Henzel Doeler




Henzel Doeler

"Loeve is precioeus. Keep it cloese to yoeur heart"
  •  Name  Henzel Doeler 
  •  Age  10 Sweeps [22] 
  •  Gender  Cismale 
  •  Pronouns  He/Him 
  •  Sexuality  Homosexual 
  •  Personality 
    Henzel is the more reserved and quiet type of person, preferring to listen over speak. He can also sometimes come off as standoffish and a little defensive, but that part HEAVILY depends on the situation. It's a little hard to get to know him, but when you do, his more compassionate and caring side comes out. A side that only FEW people get to see.
  •  Appearance 
    [See Gallery]
  •  Likes  Crossword puzzles, tea, archery
  •  Dislikes  Most other Tyrant bloods, the Empress
  •  Backstory 
    You'd think being favored by the Empire would make you life a living heaven. A blessed life where you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, BE whatever you want. But Henzel isn't the Heiress. Despite being favored by the Empress, Henzel hated his life. He hated feeling watched, having to listen to the Heiress CONSTANTLY talk about her "problems" and how she'd be the best Empress in the world. Henzel was never really able to be himself like he thought he would. The Empress tried to marry him off to several women, all which were turned down by the male Fuchsia blood since he never liked women, but he never said that out loud. Henzel would actively escape out into the night and hide in the back allies of Alternia, just to get away from the pressures of life and poison his lungs with drugs and cigarette smoke. Life was stressful for him, he just wanted an e
  • The Archduke Ancestor
    Henzel always admired his Ancestor. A man who lived a life of peace with only a few people by his side. He wanted to live the same life as Archduke, even tho he never read about how his Ancestor committed suicide.
  • Livren Doeler Dancestor 
    The two have never really met. But Livren is well aware of his descendant's existence. Despite the bad life Henzel has lived, he is quite proud of how far his descendant has come in life, that Henzel hasn't given up yet.

  • Recroe Drekma Matesprite 
    A criminal underworld member and a tyrant blood being in love? More likely than you'd think. Henzel and Recroe met when the Fuchsia blood was in the slums once again, smoking the stress away with some sort of drug. Recroe was one of the few people who didn't put him on some high horse, treated him like an equal. And Henzel adored that about the male Olive blood. Their love was a slow burn, but eventually got together. Henzel finally knew what REAL love felt like.
  • Prisym Rendil                                                   Moirail
    It's funny really. Henzel used to DESPISE Prisym. He saw the other male Fuchsia blood as much more privileged than he was. Prisym had so much power and influence, but wasn't favored by the Empire like Henzel was. He resented Prisym for so long, even tho the two had known each other when they were little! It was Prisym's lusus that saved a young Henzel from being lost in the vast Alternian waters. The two shared a bond when they were little, but eventually drifted apart as they got older. But fate willed them to come back to each other. A few sweeps after Henzel's ex-moirail ran away, calling him a monster when he SPARED the ex from being killed off, Prisym came to Henzel and the two of them talked out their feelings. Now Henzel can't be separated from Prisym

  • Xevlee Yropia                                                   Kismesis
    Xevlee and Henzel didn't exactly get off on the right foot. Back when the two of them first met, Xevlee was obsessed with the Heiress, Narcis, and wanted to date her so badly. Xevlee would actively go up to Henzel and ask him if he'd be able to get him to talk to Narcis. All of these times, Henzel would refuse and try to tell Xevlee that Narcis wasn't a good person, but the other male Fuchsia blood wouldn't listen. It wasn't until after Xevlee had his string of attraction cut [by Livren, the Seer of Heart] that Xevlee did finally realize Narcis was a bad person like Henzel told him she was. There's still some major negative feelings between the two, but Henzel still cares about Xevlee's wellbeing and is happy he finally found a proper matesprite.
  • Stelea Voccum                                   Assistant/Friend
    Henzel's most beloved and trusted employee. Henzel is VERY protective over Stelea and has no trouble coming to her defense if someone dares to give her problems. Henzel is always kind and caring towards her, knowing how easily stressed/overwhelmed the Teal blood can get. Henzel knew about Stelea's past abusive ex-bosses, and he tries his hardest to make Stelea feel comfortable and safe.

  •  Trivia 
    • ● Henzel is quite the skilled archer, being able to shoot 4-5 arrows out his bow at once.
    • ● Henzel, being a Heart-Bound, tends to think more with his emotions over his brain, but he has Prisym, a Time-Bound, to be his voice of logic at times.
    • ● Henzel has an Anglerfish lusus
    • ● Henzel is the Rogue of Heart
    • ● Henzel is a Derse Dreamer
    • ● Henzel's sign is Pio, Sign of The Pathfinder