The Blackwood Archives


Life in Blackwood is about taking turns towards the extraordinary where the lines between reality and the supernatural blur, and every decision carries unforeseen consequences. Supernaturals always existed in a delicate dance of secrecy, concealing their true identities from a world unaware of their presence and powers. Burdened by such weights, they navigate a precarious path between authenticity and conformity, desperate to find acceptance amidst the chaos. As tensions escalate, alliances crumble, and the veil that separates their worlds grow perilously thin, destiny beckons and forces beyond control converge.


Art & Writing

Blackwood, Alaska



Speculative Fiction

Nestled in the rugged wilderness of Alaska, the town of Blackwood emanates an air of mystery and intrigue. The landscape is an awe-inspiring blend of untamed beauty, where snow-capped mountains pierce the sky and massive, dense forests envelop the land. Serene lakes and winding rivers carve through the terrain, reflecting the ethereal glow of the northern lights.

The town itself exudes a quaint and slightly melancholic atmosphere. The architecture bears the imprint of its rich history, with charming old buildings lining the streets, where weathered wooden structures coexist with modern touches, embodying the town's juxtaposition of tradition and progress.

By wandering through Blackwood's streets, one awaits a vibrant community that feels both close-knit and enigmatic. Locals harbor secrets, their faces etched with stories untold. There's an undercurrent of tension and hidden desires, as if everyone carries a burden in their hearts.

Yet despite the veil of secrecy, there's an undeniable sense of magic in the air. Supernatural beings, with their extraordinary abilities and concealed identities, live among the ordinary residents. The thin line between mundane reality and the supernatural is blurred, their lives intertwined in a delicate dance.

In Blackwood, time seems to move at its own pace, allowing moments of introspection and self-discovery. It is a place where nature's beauty, enigmatic stories, and the unknown converge, beckoning both residents and visitors to embark on a captivating journey. To immerse oneself in the mysteries of Blackwood, means to prepare to encounter and uncover the other-worldly, and to explore the depths of ones own humanity.

More Than Just Blackwood

This setting as a whole is a lot more grand with possibilities of branching paths and smaller sub stories. To keep things linear and easier to understand however, it was narrowed down to the northwest of the United States. Aside from the existing noteworthy supernaturals, there's a list of ghosts and grudges, sirens and mermaids as well as fae folk that have not been touched upon here.

Character Creation Procedure

Due to my amount of work and personal attachement of the setting, accepting and choosing characters by others will be a picky procedure. The cast has to be diverse, and thus will alongside their skills be scrutinized under a thicker lens. They should never be carried by race, both color and supernatural being, and need to be able stand on their own.

Blackwood Wolves


The werewolves of Blackwood embody the primal forces of nature. They are creatures of the moonlit nights, harnessing the strength, agility, and heightened senses that come with their lycanthropic nature. In their wolf form, they become a formidable presence, embodying the untamed power and raw ferocity that defines their kind.

What sets the Blackwood werewolf pack apart is their profound sense of loyalty and honor. They protect their own with a fierce devotion, standing as guardians of their pack members and their territory. They have a deep understanding of the delicate balance between their wild instincts and the responsibility that comes with their supernatural existence.

Within the pack, traditions and bonds run deep, forged by shared hunts, moonlit rituals and the unbreakable ties of family and chosen kin. They navigate their existence as a tightly knit unit, guided by a hierarchical structure that upholds respect, cooperation, and an unwavering commitment to their pack's survival above all else.

In the wake of the Blood Moon Massacre, the werewolf pack mourns their fallen members, but do not falter. Instead they grow stronger in their resolve to protect their kind and their territory from any who threaten their way of life. Past losses fuel their determination to hone their skills and strategies to defend against future dangers.

While the werewolf pack remains cautious of outsiders, their loyalty and unwavering nature can be a formidable asset to those they deem worthy of their trust. Those who earn their loyalty find powerful allies, fierce protectors, and a community that will stand by them through the darkest of nights.

