
1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Ember

Nickname: Witch

Gender: Female

Pronoums: She\Her

Sexuality: AroAce

Age: 15

Birthday: 13\10

Height: 1,6

Species: Dragon Wolf

Role: Witch?

Theme: Dumb Dumb

About: She is a Dragon Wolf that lives in a florest with your friends, with the fear of beeing julged by society

Personality: She have a "emo" personality, but really cares about your friends, and is also very protective and smart, but very insecure

Likes: Books, Purple clothes, find new stuff for home

Deslikes: Sobrenatural things, beeing judge, royal guards

Backstory: Ember was born in the Wolf Rocks but was a different color from her father and mother, so her father accused her mother of cheating on him, she swore that she wouldn't but he left, forcing her mother to take care of her alone along with her sisters, she grew up healthy and even had a best friend, but one day all the puppies went to do a training to discover their powers, but she was the only one who did badly, her mentor didn't know what ability she had, which made her very sad,her colleagues started making fun of her and she went home sad, but at night she went to look for a hidden place to cry, when she realized that a purple smoke appeared and a dragon wolf appeared, her name was Violet and she was a spirit invoked by Ember, she was very happy to discover her powers, but her best friend saw her and said to the leader of the group, who banned her as a child for "practicing evil magic", she had to survive for herself with Violet until she was 15, they were too happy until Alma appeared, another ghost who exiled her from the world of the living, Ember tried to convince her to return, but Alma realized that she was of evil magic, and said that she would take care of her, because her power was very dangerous. They lived together and even with a zombie named Hotten they found, little by little she started to like her new "family".

Trivia: She still misses Violet

She works getting rid of ghosts with Alma and Hotten

She is like a daughter for Alma and a sister for Hotten

She changed her name for "Witch"

She likes to summone a random cat soul to play with it

Relationships: Alma: Is like a mother to her

Hotten: Like a brother to her

Morgana(Violet): She misses her so much