


1 year, 4 months ago


Some words here

Name Marquis
Age 6,900
Alias The
Gender Male
Sexuality bitchless
Pronouns he/him
Role Vampire
Species Enderman

Design Notes
  • Horns are slightly darker than his hair
  • Lighter freckles on shoulders
  • Hair reaches about knee-length, and is usually neatly brushed
  • Prefers gold - wears a lot of gold jewelry
  • Style can be described as gothic or baroque
Reference Here

The Marquis is an ancient vampiric enderman, just shy of seven thousand years old with a deep magical connection to the underground palace of gold and black stone he calls his home. Indeed, he rarely strays from his lair except when utterly necessary. He spends the decades becoming an expert on dozens of trades and hobbies. The shelves of his library creak with the weight of hundreds of ancient esoteric tomes, lost manuscripts and rare plays, knowledge that at this point is now truly exclusive to him. His forges bubble with molten gold, which he has learned to shape and sculpt in ways no mortal ever had, with centuries of practice and refinement, creating masterworks of gold that litter his palace. Massive banners with magical symbols provide protection to his home, handcrafted and resonating with enchantments long forgotten to all but the Marquis. His millenia of life have given him an aloof, confident approach to mortal and divine alike.

Regardless of what comes to his door, in his own home he will go and do as he pleases. This has gotten him into altercations with some fiery mortals, like Cap the ghastling. His indifference to mortal life and any value it may hold have disturbed others, and his blunt honesty has frustrated and confused others, like the Dragon God of Wishes, Thalassa. Yet despite callous view of others' importance, he is of the opinion that even those little mortal ants deserve to be happy in their short little dumb lives. He isn’t cruel for the sake of it, and is reasonable in his dealings, frequently offering his ‘blessing’ to others, and the shelter of his home to those who could need it. Despite prior altercation he gave Cedar, a shapeshifter warden of a prison he broke into, the blessings of vampirism, and to his regret he offered the same to Cap.

Recently however he’s run into bad luck. Through some shifting of fates and events out of his control, he’s been ripped from his home, and dumped into a strange new world. To his credit while disappointed by the loss of thousands of years of progress, he tried to rebuild, constructing a cathedral to be his new home, largely ignoring his neighbors no matter their strangeness. That is until he met Ori, a void abomination with a hatred for endermen. Despite his best efforts and surviving several assaults, he was at last defeated, his ender pearl ripped from his chest and dropped into into a jar of water, preventing him from regenerating, and trapping him in a state of semi conscious unending agony, until Icarus, one of Ori's victims accidentally freed him. For a short time he was trapped in the basement of Ori's cabin, being tortured to greivous extent several times. Eventually though, Viktor, a local priest tormented by Ori, helped him escape back to his cathedral, where he now remains, secure.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive passive

Lore + Definitions

Endermen are a race of tall, humanoid sentient plants. They are usually black in coloration, with purple pupils, without an iris, and pink sclera. They range from nine to twelve feet in height, with stretched proportions compared to a human. Their skin is actually a system of microscopic scales, allowing them to squeeze their bodies, up to about an inch thick. As opposed to an endoskeletal structure, they possess a pseudo-exoskeleton, with a wiry network of cartilage-like fiber within. Endermen are carnivorous plants, and can feed on thermal energy as well as biological material.

In the end, they help each other survive by huddling up before sleeping, distributing energy equally throughout the group. With excess energy the enderman can produce an ender pearl, a magical engine within their chest cavity that powers their supernatural ability to teleport. Originating from the End, certain nether and overworld materials have hostile effects on the Enderman’s biology. Lava burns them, and water dissolves the bonds holding them together. Orange is not on the perceivable spectrum for enderman. It doesn’t exist within the end, and thus they cannot perceive orange materials, most famously pumpkins.

Ender Sanguinas

Ender Sanguinas is a potent disease in the end dimension categorized by its extreme lethality, side effects, and deep red coloration. While currently not plaguing the end, in ages past it decimated the native population. Thanks to a brutal cruel quarantine however, it is almost entirely exterminated. A few infected individuals did manage to escape the end however. Ender Sanguinas in most cases is entirely lethal. It radically shifts the enderian physical form to fit its needs, stretching cartilage and scales to toughen the exterior, in same cases completely fusing the skin into one solid crust with little to no flexibility. In some cases however this crust forms atop the skin, and in long periods of inactivity, can form into a tough, concrete-like shell.

On the interior, the disease rips through proteins and minerals found naturally, creating an extreme hunger that is most easily sated with the iron rich blood of other living creatures. To accommodate this thirst, the natural fangs of the endermen sharpen to better puncture skin, and the claws lengthen skin to cut through flesh. Unfortunately due to the extreme changes, most endermen’s bodies end up failing and crumbling apart. For a select few affected, they emerge on the other side stronger, taller, and with new sensitivities and needs. UV light destroys the disease, so the infected are weakened and even damaged by the sun. So endermen that survive the transformation struggle in the overworld, only able to exist in dry areas at night, or underground.


  • He calcifies when he sleeps
  • His accent is fake
  • He speaks Galactic (Minecraft Enchanting Table)
  • "He smells bad" "No, he smells good"
  • He is a very skilled goldsmith
  • Got his ass beat by an iron golem as a kid

Other facts
Aesthetic Victorian/Gothic
Alignment Lawful Evil
Sin Pride
Virtue Temperance

Designer myself
Obtained no
Status alive (forever)
Value priceless


So utterly caught up in intangible ideas, losing over and over again. It would be sad-if you didnt have all the chances in the world to fix your problems



A despicable monster with no coherent rhyme or reason except for brutalist, psychopathic madness. To be avoided at all costs.



a peasant pretending to be powerful. a pain sometimes, but of no major consideration. What little power given to him he will squander and lose. Brush aside like other pests.

Dead On Sight

I understand why you did what you did, insect. That dosen't mean I wouldn't repay it a millionfold, given the chance

Unfortunate Allies

Not bad. for a mortal


What the fuck is that?