


6 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info











an oc from 2012 I finally got a redesign for.

TLDR; A young Mercenary who suffers from Miasma poisoning, resulting in severe scarring all over her body.


A no-nonsense kind of girl. She's here to do her job, not make friends. She doesn't take well to prying eyes and hides her insecurities behind her armor. She often comes across as cold, and that's no accident. Far too many times she's gotten close enough with people to let them see her face, only to have them cut ties when they realize how dire her situation is. She does everything in her power to place as little burden as possible on others, and just wants to be left alone.


She and her sister, Maria, grew up in the slums of their small city after their mother was crippled in an accident and left unable to use her wings or legs. The two girls and their father did everything they could to help their mother make ends meet. Maria caught a lucky break when their uncle helped pull some strings to help her into knight training, even forging her custom armor in the smith he ran. The family was overjoyed and things went well for a few years.

Sadly things were not to last, and when the sisters and their father were accompanying him on a hunting trip outside the city walls when they accidentally stumbled into a miasma pit that had formed in the woods. As they tried to find a way around the ground below them gave way, sending them down into the poisonous pit. Upon hitting the bottom the young Elsa was knocked unconscious and landed beside her father. Seeing her unconscious he quickly picked her up and flew her up to the top before diving back down to find Maria. It was a miracle any of them survived the incident, but their father was not so lucky. Having inhaled so much of the toxic fumes he succumbed to it's effects quickly, dying shortly after. 

Elsa and Maria had been more fortunate. Though they both showed the symptoms of illness and physical scarring from the incident. Maria, having been exposed far longer than Elsa deteriorated quickly and as the purple markings spread across her body she grew weaker and weaker, until she could no longer stand. Not having the finds or the resources to seek help, there was nothing they could do for her besides make her comfortable until she too passed from the illness. 

Being too afraid to wait around until she met the same fate as her elder sister and father, Elsa decided she couldn't stay. Despite her sickness and frail physique she approached her uncle asking to be taught how to fight, and much to her surprise he obliged. After he felt she was good enough with a sword to go out on her own he crafted her some armor pieces of her own, and gave her what he could of Maria's old armor.

After she left her home town she joined the mercenary guild, managing to form an agreement with the guild leader for access to medication and treatment to lessen her symptoms and slow the poison's spread through her body. She takes on as many jobs as possible and sends most of the money back home to her mother and uncle, who is now her sole caretaker.


  • She's mostly blind in one eye.
  • The visible scarring under her visor is usually assumed to be burn marks, which she plays along with.
  • She's terminally ill.