
6 years, 3 months ago


Wesley The Shiny Midnight Lycanroc // Level 100 // Male

One would think a pampered little Rockruff would want to stick around a pleasant, wealthy home like the one he was raised in, but not Wesley; his heart was far too feral to be holed up in such a tidy little household. After making a great escape from his uptight and snobby trainer, Wesley took the wilds of the world of Pokemon by storm.

Living up to the typical nature of his species, Wesley picks as many fights as he can get his mangy paws into. After grinding to the absolute top percentage of power that his body could manage, he began to knock away various Pokemon from territories he wanted to claim as his and reigns over a large portion of woodland as a result of his malevolence. He claims he will one day corner every living Pokemon into one tiny part of the world whilst he rules the rest of it with an iron fist. Whether this is merely exaggerated for his own ego or something he truly believes he can achieve, it might not be so far off from his capabilities; were he not but one singular Lycanroc, anyway. 

  • Wes loves to be evenly matched so that he can feel accomplished when he defeats his equally-strong opponent. However, he hates to be against someone stronger than him since it places him in a losing position. If he manages to defeat an opponent stronger than him, however, he gets an immense rush of adrenaline and has no idea what to do with it, so ends up wrecking whatever's close by as a result. 
  • Wes is snide and brutal, and acts very cheeky in battles. 
  • Wes has one 'friend'; Haze is a close acquaintance of his that he's agreed to let stay in his territory if he acted as a nightwatch. Their relationship seems purely 'professional' but Wes likes to dote upon Haze for being his 'loyal little watchbird'. 
  • Wes's current rival and favorite opponent is Russel who he takes great pleasure in teasing and toying with during fights. He likes seeing Russel angry and often seeks him out purposely to challenge him.