, however, was a dedicated apprentice, and always tried her best.

Sunpaw and Moonpaw trained together with their mentors most of the time, now becoming more serious as to what was really going in within their borders. Sunpaw hated the harsh training, but knew that she had to train hard in order to be the best warrior she could be, and protect her Clan.

Towards the end of her apprenticeship, there was a battle. Sunpaw faught hard alongside Moonpaw, Yarrowfeather, and Acorntree. At the end, Yarrowfeather, Acorntree, and Moonpaw were murdered, leaving Sunpaw as the last remaining family member. She was devastated. Her mentor, Sharkfang, was also killed.

The End. . .

Shortly after the battle, the leader recognized Sunpaw's skills in battle, and named her Sunbeam for her determination. Sunbeam wore her name with pride, vowing revenge for her family's deaths.

As a new warrior, Sunbeam sat vigil in the camp, keeping a close eye on the entrance, standing at the ready. She was angry, and she was determined. How could she have let this happen? She couldn't protect them, and she should have.

Soon later, the Clans declared peace with each other, and Sunbeam was forced to stand down from her vengence, but the image of her dead family will always be sketched into her mind, and she cannot forgive.


  • Going for walks
  • Sunshine
  • Naps

  • Water
  • Thunderstorms
  • Large crowds
Design Notes

  • Ginger
  • She's very sarcastic
  • fluffy

  • I created her for a roleplay because I needed another OC and I actually really love how she turned out
  • Most of this was thought of on the spot and I'm honestly surprised with myself
  • I can't wait to actually rp her ^.^
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website