Frazier Underwood



8 years, 11 months ago


Name: Frazier Underwood
Age: 525
:bulletwhite:Appears 24
Sex: Male
Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 177.8 cm // 5'10"
Weight: 59.1 kg // 130 lbs
Species: Fallen Angel (ex-vampire)

:bulletred: Holy magic: As an angel, and one who worked his way up the ranks before falling at that, Frazier is capable of powerful holy magic, both offensive and defensive. He can construct seals and barriers as easily as he can create blades of solid light. He's capable of purifying impure objects, though it takes time and likely some injury to his own person.
:bulletorange: Healing: He's capable of healing injuries, including his own, regardless of how old they are. He cannot heal severed limbs, however, nor can he heal what was was never 'damaged', like his eye which is a genetic defect and so not 'injured'. He has years of experience in the field of medicine, mostly from practice while he was teaching at the academy.
:bulletyellow: Summoning: It's possible for him to be summoned by someone who knows his true name (ie: pretty much everyone who knows him). So long as there is an earnest call to him (with his full name), he will be pulled from wherever he is to the summoner's location.
:bulletgreen: Telepathy: Frazier can communicate telepathically over absurd distances with people he has bonded closely with.
:bulletblue:Dreamwalk: Frazier is capable of stepping into the dreams of others and manipulating their dreams as he wishes.
:bulletpurple: Bind: Frazier can put people to sleep by simple command, though it requires the person to have their attention solely on him first.

:bulletred:Passive-Aggressive: If he's against something or unwilling, you can be sure he won't say it... However, his manner will shift accordingly that he might as well just scream it out from the rooftop.
:bulletorange:Sulky: Being forced to go through something regardless of his (highly unsubtle) opinion will lead to him sulking and grumbling like a child until he gets over it (which may or may not take a while depending on peace offerings).
:bulletyellow:Proud: He's the kind of person who will refuse help unless it is absolutely impossible without. He doesn't appreciate backtalk either, nor does he enjoy being proven wrong.
:bulletgreen:Somewhat Conservative: He tends to see things as 'my side' and 'the wrong side'. He remains firm in his beliefs and nothing but solid evidence will convince him to change his mind. Despite this, he does not impose his opinion on others, giving the illusion of an accepting person. In truth, he simply avoids thinking about it to preserve relationships.
:bulletblue:Deliberate: He is definitely the kind to avoid running head-first into something without prior thought and planning.
:bulletpurple:Factual: He tends not to believe anything without some sort of proper evidence.
:bulletblack:Flirty: If he likes you, he will flirt and tease and use every opportunity for sexual innuendo, though it tends to be in jest more often than not.
:bulletwhite:Snarky: He tends to use sarcasm and general snarks without actually realizing that he is.


Frazier Underwood was born in London in the 1400s. He was an ordinary human boy, an only-child aspiring to become a medical practitioner. His family was middle-class, his father a college teacher, his mother a seamstress. That all changed when he was 21. He was walking home late one night when he was attacked. At first, he thought it was a thief. He struggled, a hand covering his mouth preventing him from screaming.

Unfortunately for him, that was no thief. That night, Frazier was drained of almost all his blood and forced to drink the blood of his attacker. "A game," the creature had called it. "Let's see how attached you are to the world of the living." He was left there, at the mouth of an alley, barely alive. In his last moments of consciousness, he heard footsteps approach. A voice, different from the one belonging to the person that had assaulted him, spoke.

"Well. That looks messy."

He woke up a few days later in an unfamiliar room, confused and disoriented. Next to him was a young man, barely over the age of eighteen.
"About time," he said. It was the same voice as the person who had found him. Still barely clinging to consciousness, it took Frazier a week before he had recovered enough to walk around on his own. During that time, he learned of what transpired while he was unconscious.

The boy who had saved him was Kevin Halgarth. His father was a member of an organisation called The Hunters. Their job was hardly one that needed explaining. The only reason Frazier was still alive was because Kevin had said he wanted to keep him.
"Like a pet," he had said. "Though I won't make you walk around with a collar and a leash. Unless you're into that kind of thing, but get someone else to hold it because I'm not going to."
Kevin was interested, apparently, in the vampires' ability to live for so long. His objective was different though. He wanted to unlock the secrets to immortality.

