Oz Cowley



1 year, 5 months ago


Oz  ‘Cornelius’  Cowley


August 28th, 1985  •⠀21

Cis Male  •⠀He/Him

Greyromantic Demisexual

6′0″  •⠀182cm

Lean Build

Ambidextrous  •⠀Left Bias

Chaotic Good


Forensic Scientist

(VA: Troy Baker)

ヲズワルド — Wozwald

Forgive and Regret

I'll Never Let You Go

Or better yet, may all the gods who ever were to bless us, help send the bloody bastard to hell.

Oz Cowley is brimming with sass and wit, and he cleverly uses these traits to hold up a facade in most situations. Behind his quiet exterior lies a mischievous spirit, always ready with a sarcastic remark or clever retort. This demeanor helps him maintain a certain distance from others, protecting his vulnerable parts which he defiantly shuns from the world.

Despite being cooperative and dependable, Oz tends to keep people at arm's length, always requiring a reason to hang out or spend time with others. He uses his charm to deflect personal questions and divert attention away from his inner thoughts and emotions. Oz's need for reason doesn't stem from aloofness or lack of interest; rather, it's a mechanism to maintain control over his interactions and avoid becoming emotionally dependable. Beneath, he harbors insecurities and fears of being judged or rejected, driving him to maintain said distance from a past filled with constant discrimination and ostracism.

His enjoyment for banter allows him to create a playful yet elusive persona, concealing his introspective and deeply thoughtful side that often dwells in nihilism. This complexity adds layers, making him both enigmatic and intriguing to those around him which only strengthens the air of mystery about this witch.

The Cowley family's history is deeply intertwined with the dark days of the witch trials. They can trace their roots back to that infamous time when witchcraft accusations ran rampant, and the innocent suffered cruel fates. Among their ancestors were Cornelius and Constantine, a set of twins whose lives were forever changed by betrayal and a vengeful curse.

Cornelius Cowley, driven by fear and self-preservation, betrayed his former lover, exposing her as a witch during the trials. In doing so, he hoped to save himself from persecution, his actions leading to her tragic demise but not before she cursed both Cornelius and his twin brother, Constantine.

Constantine Cowley, unlike his brother, was more of an observer during the trials. He didn't actively contribute to the betrayal of his brother's former lover, but also didn't intervene to prevent it. As a result of the curse, every twin born in the family afterward faced a dark and ominous fate. The younger twin, following the pattern set by Cornelius and Constantine, must be sacrificed at birth. Failure to do so would subject them to a curse that causes them to exist in a liminal space between life and death. This cursed state could lead them to appear monstrous or haunted, living in perpetual agony and the loss of their humanity.

After many attempts and generations, eventually the family found a way to negate the effects of the curse, by moving as far away from the point of their origins as possible and distancing themselves from the roots of their family's tragic history. While this action doesn't completely erase the curse, it lessens its impact and grants the twins a chance at a more normal life, free from the taint of the dark past.

Throughout the centuries, the Cowley have grappled with this curse, facing difficult decisions and making personal sacrifices to protect their twins from suffering the same fate. Their legacy is one of resilience and strength, as they strive to break free from the shadows of the witch trials and find a sense of peace and order.

Within the witch community, the knowledge of the family's sins lingered, leading some to shun the Cowley as tainted by their ancestors' actions. This added to Oz's sense of isolation, further reinforcing the barriers he erected to protect himself.

Growing up, Oz was mostly shielded from the family's tragic history, living a life unaware of the dark forces that hung over him and leaving his morbid desires inately unexplained. Unaware of the curse that laid dormant within him, Oz sought solace in his studies and magical practice. His dedication to dissecting, forensic autopsy and healing became a form of odd redemption, allowing him to prove his worth and expertise.

Aside from their infamy, the family is renowned for their long lineage of magical witch pharmacists, and at its heart is the matriarchal grandmother, Kim Cowley who, aside from Oz, is the only Cowley whose specialization is in fortune-telling, tarot readings and intricate enchantments. Kim possesses a rare ability to be reborn in a new vessel every hundred years, granting her the artifical fountain of youth. Throughout many generations, the family has perfected the art of potion-making and herbal medicine, their remedies revered for their healing properties within their kind.

In the seemingly ordinary facade of a pharmacy in the charming town of Blackwood lies the Cowley family's well-kept secret. While they cater to humans with a shop proudly labeled as "natural and vegan", behind the scenes, they conduct magical transactions and sell enchanted trinkets, a front for their powerful family witch business. Their services and products cater to those in the know, ensuring the mystical community remains strong.

Hidden away from human eyes is the family's prized greenhouse, a sanctuary where they cultivate rare and magical herbs. These plants hold unique properties essential for their potent potions and enchantments, carefully nurtured to guarantee the Cowley potions' efficacy and unparalleled potency.

The family's trinkets, seemingly ordinary souvenirs, harbor concealed enchantments and magical properties, undetectable to unsuspecting humans. Those with a discerning eye can perceive, feel and make use of their true value yet others remain oblivious to the hidden magic they possess.

With their magical expertise and centuries-old heritage, the Cowley hold significant influence within the witch community. Revered for their healing abilities, mystical talents, and the wisdom passed down through generations, they remain dedicated guardians of ancient magical knowledge despite the horrible depths of their dark history. As they continue to run their pharmacy and greenhouse, the Cowley ensure that their legacy endures and flourishes within the realm of magic and witchcraft.

mischievous introverted empathetic observant prideful loyal

  • He's a Virgo, is from swedish descent and has dirty blonde hair. He dyes it platinum blonde which almost looks white most of the time. His deep, unnatural dark blue eyes captivate those around him, pulling them in and emit a eerie turquoise glow.

  • Speaks english and a few dead languages like latin which is important to his witchcraft. Oz can use magic anywhere but is limited to time and resources. He carries a component pouch with basic components, mostly including healing remedies.

  • His smell is surprisingly cinnamon. Uniquely subtle, yet fragrant: woody, spicy but enticing and comfortingly sweet like vanilla.

  • Thanks to his older sister Cleo who asked to try nail polish on him when he was in his younger teens, he has since then decided to paint his nails black as part of his aesthetic.

  • Oz isn't a flower person besides using some of their components for certain spells, but he is associated with moonflowers which will only bloom at night and fit the witching hour! It's also deadly.

  • His preferred sitting position has one of his ankles always resting on top of the other thigh when reclining into his seat. Occasionally sits cross-legged though that's reserved for long hours at his desk.

  • Oz has slim, elegant hands. Long tapered fingers, prominent knuckles, unblemished pale skin. Short, well-maintained nails usually painted black, sometimes a few rings (tungsten or fae-silver). Delicate wrists. Careful, meticulous and always ice cold.

  • Some of his hobbies include rhythm games, visiting the arcade, running through the rain and people watching. He can also play the violin, and is fond of whiskey as well as rum despite not being huge on alcohol. He just likes the burn.

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving
assertive turbulent
Ability or Skill name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Ability or Skill name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.