


8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info








King of Thieves



Alyster - Past Childhood friend, Current Enemy



Being King of Thieves, he never backs down from a challenge to steal anything and everything, testing the limits of every type of security system. He always finds humor where others can't and takes things with a light heart much to the annoyance of those trying to catch him. His over confidence gets him into trouble sometimes but luck seems to favor him as he is able to get himself out of many a sticky situation.

A spell of silence cast itself over the capital as night fell, while the twinkling lamps of the sky shimmered into view, signalling the end of another day. Yet life would continue, maybe even until the depths of midnight, or perhaps beyond. It was a dangerous time for some, but for many, it remained peaceful. Even as the drunks, the thugs and the gangs prowled the streets, causing those who encountered them no end of grief, the rest of the city would blissfully be taken away by slumber. And it was in the midst of that slumber, that Sorna would make his move.

Making his way to the towering, imperial fortress in the central hub of the city, the master thief soundlessly snuck around the shaded corners and streets that the night had provided him. Of course, the fewer people who saw him the better, but it wasn’t regular citizens he was worried about. It seemed as if there were a lot more guards in the city than usual; perhaps he had been spotted during his move into the city? He couldn’t say, but despite the increase in security, he of course felt as sure of himself as ever.

More guards just meant more people to play with. As he darted from spot to spot, he’d purposefully let himself be seen, typically letting just a flutter of his lavender scarf catch their eye. He’d lure them, tease them a few more times, before the shadows of the night teased them into chasing an intruder that didn’t exist. Soon, half of the city watchmen would be scrambling around in a blind but determined panic, giving him a perfect window of opportunity to weightlessly flip himself over the walls of the fortress and into the main courtyard, without a single soul noticing him.

Of course, there were still a mass of guards inside the monolithic tower itself: archers stationed on every balcony; soldiers armed with spears and swords patrolling every hallway. He certainly had his work cut out for him, but in his mind, it was all simply child’s play.

If only Alyster were here, then this’d be even more enjoyable~

He was disappointed, just a touch, that he wouldn’t get to tangle with his former childhood friend, like he had done so many times before. But fate seemingly had other plans for the two of them right now.

Crouched low to the ground, he cast his lavender gaze up the stronghold, pulling a tattered piece of paper from his pouch. He’d tracked down some schematics for the tower and as far as he could see, there were only two ways in from the ground floor, the front door and a back entrance, used for deliveries. He knew where his prize was; halfway up the tower in the captain’s office, to be exact, but if he entered from the front door and made his way upward, he’d be taking one too many risks. He might have liked a bit of danger, but he also wasn’t stupid, it would have more or less been suicide to enter that way.

Entering with cargo though, as cliché as it was, seemed like the ideal way to slip in. From his crouched position, he cast his eyes back down to the base of the tower and towards large cargo door. If he had timed this right, then he knew that any moment now, a shipment of weapons was due.

The sounds of hooves on stone could be heard faintly in the distance, along with the shouts of the guards he’d left scrambling back in town. Seemed as if the delivery was right on time, thankfully. Indeed, a large wagon began to pull into the yard, several crates snugly held inside the back.

Smirking to himself, he watched as it stopped right before the door and the tower workers opened up, calling out to the wagon driver, who himself seemed to be getting out to help. While they were distracted, Sorna edged around the shadows, following the wall until he was near the door. As he approached, the workers were still at the back of the cart and the self-assured thief couldn’t see anyone else keeping watch.

The workers in the store room were just people from the town, instead of guards so Sorna almost felt bad for eluding them like this. He had heard this place was impenetrable, but hiring workers without military training? That was quite the blunder, to say the least. Not that he thought the regular guards were all that smart either, but they would have at least kept an eye on an open door.

Slipping in unnoticed, he made sure to activate the mechanism to shut the door, leaving the workers stranded outside. That’d likely buy him a few minutes. He could already hear the workers banging on the door and yelling.

Sorry, no hard feelings~

From there, he began to make his way up the tower. Even though there were a lot of floors between him and the midway point, he could thankfully make short work of them. Sneaking past the admittedly tightly scheduled patrols would have been a problem for an amateur, but with his level of cunning and technique, he could easily fool any one of those guards. So, floor after floor he ascended, until he was met with a door that screamed ‘self-importance’.

Well, at least they made finding this place easy for me.

Indeed, a large golden plaque on the door read ‘Captain’s Office’. Seeing as there were no guards around, he had every opportunity to charge in and take what he was looking for… but he hesitated and a smirk formed once more under his mask.

Cute… you thought you could catch me out.

The lack of guards on this floor said everything; his prize wasn’t the only thing waiting for him in that room. He had a good feeling that, if he were to enter that room, he’d be surrounded in seconds. It would certainly mean the end for him as if he tried to fight his way out, he’d certainly die and he wouldn’t have anywhere to run. He’d have to surrender, no matter what, if he wanted to leave with his life.

At least, that’s what they were hoping to achieve, right? Without another thought, he flung open the doors, ready to challenge fate for his prize.

Story by Yuna_Animatus