Time passed. Frazier's first taste of human blood was Kevin's. It took him three months before he made himself walk out of his room. It took him another two weeks to accept the fact that he was a vampire. It took him another month for him to stop hating himself. He started learning alchemy as well. It was a subject that Kevin studied religiously, and Frazier learned with him, at first to fight off his boredom, and later, in earnest.

He returned home two years later, at night. He was greeted enthusiastically by his family. Though he could have, and wanted to, lived there, he left within a few hours. He never went back.

Forty years after his turning, he re-encountered the same vampire that had changed his life. Their meeting was short, Kevin stepping in to remove Frazier before he tried to kill the older vampire. It didn't make much difference in the end, really. The man was killed a few hours later. If he felt guilty for laughing and lamenting over how he wasn't there to see it, he never thought about it.

Kevin died at the age of 65. Frazier was at his bedside, looking exactly the way he had been found, as if not a year had passed.
"I could turn you," he told the dying man.
"There's a difference between a long life and an eternal life," Kevin responded.

Frazier travelled on his own after that. He wandered all over the United Kingdom, furthering his knowledge on alchemy. It was for his own interest, but he would have been lying had he said not even a little of it was in Kevin's memory.

She appeared out of nowhere. He didn't know how she had found him, nor did he think he would ever find out. Her offer was a strange one. She wanted him to teach at her academy. An academy for those like him. Monsters. She left afterwards, returning a week later for his answer.
He grinned.
"You got a class for Alchemy?"

His time at the academy was a good one. He met Yorushi Hayakawa and Valentyn Wachowiak who later became his lovers. He met Xaber Larvyn, an incubus child who Frazier eventually unofficially adopted as his son. His studies in alchemy continued, and he taught that very subject at the academy. He managed to get over his internal hatred towards his vampiric nature, both because of his lovers teaching him to accept himself and because of himself teaching Xaber not to hate his incubus blood. 

Years down the road, he left the academy with Yorushi and Valentyn, settling down and melding into human society. Certain events led to his eventual death, triggering Xaber's descent. Frazier was ascended to Heaven where he was accepted into their ranks, and he slowly worked his way up while keeping an eye on Xaber, hoping for his child (he would never see him otherwise) to come back to his senses. When he realized no such thing was about to happen, Frazier abandoned his post. 

He gave up angelhood. He stopped Xaber, killing his own child and taking Xaber's soul which he later implanted into a stillborn child to bring back to life. Doing so forged a link between them that allowed Frazier to seal all of Xaber's memories as an incubus, as well as communicate with Xaber in his dreams, acting as Xaber's 'guardian angel' even though Xaber could no longer remember him. He reunited with his lovers, who were unsurprisingly furious with him for getting his sorry ass killed, but he was eventually forgiven.

When Vitalis reunited with Xaber, Frazier removed the seal upon Xaber's request, and was reunited with his son as well.

He remained close to Xaber until Xaber died as a human, re-sealing his memories so that his next reincarnation would have no knowledge of his past lives. Upon agreement, he and Vitalis decided that Xaber should never recall them ever again, respecting Xaber's desire (when he was still an incubus) to be able to live as a normal human. While Vitalis disappeared again after, Frazier remained as Xaber's unseen guardian angel, protecting his son where necessary and guiding him when he was in doubt.

:bulletred: Marshmallows
:bulletorange: Marshmallows
:bulletyellow: Singing
:bulletgreen: Scarves

:bulletred: People stealing his food
:bulletorange: having killed Xaber in the past (he'll never get over it)
:bulletyellow: Making mistakes
:bulletgreen: Mornings

:bulletred: Left-handed
:bulletorange: Carries around a bag of marshmallows everywhere. Everywhere
:bulletyellow: He has physiological anisocoria. His left eye is far more sensitive to light than his right eye, hence why he wears an eyepatch most of the time.