Caroline Ferreira



1 year, 5 months ago


Caroline  ‘Malina’  Ferreira


June 24th, 1985  •⠀21

Cis Female  •⠀She/Her

Heteroromantic Demisexual

5′6″  •⠀168cm

Toned Build


Neutral Good

Eligible  ( ? )

Caretaker  •⠀Freelance Editor

(VA: Danielle Renee Vivarttas)

In My Mind



Those we love are with us every day. Unseen, unheard but still loved, still missed and held so dear.

Caroline Ferreira, the daughter of the Alpha. She's a naturally kind-hearted and fiercely good-natured individual who possesses a unique ability to offer unconditional support to her loved ones. It's easy for her to always see the best in others as well as praising them warmly and earnestly. Her priority is to make those she cares about feel like the most important people in the world, however, this selfless love comes at a cost.

Extremely self-sufficient to a fault, she often puts everyone else's needs above her own and neglects her own trauma and emotions in the process. She finds it challenging to process her own issues healthily and dedicates herself entirely to caring for her others instead. While she does try to carve out personal time for herself, she requires gentle reminders to prioritize her own well-being.

Underneath her deadpan default expression, Caroline is genuinely sincere not just in words but in expression alone. A traumatic experience left her with selective mutism, making her heavily reliant on physical communication. Despite her openness and ease of reading, there's a glimmer of anxiety in her eyes when it comes to the future. Having assumed her late mother's caretaker role at a young age, she longs to embrace her youth before being fully consumed by adulthood.

Caroline's upbringing was in a loving family within the Blackwood Wolves. The Ferreira and Adams families, with a long history of mutual support, have stood by each other through countless hardships which made it easy for her to be inseparable from her childhood friend, Blake Adams. Despite this close-knit environment, Caroline remains timid by nature, relying on the comfort of familiar people.

The loss of her at the time closest friend who ran away from the pack, followed by the tragic death of her mother at the hands of a hunter shaped Caroline's life profoundly. Witnessing her mother's passing marked the onset of her selective mutism. Struggling with her emotions, Caroline took on the responsibility of caretaker for the pack and most importantly her younger brother, Isaac, and stepped into her late mother's role at a tender age of twelve.

compassionate understanding supportive indecisive altruistic stubborn

  • Caroline's zodiac sign is a Cancer and she's native american of athabaskan descent. She has the trademark reddish-auburn hair and bright amber eyes that run deep within the Ferreira genes. As the alpha's daughter, her father has given her the other half of the alpha's feather earrings after her mother's passing which she proudly wears on her right ear, the left earlobe permanently chipped due to her traumtic encounter with a hunter.

  • Speaks english, navajo and latin due to her training as a spirit medium. She is capable of talking ASL but adapted to carrying a small notebook with her in case someone isn't able to read her signing. On occassion, she'll opt to writing on someone's palm. Despite it, she can very much talk though her voice is soft, quiet and almost fragile because of how little she has used it. Unless someone is close to her, both in bond and vicinity, it's difficult and rare to hear her speak.

  • Her smell is best described as earthy and grounding with a soft floral hint of a gardenia; intoxicating, velvety and characterized by warm, honey-orange tones that match the aesthetic of its creamy, porcelain-white petals. Jasmine but less overwhelming.

  • Flowers associated to Caroline are Forget-Me-Nots and Sunflowers which mean true love, devotion, royalty and loyalty, adoration respectively.

  • The reason behind her interest in photography is due to being able to freeze time and momentarily capture memories with the pictures. As someone as sentimental as her, being able to look back on things that way is calming to her.

  • Her hands are graceful, nimble fingers with tips slightly calloused from housework. Clear nail color and always clean, usually bracelets (handmade, often strings or cords) but only on the right hand. Elegant and precise in her movements. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, always gentle.

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving
assertive turbulent

By embracing their instincts and emotions, werewolves have the ability to shift into wolves. This is also known as lycanthropy, allowing individuals to undergo a physical and mental transformation. It can be triggered voluntarily or involuntarily, often influenced by strong emotions. The process is painful and causes intense changes in the body, which in it's circle is thus considered highly intimate to witness. The shift however results in enhanced strength, speed and senses. Reverting to human form can be equally painful, but the specifics vary on body type. Lycanthropy is often both a blessing and a curse, granting power but also bringing uncontrollable urges, desires and potential dangers.

Ability or Skill name

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Isabella Ferreira
biological mother

  You were always there for me, and that’s all I really needed. I didn’t feel sad or broken up, it just didn’t seem real. But I slowly came to realize that it was — that you were gone. And little by little, I felt something inside me go numb.

Caroline and her mother, Isabella, shared an exceptionally close and loving bond. From the moment Caroline was born, Isabella showered her with affection and care, fostering a strong connection that only deepened over the years. As a bright and cheeky child, Isabella's warm and nurturing nature allowed Caroline to grow into a kind-hearted and good-natured individual, mirroring that of her mother's own traits.

Isabella was not only Caroline's mother but also her confidant and mentor. She encouraged her daughter to be open-hearted, express her emotions freely, and never shy away from being herself. Their bond became a source of strength, and Caroline could always turn to her mother for guidance and support. Though her mother's physical presence is gone, Isabella's love and teachings continue to shape Caroline's character. The lessons of selflessness, kindness and unconditional love instilled by her drive Caroline's actions and the way she cares for her loved ones.

Cyrus 'Yakez' Ferreira
biological father

  You've always told me to be stubborn for the right reasons, but in the end I think I might have inherited that stubborness from you.

Caroline's relationship with her father, Cyrus, is filled with love, support and unwavering devotion. Cyrus is an upstanding and proud family man, respected by many within the Blackwood Wolves. His kindhearted and easygoing nature makes him approachable and well-liked, traits that Caroline admires, though she's very much aware of his hot-headed and difficult to manage headstrong nature. Despite it, she respects him as the backbone of the pack who is always ready to offer comfort and support to those in need. A patient and forgiving father figure, Cyrus loves unconditionally and treats everyone within their pack as family, regardless of blood ties, but the bond he shares with his daughter is special. He cherishes her and Isaac as one of the last connections to his late wife, Isabella.

Isaac 'Tadzi' Ferreira
biological brother

  I will always worry and look out for you. Even after we've both grown grey and old. No matter what, you will always be my little brother.

Isaac was born before the tragic incident that took their mother's life. He grew up knowing little about the warm and nurturing presence she provided to the family. However, Caroline has become a pillar of strength and support. A child as young as him can truly know a parent in the moment, but Isaac has little to no memories of Isabella. Maybe a couple foggy ones that he’s not even sure are real. Knowing that the absence of a mother seemed to be a harsh reality for him, without hesitation, Caroline took up responsibility as a maternal figure with the help of their father.

River 'Kiviaq' Ferreira
biological uncle


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