
1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Snowy

Nickname: Alma

Gender: Female

Pronoums: She\Her

Sexuality: ?

Age: 22 (When she died)

Birthday: 4\12

Height: 1,10

Species: Wolf Dragon

Role: Member of OCF

Theme: Criminal

About: She is a gohst mother with a very important job

Personality: When she was alive she had a more innocent personality and was just a silly lover, willing to do anything for her boyfriend, but when she died she became more independent and extroverted, she also gained a "mother" personality, nice, attentive and patient, but strict when she needs to give scolding

Likes: Work, Cook, her chil- friends, classic music

Deslikes: Technology, lound noises, modern music

Backstory: She was born in 1920, she always dreamed of falling in love, getting married and having children, but when she turned 18 her mother forced her to make an arranged marriage, with a guy she barely knew and was still stupid with her, with so many months living with her. he she couldn't stand it and one day she went out to cry near a tree, when a voice called her, another dragon wolf, big and beautiful called Poseidon, they talked a little, he bequeathed her to the lake and presented her with a flower, but his brothers called him and he had to leave, but she had already fallen in love with him, and they met all the time, but it turns out he was a serial criminal, but she didn't care and kept seeing him anyway after the warnings of her maids, but one day, in the same tree, she met the brothers of Poseidon, she tried to run but two of them grabbed her by the wing and the other scratched her eye, then her wings tore and she fell from a very high height. ,when she woke up, she found herself on top of her body, she didn't understand anything until she saw her boyfriend go to her body and cry, when she understood that she was dead, she realized that a big dragon was looking at her, he said he would guide her in the afterlife , and she went to the world of ghosts, where she made several friends, one day the news arrived that one of the members of the OCF (ghost control organization, but in Portuguese) she had been fired for breaking the laws, the dragon came to her offering the job, because he trusted her a lot, but she only accepted it because maybe she could see her boyfriend, after doing very well in the tests she was finally accepted as a member in the organization, and went to the world of the living in a forest with a high concentration of ghosts, she was going to meet with poseidon, but remembered her friendships in the world of ghosts and decided to stay and work, when they received the news that a very dangerous spirit was invoked somewhere, looking for that spirit she finally found him and banished him to the world of ghosts, but found the wolf that summoned her, and decided that she would keep an eye on her, with time they met a zombie baby, and so she started to see them as her precious puppies that she always wanted to have

Trivia: Her changed her name to "Alma"

Alma means "Soul" in Portuguese

She is a big boomer

she got so used to people in today's world that she lost her old accent

Relationships: Witch: She considers as a Daugther

Hotten: She considers as a Son

Poseidon: Her boyfriend, she loved him but now basicaly forgot him

Blizzard: Her mother, she dont keep her grievances

Moxxie: Her Husband, she really hates him