
1 year, 4 months ago


Daria (773)

📜Character bio

There's no denying that this Cogette is pretty, gorgeous even. But even the prettiest of faces can hide a repugnant interior. She thinks herself to be mature, but she isn't. She thinks she's being helpful by offering unsolicited advice and corrections (Especially to her older brother, Vladimir) but instead, it tends to reek of holier-than-thou, pretentious blustering. She's inconsiderate and thinks very little of others, often insulting others.

She wrongfully assumes her posturing and unsolicited "advice" are needed and appreciated. In reality, a silent majority of Cogs can't stand her and are envious of her and her older brother's successes. She is seen as the ideal Lawbot to many; the sanctimoniousness, the moral posturing, the cold and mercilessness in the courtroom, all these things are what she and her oldest brother, Yevgeni embody. Despite this, she has a soft, vulnerable side she rarely ever shows to anyone. She genuinely cares about the well-being of her brothers.

When she isn't being rude to her fellow cogs, she can be an ideal underling. She often follows orders to a T, often without question, and is as sharp as a tack. Daria is often the object of many Cogs' affection and is often romantically perused. Unfortunately for them, she does not return any of their feelings, often leaving them heartbroken. It seems no one is good enough for the Ice Queen!


Dasha, Dashulya, The Ice Queen
Female (sexless)
Lawful Neutral
Cog Branch:
Lawbot HQ
Law Librarian 


"Is this really the best you can do?! HAH!!! How pitiful!!"


  • File keeping
  • Quiet spaces
  • Ribbons
  • Being right
  • Russian post-punk music

💔 Dislikes

  • Noisy Cogs
  • Toons
  • Ineptitude
  • Men with feet of clay
  • Losing



  • She’s prone to holding grudges.
  • She studies the laws of both the Cogs and Toontown. This is to a point where she knows of obscure laws. 
  • She is a master of the silent treatment. There was a time when she disagreed with Vlad and didn’t speak to him for 3 months.
  • She won't ever admit it, but she has some resentment toward her oldest brother and feels like she's constantly under his shadow.
  • There are sporadic instances of her being genuinely nice to others. This can mean she either genuinely likes or is afraid of you.
  • Other than a certain regional manager, She has a bit of a crush on the news presenter for "Good Morning Cog Nation!".


•Keen research skills
•Fiercely loyal


•Holds grudges

💕 Relationships


Name: Vladimir

Relationship: Siblings

The Bloodsucker pair had known each other since they were first built. Daria initially saw him as a liability due to his inclination towards Toony things. But that quickly changed after she witnessed him surviving being pied by Toons, demonstrating his tolerance to gags. Since then, Daria has taken it upon herself to help steer Vlad in the "right" direction. However, this proved difficult due to Vlad's personality defect and her tendency to get frustrated. She would often reprimand him and constantly point out his flaws, straining their relationship. One can mistake her horrid behavior towards him as hatred, but that couldn't be further from the truth! Daria may be cold as ice, but she cares about her older brothers and wants nothing more than for them to succeed.

Name: Yevgeni

Relationship: Siblings

Daria and Vladimir's older brother. Even though he is not her superior, she follows his directions and often dreads his disapproval. Even though she readily follows him and is just as competent as him, she often finds herself outshined by him and living underneath his shadow. She finds herself feeling jealous and resentful toward him. It seems that anything she can do, he can do even better. She makes great efforts in everything she does and goes the extra mile regarding tasks, but it feels like everything she does isn't good enough for him. All she wants is to make Yevgeni proud. His stoic nature doesn't help in this regard.


Name: Tegan

Relationship: Friends

Daria and Tegan are pretty close. The tightwad and Bloodsucker have known each other for years and have worked together. They both have a rotten attitude and revel in the misery they cause to Toons.

Name: Witch Hunter

Relationship: Crush (one-sided??)

Despite only briefly working with the Lawbot manager, Daria instantly fell in love. Perhaps his snobbishness, strictness, or dedication to the law and his work for C.O.G.S Inc. won her over. He seems to be the perfect suit for her! She can even understand his verbose vocabulary, as expected from the bookish Bloodsucker Cogette!



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