Dani Moonson



1 year, 5 months ago


Dani (She/Her)

Full Name: Dani Moonson
Birthday: February 14, 2170
Height: Aquarius ♒︎
Orientation: Demisexual
Height: 178 cm - 5'10
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Voice Claim:  Link

Self-Confidence  ⬤ ⬤ ⬤

In an isolated system the entropy can only increase. A species set on endless growth is 

-𝚞 𝚗 𝚜 𝚞 𝚜 𝚝 𝚊 𝚒 𝚊 𝚋 𝚕 𝚎-

Daughter of successful scientists, who aspires to follow in their footsteps. In fact she jokingly refers to herself as 'mad scientist in training'. She's goal-oriented and dedicated to her studies but has mostly poor social skills and prefers to be alone. She stills appreciates company of her friends except that unfortunately for her, they are idiots who constantly get into trouble. She takes big pride in her intellectual abilities and can seem a bit mean at times. She's also very competitive.


  • Reading
  • Science
  • Coffee
  • Junk food
  • School
  • Social interactions

Design Notes

  • Naturally dark brown hair, usually dyed red with roots showing because who has time to maintain the hair color, riiiight...
  • Tends to wear fancy outfits and neutral colors, often wears red tie matching her hair
  • Can be often seen wearing a lab coat

  • Her whole existence and personality was revealed in a dream back in 2012
  • While her birthday is on Valentine's day and her main color is red, she's not very romantic person
  • She owns a genetically modified pet cat called Void Lord 
    • it was a gift from her dad and it glows
  • She has questionable morals as result of her upbringing
  • Her parents are not living together and she lives with her father; she visits her mother occasionally 
  • She's named after song Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers
    • but her name was also inspired by Eridan from Homestuck 
  • She is still questioning her orientation and doesn't catch feelings very easily, she only ever dated one person

April (Girlfriend/it's complicated)
April was Dani’s first huge crush. Dani didn’t want to act on her feelings since she had mixed feelings about dating her friend’s ex, but it was him who encouraged her to ask April out. However, their relationship doesn’t seem going that well, while everything seemed sweet at first; they have different lifestyles and personalities and April is too controlling and manipulative…

Tony (Close Friend)
They first met in school although their fathers have knew each other since long time ago. Initially they were more of rivals than friends. Despite that they started to hang out more, usually skipped school together to drink coffee. Eventually developed close bond that is, however, purely platonic no matter what some rumors say.

Amber (acquaintance?)
They may not interact much but they definitely admire each other from afar… I mean each other's work, what other kind of admiration there could be, riiiiight...? They definitely have quite a lot in common, they may both act villainous from time to time and there is certainly a potential for something more… definitely not world domination though.

Damian (Friend)
They would often hang out with Tony. Damian was a bit terrified of her because she always claimed that she knows 1000 ways to poison somebody and get rid of a body. (She'd say that mostly in the morning, before she had her first cup of coffee).


Dani's parents are rival scientists, her father owns a renowned company that specializes in genetic engineering while her mother specializes in AI and robotics. Her parents have very particular relationship as they have some chemistry but can't stand each other most of time. They saw the parenthood as just another experiment. Dani therefore spent most of her childhood in the lab. 
She was homeschooled but eventually she started to attend school. She didn't like that at first since it was only holding her back. She got in trouble multiple times for possession of questionable chemicals. She couldn't wait for being done with school, although thanks to her friends it was quite bearable. 
Her main goal is working in her father's company; however, there are some dark secrets that she starts to reveal which makes her question everything and what she really wants from life.