


1 year, 4 months ago


Yevgeni (771)

📜Character bio

A highly intelligent, condescending, and cold Lawbot who is seemingly exceptional at everything he does. Working with him can seem like a great opportunity for aspiring Lawbots, but not many can handle his icy glare and barbed tongue. He has very high standards that he expects his siblings and others who work with him to uphold. All that with his acerbic demeanor makes him very unapproachable to many cogs, especially those who have eyes for the Backstabber. He knows he is charming, but he's mature enough to not let it get into his head, he has no time for nonsense!

Yevgeni is a fiercely work-oriented and highly competent cog who seems to be merciless in the courtroom, often wiping the floor with all opponents with knit-tight arguments and robust evidence. Outside of the courtroom, he still has a commanding presence, he is seen as a leader and role model by his peers. He is the epitome of professionalism and is considered to be the ideal Lawbot by his fellow Lawbots. This earns him admiration and resentment from others. He is also the object of affection but he often turns down any advances, he finds romance to be a distraction.

Even though he is icy and harsh, he can be warm and supportive towards his siblings, for the most part. He, like his younger sister, has his way of helping his siblings or other Cogs, even if it is condescending. Deep down, he cares a lot about the well-being of his fellow Cogs, his siblings especially.


Zhenya, Yev, Mr. Perfect
Male (sexless)
Lawful Neutral
Cog Branch:
Lawbot HQ
Defense Attorney


"How disappointing, your arguments don't hold on their own, Mr. Plaintiff..."


  • Working on legal documents
  • Rainy nights
  • Loyalty in others
  • Things going smoothly
  • His siblings flourishing

💔 Dislikes

  • Losing
  • Incompetence
  • Dull conversations
  • Anyone threatening his siblings
  • Gossip and rumors



  • Like many Backstabbers, he’s gifted at lying but is often honest with his siblings.
  • He always had keen observation skills even when he was a Bloodsucker.
  • Out of all his siblings, he is the most competent Toon fighter, with the most wins against Toons.
  • He thinks he has a sense of humor but he's rather dull in that department. His sense of humor can be described as cerebral and dry.
  • He has the least tolerance for Tooniness.
  • He has an exceptional record as a lawyer with over 100 wins with only 2 losses. One of them is against his brother Vladimir!
  • He has a secret habit of singing to himself while he works. And he's pretty good at it too!!


•Fast learner


•Hard to read
•Has difficulty opening up

💕 Relationships


Name: Vladimir

Relationship: Brother

These Lawbot brothers have a complicated relationship. From the moment they were built, they've always clashed. From their differing personalities, their attitude toward Toons, and their work methods. Due to him knowing about Vlad's immunity to gags, along with his ridiculously high standards and his wanting his little brother to succeed. He tries his best to work with his bloodsucker brother, but at times, he finds Vladimir's sweet nature vexing. He acts harshly and is a bit overbearing to him to the point where his brotherly advice is just talking down to him. Yevgeni's not very good at letting others down gently, so he ends up hurting Vlad's feelings, thus making Vlad wary of him.

Name: Daria

Relationship: Siblings

Yevgeni's little sister. Like his little brother, Vladimir, he's very close to her. He often looks out for her, helping her keep out of trouble. Even though she is his sister, his high expectations apply to her and his brother as well. Yevgeni certainly doesn't play favorites and expects Daria to pull her own weight. Since she's the youngest of his siblings, he's extra protective of her. He doesn't mean it, but he can be suffocating to her. He doesn't seem to get why she needs to always try to show off, not realizing she behaves the way she does to impress him.





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