


1 year, 5 months ago


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Name: Egretglower

Future Names: N/A

Age: 36 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Femme; (they/she)

Clan: Birdclan

Rank: Warrior

Orientation: Panromantic; Ace-spec. 

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Family Info

 Parents: Larkleap(mother), Swallowfall(father)

 Siblings: Chickadeepuff, Flickerfreckle, Pipitpeal

 Mate: N/A(closed)

 Kits: N/A(closed)

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Born alongside her siblings, Egret had been a yappy and active child. She was easily frightened but nonetheless had a big desire to mess around with their siblings. The kit would mess around with her mother and eagerly await any and all stories the shecat had to share, always being the one to gather a kitten crowd to hear whatever tale awaited them. Not long before their apprenticeship, her mother succumbed to an illness, causing Swallowfall to eventually become estranged from his remaining family. One night, a couple of moons after his departure, the little kit heard Swallowfall mumbling to himself how it was all the kits’ faults. Although they didn’t share this with their siblings, the other kits seemed to hear this murmuring themselves. As a result, Egret quickly developed the mentality that the death was her fault, causing her to become reserved but direct whenever they did speak. Their words were always laced with sorrow and despair, which started to drive cats in close proximity to them away. This continued on throughout their childhood and apprenticeship, as their mentor really didn’t have much place in the kit’s upbringing. With the cat’s albinism, the mentor was at least thoughtful and catered the training to what Egret could excel with. They would frequently train early in the morning or late at night, which allowed for them to train without constant irritation for the young cat. Gaining their name quite quickly, they received their warrior name and slowly settled more and more into clan life. 

Egretglower didn’t think much of their new name, for they simply were glad it wasn’t boring. As the molly started to notice a very boring routine, she yearned for a fun, exciting change. As a result, the cat would leave camp and wait along well-shaded borders to jumpscare any lone patrolling cat, just for a little thrill. One night, her surprise attack resulted in a quick scuffle between her and a Torrentclan cat by the name of Waspwind. Her fight against the molly didn’t end in victory though, and the Birdclan warrior found themselves beneath the well-trained warrior’s claws. The warrior didn’t behave like every other ruthless warrior from that clan… she was kind. Although Egret never was quite certain why they were so drawn to her, the warrior soon found themselves sleuthing throughout the territory just to catch sight of the warrior. Soon, these encounters increased so much that eventually, Egret herself confessed to loving the warrior. Waspwind was caught off-guard by the sudden expression of love, but nonetheless accepted their confession and they began seeing each other more seriously. 

For a few moons, the two continued to visit in pure and utter bliss, allowing Egret to become more and more expressive by the day. Eventually though, Waspwind suddenly found Egretglower and decided that the relationship had been too risky, so she broke it off there. Egretglower hadn’t fought back for the relationship, rather they ran back close to camp and quietly sobbed beneath their campsite. Now, the shecat regrets not fighting more, as it could’ve perhaps made a change. They struggle with not simply wallowing in self-pity, but they know if they show it they could face serious repercussions. Sometimes, their mind wanders to imagine the possible outcome, and although they’ve been close to confessing to multiple cats, they’ve only shared this with Chickadeepuff. They trust their sibling to keep this hidden, and so far she’s kept it hidden to others’ ears. Right now, she’s still recovering from this breakup, but they’ve been very invested in Birdclan life. She is an adamant supporter of their sister’s promotion, and they consistently help care for kits in the clan. Really, it feels like the warrior’s heart is slowly reopening to others, however they’re starting to focus much more on non-romantic relationships at the moment. They’ve noticed how wonderful many of their own clan’s cats really are and really want to try their best to do good by them.

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 Appearance: Egretglower is a silvery-white, long-furred shecat with violet-rose eyes.

 Personality: Egretglower is currently a bombastic and youthful shecat, however they're mostly recognized for their behavior as a kit. Up until a few moons after they received their warrior name, Egretglower grew up as a gloomy cat that always had something bleak to share. After Swallowfall’s abandonment, Egret believed early on that they were the reason as to why their mother died. They never viewed their siblings as an issue, just themselves, which further confirmed their own worries about being the perpetrator of the death. Never directly expressing this, a sense of self-hatred infested the kit’s being. She was always honest about her sorrows with her clanmates, however she always constantly pushed away those that offered support. Egret always saw themselves as a lost cause, so she didn't allow cats to disappoint themselves with her demeanor. They had completely given up on herself before a lovely cat entered her life. After this, they suddenly seemed to become an entirely new cat. Now, they're very opinionated and very vocal about her viewpoints, not really caring if they are problematic or not. They especially enjoy getting under other cats’ skins with more outrageous claims, but this is just to stir some drama and nothing more. They're very attached to their direct family, and they're especially close to Chickadeepuff. The now-deputy handled the shecat’s personality the best. Although Egretglower had been getting more and more confident as of late, the rising tensions between the other clans has sparked a fear within them. Additionally, they've looked to the past, thinking of ways this could have possibly been remedied earlier, even if they're well-aware she herself couldn't have done anything about a Coastclan/Torrentclan issue. As of now, with the tense atmosphere, she's been visiting the kits more and more, telling stories to them. They've noticed that the kits seem to like having a little scare during storytime, so she's started getting fully invested in her stories with props, actors(aka unfortunate chosen cats to help act out these insane scenes), and other ways to catch the kits’ attention. Her investment with the kits had been incredibly noticeable by their clanmates. The only thing holding them back is the urge to fight a patrol battle every once and a while, just for the adrenaline. Either way, many are unsure about their loyalty to the clan. She views herself as a dedicated warrior, but they’ve never bound themselves to the warrior code by any means.

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VC: Kathleen Barr(Queen Chrysalis, MLP FIM)

AF Profile: