


1 year, 5 months ago



decepticon • stubborn • aggressive • grumpy


After being forged and working hard in the mines for a majority of his life on Cybertron, Breaklight believes that he has all the right in the universe to hate Autobots, and he makes that very, very clear. Though he believes the, at somepoint, lost their way, he still fights for what he thinks it right. Which is going home and changing things for good.

He isn't all evil, he can be nice and he used to be nice, but after being blind sided and practically used as a tool as soon as he was put in a squad and not a pair, things almost immediately went downhill for him. He's not trying anymore and he's not exactly the nicest con on the ship by a long shot.

Leave me for dead and you're the one who always comes running back.


at-6 wolverine
Blood type
lower caste
lawful evil
Pessimist Attitude
Right dominant hand
The Chariot Tarot
The Rebel Archetype
Sci-fi Setting


extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
deceptive sincere
unjust fair
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
cooperative lone wolf


  • Loyal
  • Couragous
  • Understanding
  • Strong-willed
  • Quiet
  • Private
  • Aggressive
  • Stubborn
  • Insulting


-/- -/-
Color Blue
-/- -/-
Season Summer
Time of day Mid-day
-/- -/-
-/- -/-
Music jazz


Quirks & habits

Breaklight tends to be a very reserved con and prefers to keep to himself and remain pretty private. Because of this, he usually gives off the effect that he's constantly judging you or has something on his mind, when in actuality he just thinks he has nothing worth saying. Yet, anyway. Often times he'll just follow other around or find something to do, most of the time he remains pretty stoic unless something riles him up enough to react.

Communication skills

Talking isn't exactly his strongest point by a longshot anymore, but he did used to be quite the chatty con. He often made jokes and made people feel more cool and easy in difficult situations, but due to recent events he's become a lot more cold and cruel. Breaklight will make it his lifes mission to make sure that you know you're not worth a damn and are expendable to anyone at anytime. He tends to be quite the pessimist nowadays.

Showing affection

Originally Breaklight was incredibly affectionate, anyone could tell you. He tried not to make it so obvious but with how expressionate he used to be it never really worked. He tends to give a lot of praise and physical affection, sometimes giving gifts when he could. When he could he liked giving love, but now not so much.


  • Quiet
  • The sky
  • Clouds
  • Music
  • Winning
  • Company


  • Arguing
  • Loud noise
  • The dark
  • Being pushed around
  • Cowards
  • Long hauls


  • Loneliness
  • Being left behind
  • Being underground
  • Dogs
  • The sea
  • Small spaces


  • Making stories
  • Reading
  • -/-
  • -/-
  • -/-
  • -/-

Design notes

  • Goggles are NOT optional.
  • Missiles on arms ARE optional.
  • Details on arms aren't needed, so they're optional.
  • Very weapons heavy, arms can turn into cannons.
  • Propellers can move around freely
designer: Cactired
worth: -/-


red #AE4B4F


GREY #656768
dark grey #45484A
Bronze #94867B


light GREY #BBC2C6
light blue #94ABC2
blue #6583A6


purple #6F5899
Darker Grey #313336
off-white #DDDDDD


  • Far in the past.
  • He's still sour about it all.
  • He'll never let go of the grudges he's gained.

Back on Cybertron, Breaklight was born without a name, was pushed into the lower caste slums and used as a mining slave. He did it for kilocycles, doing drastic things just so he could survive. Of course, like any other, he had friends, a close-knit found family that supported eachother and made sure that they stuck together to survive. The whole things seemed like a blur, cycles going by where he didn't even notice what he was doing. A majority of this time he was practically on autopilot, feeling more like a item, a belonging, a possesion than a bot with a life and a spark. He slaved away day by day, needing multiple replacements and blackmarket fixing just to get by. After awhile he developed a hatred of being underground and darkness and started to become quick to irritate. It was around this time that Megatronous was beginning to make a small name for himself in the arenas. Word got around and it certainly caught his attention but he never seemed to find any hope in it, however, those around him seemed willful that perhaps this show of courage could mean something.

While off work he bumped into another bot. He claimed his name to be 'Triplepiston', said to be an engineer of sorts, obviously not from where he was from, and said that he wanted to do something about the living conditions, to study the buildings and structures to see if he could improve the conditions in anyway he could. Breaklight thought it amusing, but entertained his ideals for a while. They got to talking and he found that he felt for those that lived in his world, that he wanted to help, thought that it was unfair for him to live a better life than those who worked harder. He also believed that those who lived a better life than himself were selfish and entitled, that they did nothing to resolve any problems that sparked unless it impacted them directly. Breaklight couldn't agree more and soon a friendship sparked. Through Megatronous' messages and work, they grew closer and closer and eventually became inseperable. Triplepiston soon moved from the mid caste to the lower caste to be with Breaklight, finding more comfort in the friends he'd made from Breaklight and the bot himself than anyone he had where he was from. Of course, when the divide happened the pair of them sided with the Decepticons, hoping for a better future and strived for equal rights and healthcare for all.

As soon as the war started all hell broke loose. Blinded by rage and a want for change, Breaklight did everything possible to fight and survive. Obviously it worked as he was able to board the Nemisis with Triplepiston and the few friends he had left standing. However, during this war he'd done some unspeakable things, taking out all of rage for what he'd lived through. He was pissed and rightfully so, but he was glad he always had Triple to ground him when he needed it.


  • The past.
  • Painful and slow.
  • Exhausting.

Breaklight's time on the Nemisis was realtively boring in his own words, he doesn't like talking about it and tries to kind of forget the main time he spent on the Nemisis after the great war. At this point he was mingling with more cons than usual and some of them weren't exactly the nicest to be around. Around this time he was almost always on a tipping point, Triplepiston working overtime to keep the guy grounded and calm. It was around this time that they decided that being a couple was probably in their best interest, the pair of them feeling most comfortable around each other and sharing affection regularly. Breaklight decided to keep this between them, not for any negative reason, he just liked his privacy and preferred everyone seeing them as just friends. However, a little con called Kickblast thought this was rather juicy gossip and decided to make their lives a living hell for a while.

Eventually they left The Nemisis to board The Ark which, of course, crashed into earth with everyone inside.


  • Ongoing.
  • Incredibly painful.
  • Dim and hopeless.

Their time of earth started out rather confusing at first, at least for Breaklight. He didnt exactly like the place or the inhabitants. Triple tried to change his mind, saying that their customs were obviously different to theirs and that they had the right to be cautious and scared of them considering their looks and size. Break didn't quite understand and simply wanted to get what they needed and start making their way back home. It wouldn't be that easy obviously. Once the majority had taken their forms, things started to make more sense and plans started to form.

As time went on and Megatron got more... deranged, some started to feel that perhaps they'd lost their way, that maybe this wasn't exactly the best idea. Breaklight wasn't one of these cons, but Triple certainly was. He still believed that if there was life on a planet they shouldn't try and retrieve energon from it, but of course Breaklight believe that no matter what they should find a way to restore life to Cybertron. After a few years Triple simply couldn't take it anymore, beginning to feel guilt and making the decision to leave. However, he hadn't told Breaklight about this, instead believing that making a big impression would save him a lot of hurt. So, during a 'mission' Breaklight and Triplepiston ran into some autobots, Breaklight immediately stating that they could take them on easy. Instead he watched Triplepiston walk to side with the autobots, listening to him as he stated he'd fallen out of love with him, that he hated him and that he never wanted to see him again. That he wasn't the same bot that he'd met many, many kilocycles ago. Surprisingly to both of them the Autobots Triple was with lit Breaklight up, barely getting away with his life and becoming a shell of a con for a while. It was during this time that he suddenly became a very different con all together.

After that he was ordered to work in Squad Delta, something he desperately didn't want to be apart of. So far it's been a living hell, working with Kickblast and Hotspur beginning to be a constant headache for him. He's had a few situations where he's been able to get along with his colleagues, but it comes very rarely. He's mad at Triplepiston and he's mad at the universe, all he wants is to go home and be happy, but now he's doubting it'll ever happenn.


Attack Defence Speed Protection Aim Support


  • His emotions
  • His stomach
  • His wings
Tactic Think then shoot
Attitude cool/aggressive
Distance long/mid
Weapon cannons/missils

Skills & abilities




Breaklight is able to transform his arms into two different cannons, is right being more powerful than the right which behaves more like a rapid-fire gun. He relies on this the most when fighting battles, and has some damn good aim. You better hope you're not on the recieving end.




One of the main reasons that Breaklight decided on using a lightweight military plane as his mode is because of the advantages it gives him, and the AT-6 Wolverine definitley has its advantages. After the war he decided that he much prefered more distant attacks that give him space to retreat if need be, and so he went with something with projectiles. Due to some other pros that he has, missing is almost never a concern of his and his attacks usually leave a lot of damage.

Some of the missiles are more lightweight but are more atoned to rapid fire, where as some are more heavy and leave bigger indents and deal more damage outright. He likes the variety.




One of the many pros of being a miliarty plane is the in-built radar. Breaklight frankly loves the thing and uses it at a constant and always has it just a switch away, hence the goggles that sit above his eyes.

He uses it a lot to track, scout and aim. He also uses it to spy on others when need be to see what they're up to. He's had some adjustments done to it but it works almost perfectly for him. He's still learning it and sometimes fumbles in heat of the moment situations, but it's certainly a game changer for his team/squad.

• squad leader •

Breaklight has never trusted a con so little in his life. He cannot bring himself to put his life in Hotspurs hands and always second guesses him. Although Hotspur seems to always have everything under control, Breaklight has never trusted that and for good reason. Theres been more than one time where he's had to fight his way out on his own to avoid a nasty scuffle because of him.

Being apart of the Delta Squad was never something that he wanted to be apart of and actively tried to avoid being put into, however after Triplepiston made off he was almost stuck with Hotspur. They tend to argue and fight verbally and physically a lot of the time and can barely get along. However, when they can put their differences aside and work as one, they're a force to be reckoned with.

• ex/lover •

He hates him. He hates that he still love him with all his heart and would give his life for his at any waking moment. He hates that he thinks about him almost every second and he hates that he can still remember everything about him to his touch to his voice. He hates him, but can't seem to let him go. He doesn't want to let him go, he misses him.

He's heart badly by what Triple did and he wants him dead. And even though every time they see eachother they fight until one of them backs out and makes a run for it, he can't seem to fully hate him, only hurt and miss him. He wants him back badly. You can't have one without the other, and neither of them feel complete without each other.

• colleague •

Kickblast has been a pain in his side since the beginning of all of this. He met him occasionally during the time of war on Cybertron, but barely spoke to him, preoccupied with other more important things. But after venturing space on the ship for years, he realised just annoying the little bastard was.

With Breaklight having a like for privacy and obsession with boundaries and Kickblasts unhealthy love for knowing everything about everyone, it created a lot of waves and ripples throughout the ship and its crew, especially with Breaklight who seemed to take all of his gossiping very personally. He still does as well, and takes his teasing as an inivation to a fight.