Alvara Slader-Bloom



1 year, 4 months ago


Art Permissions

Clothing and Outfits:
✔ This character can be drawn in any outfit, regardless if they have been drawn in similar outfits before.

Nudity and Sexual Content:
✘ No nudity is allowed. Character may only be drawn in non-sexual situations, and must be fully clothed.

Violence and Gore:
✘ No violence, gore, or injuries.

✘ Do not draw this character dying, dead, or killing other person.

Colour Palette:
✘ The colour palette of this character is important, please do not modify it.

✘ The body type or other physical features of this character are important, please try to keep them similar when stylising them.

Alvara (Italian, means “elf warrior”)

3 years old

Will make any excuse to see her grandparents; especially Dolly.

Likes to make “potions” out of literally anything she finds around the house. Shampoo is not safe.

Inherited her dad’s love of the ocean/beach.

Wants to have physical contact at ALL TIMES. If someone is not holding her or touching her she will seek out someone who will and climb on them. She has attempted to cling to total strangers before. Mimi often turns into a scarf to cuddle her so she will behave.