
1 year, 5 months ago




When Can I See You Again?

Owl City

Lounging around
His friends
His brother's antics
Hyena Stereotypes
Being Alone

Hey, wanna go play a game?


=> Samson:

Kenny is Sam's desire for relationships and friendship. While Sam has always been fairly anti-social, he still has a desire within him for friendship of others. Even though he's been able to supress the negative emotions that come with that desire, he still can't suppress that desire himself. Kenny also expresses Sam's enjoyement of the calmness of hiking through forests.

Kenny is a character created by Sam.

=> Samuel:

Kenny is Sam's enjoyment and social nature. Sam enjoys spending time and playing games with his friends. It's a past time he doesn't feel like is a 'waste' of time and Kenny is the manifestation of that. Playing games doesn't even have to be about winning and losing, just the enjoyment of playing a game and doing stuff with friends.

Kenny is a character created by Sam.

On Striker:

"He's basically my total opposite. He says he hates people and being around others (but he still seems to stay around us in spite of that). He's a very cynical wolf, and is not one who's easy to talk to. In spite of.. how he is, I still appreciate him as my friend, even if he doesn't appreciate me sometimes."

On Striker's Fur:

"I swear, for someone who doesn't like people or interacting with people, he keeps such good care of his fur that people will definitely take notice, haha! His fur patterns are really interesting, I'd question how unique it is with that skeletal pattern, but then again I'm also pretty 'unique' as well with my own fur. But damn, he takes very good care of his mane (He also gets 'very' upset when people try to touch it, hehe. I watched Will make that mistake)."

On Striker's interests:

"Striker and I don't interact a ton. I try to bring him along in activities. Most of the time he will either just reject my invitations entirely, or begrudgingly follow along, and whether he participates or just follows along in the background is something I have no control over. One thing that surprised me was our similar interest in exploration. I can understand why he enjoys it. Spending time exploring forests and plains can be very calming and relaxing, and a nice place of silence. He doesn't always accept my invitations, but when he does, spending time with him out and about in the sunlight, walking through the forests, he seems more relaxed to me than I've ever seen him elsewhere."

On Striker's relationship with Kal:

"Man, now that's something I think I'm honestly pretty jealous of. They seem so close to each other, even though Striker still is as cold as ever. He seems a bit more.. patient with him and for Striker, that's a huge difference in how he treats everyone. I don't see them doing things very much, it's quite likely whatever they do together they do in privacy. *sigh* That means I can't go and take part in whatever they're doing. It could potentially be a bonding experience. It's kind of saddening how distrusting Striker is."

On Will:

"He's a super calm, scarf-wearing German Shepherd. On one hand I feel like I don't even need to say to much, all of us here are very fond of him. He's really smart with music and likes to spend his time helping others and listening to music with them. He also likes to create his own music too. I'm surprised at how he is able to spend time with everyone. He spends a lot of time with me, so it's a wonder how much time he spends with everyone else, and how much time he actually gets to himself."

On Will's Scarf:

"Hehehe, I really like that scarf he wears. I never thought to ask about where he got it or why he wears it, it just fits him so well it's just something I've always just seen as 'him.' I know the piano is one of his favorite instruments so it makes sense, and the scarf itself is just a really cool design too. He also has a hat that has a piano pattern on it too around the edge, hehe. Though, he only wears that when it's colder outside."

On Will's suggestions:

"Will tells me that quite a few of the others like the same musical artist as I do. hehe, well, I would hope so, Owl City has a ton of great songs. I've tried myself to see if I can start a conversation with them about music, but I don't seem to have the same skills as Will does with maintaining conversations on music. I'm usually not sure what to say about the music outside of how much I like it, hehe. That's ok though. I'll leave the music stuff to the music professional, hehehe. Sometimes we all listen to music with Will together, so, I don't feel too bad about not sharing musical experiences with the others."

On Will's support:

"Will often will be the only time I spend time with during days of down time and even sometimes, that isn't enough for me and I still end up feeling quite lonely and sad. I am super appreciative of him and all the effort he puts in, and sometimes, the music we listen to together is enough for me to feel better and not feel so down, but sometimes I just feel so alone and nothing helps.. I'm still so thankful for his support in those times, he still tries, and it definitely does something for me, even if it doesn't solve whatever the heck problem I'm struggling with at those times."


Kenny is a high energy hyena. He's always ecstatic to do things with his friends. Whether it's hanging out in quietness, having a long meaningful conversation, or just screwing around and having some fun, he's all for it. He has quite the few snaggle teeth, but is perfectly fine with them. Most people find his toothy smiles endearing.


"I'm Kenny! I'm just a hyena that enjoys being social. I'm pretty lucky to have my friends that I can spend time with most days. I like exploring places in nature like forests and hillsides. THere are some really nice places to go and spend an afternoon with friends, admiring nature."

On hyena stereotypes:

"Hyenas are far too often stereotyped as simple minded, crazy animals. I'm really not a fan of that stereotyping. I for one would believe that I am a prime counterexample of those stereotypes. Plenty of hyenas can be smart and calm. Thankfully my friends don't really have those stereotypes in mind, so I am free to mostly be myself and not be wary of judgment around them."

On need to socialize:

"Yeah, it's kind of a double-edged sword. I do really love spending time with the people I care about, but at the same time it can be kinda disheartening to be alone. It just feels kinda empty and meaningless to not be sharing experiences with others. Yeah, I do occasionally enjoy exploring forests by myself and taking some time to just relax on a sunny day, but after a while I get pretty lonely."

On Ernest's:

"Ugh. He's the epitome of the bad things everyone says about hyenas. He's crazy, impulsive, and mischievous. I don't really like being associated with him, because I don't want people judging me the same way they judge him, but he's also my brother, so I guess there isn't really a ton I can do about it."

On Ernest's naming quirk:

"*grr* I can't stand it. I don't know how 'everyone' else puts up with it. Ernest calls everyone by their 'true' names. It bothers the absolute hell out of me. He calls me 'Kenneth' instead of 'Kenny.' I prefer Kenny nine times out of ten, and only really want those I'm really close to to call me Kenneth, and he isn't one of those people. He calls Will, 'William,' Vin, 'Vincent,' *sigh* he even calls Kal, 'Kalamity' and I'll never understand why. No one else uses those names."

On Ernest's intellect:

"I mean, I can't deny he's smart. He's smarter than me. He's really good at what he does. He's some sort of engineer or something. He gets along with Vin almost too well, which I don't really get, because Vin is really chill. I just wish Ernest would.. 'behave' a bit better. He's really smart, why can't he see he makes himself seem extremely crazy with his insane antics?"

On relationship with Ernest:

"*sigh* I mean. I don't hate him, he just, is extremely embarrassing to be around. I still love him though, even though I'm not gonna embarrass myself even more by admitting it and watching him get all 'brothery' at me. He can sometimes be alright to be around. He's just imperfect, but I guess we all are in one way or another."

On Vincent:

"Vin is a very calm, computery wolf. He's from a species he says is called 'Zemorytals.' I'm not entirely sure what that means, but regardless of what he is, he is pretty cool. He also is the perfect person to spend time with. He plays video games and is really good at them, hehe."

On Vin's gaming skills:

"He's extraordinarily good. If he spent all his time focusing on getting better and better at them, he could probably be on one of those competitive level tournament things. He seems too modest to want to try though. He seems like he's too worried about not trying his hardest each time, but he doesn't really need to. I think it's fun to play games together in general. We can always switch up the things we're playing if someone gets tired of the current game."

On Vin's room:

"It's very clean. I think he's something of a neat freak. Maybe dirt isn't good for his computer parts? He has a lot of technology stuff in his room scattered about and it's kind of crazy going in there. It's like it's from a whole different world. Oh, heheh, well, maybe that's because it is. I think he really is a clean freak though, he generally is fine traveling with me on explorative adventures, but he gets really upset over small things like if he slips and falls and lands in a thing of dirt or mud."

On Vin's technology:

"He is something else. He looks mostly like any old grey wolf but with some armor like pieces on his body, and a computer screen for a mask over his face. He says he refuses to take it off in the presence of others, something about 'Zemorytal dignity' or something. Meh. I just think it's really interesting how different he is. He can even like, plug into computers and things? directly? and do stuff with them through that. One time he said he can do that with games too, so we played a round of the game while he plugged into it, and... I uhh.. stood 'no' chance. Is he a wolf or an actual computer? hehe."

On Kalamity:

"He's a dragon that followed Striker home one day. Striker explained it to us enough to let us keep him here. He says the dragon called himself 'Kalamity,' but we should just call him 'Kal.' I think it's a kinda funny name. 'Kalamity,' hehe."

On Kal's mannerisms:

"Kal is kinda odd. He likes to stay close and watch everyone. It's a little weird. He doesn't seem to understand playing around and just kind of fumbles around. I seriously wonder if he grew up with a family or has been alone his whole life. I almost feel bad. He seems set on protecting us all from danger, so I'm glad he can have something of a family here."

On Kal's cooking:

"Now that is something that absolutely baffles me. Kal isn't really communicative, let alone not able to speak English, but he also seems very, instinctual. He does things based on instinct and not by smarts or heavy thought. He must still be smart though. He seems to really enjoy making food. He uses his fire to cook things, and it's quite surprising how good the food he makes actually ends up being."

On Kal's powers:

"I uhh, can't really comment too much on that. I haven't really seen him use any 'powers' exactly. I've been told it's similar to Striker's powers but then again, I haven't exactly seen Striker use any 'powers' either. I believe that they have some sort of powers, but I've also just, never seen them."

On Luke:

"Luke is a very recent new member to our little group. Everyone seems on edge about him and I'm not totally sure why. He's a fun and kinda innocent grey wolf. He is a little, off, yes. He says things that are particularly odd, but I don't really mind them. We get along really well."

On Luke's demeanor:

"Most of the time he's a happy-go-lucky sorta guy. He's a ton of fun to play with. He absolutely loves going with me on adventures and I love having him along. I try to not do it all the time though, because he seems almost paradoxical. Anytime he starts really enjoying something, he seems to get downed a bit in spirit."

On Luke's paradox:

"I don't understand it at all. It makes me really sad honestly. We can be having the most fun, and then he slowly gets more and more sad. I don't know how to even explain it. After that generally starts happening, I don't force him to stay with me. He likes to go off on his own around when that starts happening, so I let him go. I hope eventually he can have fun with me without that being the end result most of the time. It's not every time, but it is frequent.."

On Luke's relationships:

"Everyone seems to have differing opinions on him. Will seems to be reluctant, but still at least trying to talk to him. Vin seems untrusting, and both Kal and Striker seem to not trust him at all. Ernest seems to be fine with him. I'm doing my best to be a friend to him. I don't like seeing how everyone else has been treating him for the most part.."