Grey Osborne



1 year, 5 months ago


Grey is the younger brother of Helsing, both of which are mutants from a restricted country off the southeast side of Australia. Very little is known about his home or anything that goes on, other than it is considered extremely dangerous to those not prepared for radiation poisoning or other mutants. Many monkeys there have been noted as often "lop-sided" or deformed, and while Grey is much more mild in his deformities. He is noted to have magical powers but it's unsure of what he's capable of as he's not particularly interested in practicing much outside of healing and levitation.

Standing at a walling 9'6" at 20 with the likelihood of continuing to grow, he's a massive monkey of considerable strength, but prefers to be seen as "any other monkey." He enjoys sports and drinking tea in the morning while reading the news, parties, and working on machines. He was a typical boy in his youth, liking watching "boy-ish" cartoons and wrestling and climbing trees, and holds many of his "boy-ish" likings into his adulthood. He doesn't seem to have a preference to friends or partners and doesn't "see a difference" in identity. it's also noted that he looks up to Dominique from his youth as she was one of the few to actually play with him when he first came to the states with his brother. She is known as a large influence for his love of sports and wrestling, as well as his general enjoyment of "roughhousing".