The Blackwood wolves' story is one of resilience, loyalty, and the unbreakable bonds that define their existence. Deep within the forest, their howls echo, a reminder of their enduring spirit and their fierce commitment to protect their own against any who dare to challenge their pack's unity.


Art & Writing

Blackwood, Alaska

Found Family

Generational Trauma

Interpersonal Conflict

Werewolves & Their Primal Nature

Werewolves embody a feral and primal nature which is deeply rooted in their instinctual connection to the natural world. They're creatures of the wild, capable of shifting at will and morph into powerful and formidable creatures. In their wolf form, they possess heightened strength, speed, and senses which increase drastically once the full moon rises.

During their transformation, werewolves experience a surge of raw emotions and an intense connection to their primal impulses. It is in this state that their wild nature truly shines, embracing their predatory side and innate desires.

While werewolves maintain their humanity and can exercise control over their actions, their feralness can sometimes overpower reason and are thus prone to act on those instincts which are driven by a deep-rooted connection to their pack and nature.

The werewolves' feral essence adds an unpredictable and powerful element to their existence. It fuels their strength, drives their loyalty, and shapes their interactions with the world and its people around them. It is both a source of power and a potential struggle, as they seek to find balance between their wild side and their human consciousness.

Witch Communities


Within the enigmatic realm of Blackwood, a prideful and mysterious witch community dwells, shrouded in traditions and arcane knowledge. They are keepers of ancient wisdom, harnessing the power of nature and channeling it through their spells and rituals.

The witches of Blackwood are deeply connected to the natural world that surrounds them and draw strengths from the whispering winds, the rustling leaves, and the ebb and flow of the moonlit tides. Proud and independent, they uphold a rich heritage that has been passed down through generations. They hold steadfast to their traditions and rituals, embracing their own unique paths of magic as each witch possesses a distinct set of abilities and specializations, whether it be divination, herbalism, elemental magic, or the conjuring of protective charms.

Despite their affinity for the mystical, the witches of Blackwood remain a mystery to outsiders. They live nestled deep within the town's tight alleyways, surrounded by stone and brick. Their presence is felt, but their true identities and practices are concealed from prying eyes. They're best known for their deep camaraderie and unwavering loyalty to one another, bound by their shared knowledge and experiences. Through their rituals and gatherings, they weave a powerful tapestry of connection, supporting each other in times of need and celebrating their triumphs together.

However, with pride comes a sense of protectiveness. The witch community guards their secrets fiercely, aware of the dangers that can arise from exposing their true nature and wary of those who appear like a potential threat. They are cautious in their interactions with outsiders, maintaining an air of mystique that adds to the allure of their craft.

The Blackwood Witches hold a delicate balance between their pride in their magical heritage and the necessity of maintaining their hidden existence within the larger world and possess a deep reverence for their craft and the mysteries it unlocks, channeling their power to preserve the fragile equilibrium of their supernatural realm.

Within the shadows, the witch community's mysterious presence fuels the intrigue and adds an extra layer of enchantment. Their knowledge, rituals, and unwavering connection to friend or foe make them a formidable and bewitching presence in the tapestry of Blackwood's supernatural community.


Art & Writing

Blackwood, Alaska


Teen Drama

Dark Fantasy

Witches & Their Witchcraft

Witches possess a diverse array of magical abilities, each connected to different facets of the supernatural world. Their magic is deeply intertwined with nature and harnesses the energies of the elements, spirits, and rituals.

Different types of magic practiced by witches include:

1.  Elemental Magic: Witches with a focus on elemental magic draw their power from the natural elements such as fire, water, earth, and air. They can manipulate and control these forces, shaping fire, summoning storms, manipulating water currents, and causing the earth to shift.

2.  Divination: Witches skilled in divination have the ability to perceive hidden information and gain insights into the past, present, or future. They can use tools like tarot cards, scrying mirrors or runes to unlock the secrets of the universe and provide glimpses of what is yet to come.

3.  Herbalism and Potion Making: Witches who specialize in herbalism possess deep knowledge of plants and their magical properties. They can gather rare herbs, roots and flowers to create potions, elixirs, and remedies that have various effects, from healing wounds to enhancing magical abilities.

4.  Spirit Communication: Witches adept in spirit communication can commune with spirits, including ancestral spirits, nature spirits, and even the souls of the departed. They can receive guidance, wisdom, and assistance from these ethereal beings, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.

5.  Enchantment and Spellcasting: Witches skilled in enchantment and spellcasting possess the ability to cast spells and create magical charms or talismans. They can imbue objects with magical properties, manipulate energies to achieve specific outcomes, and cast protective or offensive spells.

6.  Glamour and Illusion: Witches with an affinity for glamour magic can manipulate perception and create illusions. They can alter their own appearance or mask the true nature of people or objects, creating a veil of deception or enhancing their persuasive abilities. These witches are also singlehandedly responsible in the production of the glamour accessories that aid in disguising the supernatural kind.

These are just a few examples. Each witch may have their own unique blend of abilities and specialties, honing their craft through study, practice, and inherited knowledge.

Vampire Hierarchies


The vampires are both an oppressive and mysterious force, possessing a complex nature that can be simultaneously selfish and concerned with the well-being of others. They operate in clans, similar to the werewolves, but their loyalty is primarily driven by pride rather than traditions.

The most prominent vampire clans consist of politicians and the wealthy, granting them near untouchable status within society. However, their power does not make them invincible. Vampires who deviate from their clans or fall out of favor often meet unfortunate ends, highlighting the consequences of disloyalty.

Despite their oppressive nature, some vampires manage to live among humans, carefully concealing their thirst for blood to avoid arousing suspicion. How they sustain themselves without drawing attention remains a mystery, adding to the intrigue surrounding their existence.

Vampires operate in hordes or "houses," led by a dominant vampire who bestows unique gifts upon their members. These gifts can range from the ability to blend with their surroundings to heightened physical strength, unnatural wisdom, or exceptional charisma. Each house has its own motivations, which may be driven by power, freedom, or more sinister desires. They all abide by basic rules established to maintain control and order within their ranks.

One of the oldest and most powerful vampire houses is Castle Ambrogio, also known as the Royal Court. The Royal Court is both respected and feared, with an unspoken rule that they should not be challenged. Their location is elusive, a grand mansion that seems to appear and disappear at will.

Notable vampire houses include House Zeto, a group of artists and performers known for their ethereal beauty and expressive nature. They are outspoken and confrontational, often taking sides or manipulating other houses during potential conflicts. House Zeto is based in a high-end hotel in California.

House Krios consists of intellectuals, businesspeople, and scientists who excel in strategy and control. They are known for their wit and intelligence, making it challenging to outsmart them. House Krios is the most tightly knit among the vampire houses, and while they can be ruthless, their loyalty is unwavering. Their main location is within a towering skyscraper in New York.

House Menos comprises vigilantes, ex-criminals, and outliers who operate in a mafia-like manner. They engage in activities such as the black market and human trafficking, participating in gang wars outside of the vampire houses. While they adhere to general rules, they prioritize pride and respect. Their base is located within one of the casinos in Las Vegas.

The vampires, with their hierarchical structure and powerful gifts, represent a formidable presence in the supernatural landscape and their alliances, rivalries, and inscrutable nature contribute to the intricate dynamics and challenges faced by the supernaturals in this world.


Art & Writing


Gothic & Cult Horror

Blood & Gore


Vampires & Their Houses

The vampire houses are organized factions within the vampire community, each with its own distinct characteristics, goals, and powers. Led by a dominant vampire known as the head of the house, these houses form a complex hierarchy that influences their interactions with other supernatural beings and their own kind.

1. House Zeto:  This house comprises artists, politicians, and individuals driven by independence and self-expression. They are known for their ethereal beauty and captivating charm. House Zeto is often vocal about their viewpoints and artistic outlets, making them confrontational yet influential within the vampire society. Their main location is a high-end hotel in California.

2. House Krios:  Consisting of intellectuals, businesspeople, and scientists, House Krios focuses on strategic planning and control. They are renowned for their sharp wit and heightened intelligence. They're both the least confrontational and the most tight-knit among the vampire houses. Loyalty is highly valued, although they can be ruthless and prone to backstabbing. They are based in a prominent skyscraper in New York.

3. House Menos:  Comprising vigilantes, ex-criminals, and outliers, House Menos operates with a mafia-like structure. They engage in activities such as the black market and human trafficking, often involving themselves in gang wars beyond the realm of vampire houses. House Menos adheres to strict rules and emphasizes pride and respect. Their base of operations is within a Las Vegas casino.

These vampire houses represent different aspects of vampire society and possess distinct motivations and approaches. While some seek power, others pursue freedom or darker desires. Despite their differences, the houses are bound by established rules to maintain order and control within their ranks.

The houses operate as their own powerful entities, each with its own strengths, territories, and connections. They engage in intricate power struggles, alliances, and covert maneuvers while navigating the intricate web of supernatural politics. The houses form a complex tapestry within the vampire community, influencing the course of events and shaping the destiny of both vampires and other supernatural beings within the world.

Justice, Judgement and The World


Operating behind the scenes, the Agency of Supernaturals (AOS) operates silently, a clandestine organization entrusted with the task of solving unsolved crimes and unraveling mysteries that intertwine with the supernatural realm. Their primary objective is to safeguard the delicate balance between the supernatural and human worlds, ensuring that the secret identities of their kind remain hidden from the unsuspecting human population.

The AOS is a tightly knit group of highly trained agents, possessing a deep understanding and are well-versed in the lore, abilities, and vulnerabilities of various supernatural beings. They pool their expertise to tackle cases that range from unexplained disappearances to peculiar phenomena that defy rational explanation.

Spread across the world, they strive to prevent any breaches of secrecy that could expose them to the human realm, diligently working to contain supernatural incidents and protect the innocent.

While their work is often shrouded in secrecy, they're not immune to the challenges that arise from within their own ranks. Internal struggles, conflicting agendas, and the constant battle to distinguish black from white add layers of complexity to their operations. Trust is both a valuable commodity and a fragile thread that holds the agency together in the face of hidden dangers. In their pursuit of justice and secrecy, the agents of the AOS navigate a path, where the cost of protecting their world's hidden truth weighs heavily on their shoulders.

The Agency of Supernaturals serve as a silent sentinel, steadfast in their dedication. As the protectors of secrets and guardians of hidden identities, they ensure that their enigmatic world remains veiled, even as they delve deeper into the mysteries that unravel within its borders.


Art & Writing


Police Procedural

Mystery & Thriller


The Agentst & Their Skills

Agents of the Agency of Supernaturals are skilled operatives who possess a range of weapon specialties that enable them to effectively investigate, combat and neutralize threats. Each agent brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the agency's operations.

1. Blade Masters:  These agents are highly proficient in close-quarters combat with bladed weapons. They have honed their skills in swordsmanship, knife fighting, and other forms of blade-based combat. Blade Masters excel in swift and precise strikes, making them formidable opponents in hand-to-hand combat with supernatural beings.

2. Marksmen:  These agents are experts in long-range combat and precision shooting. They are skilled with firearms and have extensive training in marksmanship, making them adept at neutralizing supernatural threats from a distance. Marksmen agents are capable of delivering accurate and well-placed shots, exploiting the weaknesses of their adversaries.

3. Technomancers:  These agents are masters of technology and its integration with supernatural warfare. They utilize advanced gadgets, cybernetic enhancements, and cutting-edge weaponry. Technomancers excel in hacking into supernatural systems protected by magical encryptions, analyzing data, and employing technologically advanced traps that help them gain the upper hand in combat.

4. Tactical Strategists:  These agents specialize in analyzing supernatural threats, gathering intelligence, and devising effective strategies to overcome them. They possess keen observational skills, tactical planning expertise, and a thorough understanding of supernatural behaviors. Tactical Strategists coordinate operations, formulate contingency plans, and guide their team to victory with calculated precision.

These agents work together as a cohesive unit and through combined expertise and collaborative efforts, they strive to maintain the balance between the human and supernatural realms, ensuring the secrecy and safety of both worlds.