Amelia Belmore



1 year, 5 months ago


Amelia (She/Her)

Full Name: Amelia Belmore
Birthday: November 15, 2170
Height: Scorpio ♏︎
Orientation: Bi?/Questioning
Height: 185 cm - 6'1
Alignment:  Lawful good
Voice Claim:  Link

Unhinged ⬤ ⬤ ⬤

...When the stage is mine I remain invisible to all...

Amelia is bright and curious young gal who prefers to do things her own way even at risk of looking ridiculous. She's often acting mischievous and unhinged, especially when she's with her friends. To escape the mundane and boring reality, she usually resorts to reading, daydreaming and playing DnD. She possess impressive amount of dinosaurs knowledge and won't hesitate to share it with those willing to listen. She tends to be creative and often customizes her clothes with embroidery. She enjoys being feminine, although she's slowly getting to explore androgynous and masculine side. 


  • Dinosaurs
  • Fantasy
  • Space
  • Loud noises
  • Gore
  • Mornings

Design Notes

  • Brown-reddish long hair that looks pink-ish sometimes, depends on lighting
    • Put into ponytail tied with black ribbon
  • Sword necklace, matching with her BF's shield necklace
  • Round moon earrings
  • Always wears something blue
  • Sometimes she wears white sunglasses with dark lenses
  • She prefers oversized clothes, later experiments with androgynous fashion

  • She puts way too much milk into her coffee
  • She can draw but only dinosaurs
    • Her favorite is stegosaur
  • She's very crafty and customized some of her clothes with embroidery
  • Some days she enjoys appearing cute and feminine, other days she's aiming for 'androgynous disaster kind of look'
  • Once she learned sacred art of inappropriate humor from her brother, it was too late
    • what do you mean genderfluid what about gendersolid 
  • She claims that she can predict the future in her dreams 
  • Her guilty pleasure are old cheesy movies 
    • especially the ones about archaeology
  • Neither of her parents has blue eyes but she got them by one of her grandparents
  • Even if she was illegitimate child, her mother still gave her name that starts with 'A' which is her father's family tradition

Niko (Close Friend/Lover)
Just 2 nerds who love each other very much. They first met in online game since Niko was her brother's online friend. They became even closer after Niko moved to the same city but it took them a while to confess feeling to each other. Her father did not approve of their relationship at first, but that couldn't stop them from being happy together.

Damian (Best Friend)
After becoming neighbors, they quickly became best friends. Neither of them is known to be very talkative but together they often engage in deep conversations. They understand each other very well and know about each other’s deepest secrets and insecurities.

Tony (Older Brother)
They get along together very well; He tries to be very protective of his little sister but she finds it a bit annoying. They have a lot of inside jokes together that no one understands, but they get on each other nerves sometimes. They tend to play videogames or hang out with some other friends.

Amber (Older Sister)
They used ho have very strong bond as they were growing up, with Amber being Amelia's biggest role model. However, they got emotionally detached from each other due to some clashing opinions but at least they can tolerate each other.


Amelia grew up with her mother and from certain point, also with her father and two older half siblings. She didn't get much attention from her father who only saw her as living reminder of his past mistakes. Her mother was materialistic witch who only had her to consolidate position in "better society" and always pressured her to be well mannered soft-spoken young lady. It obviously didn't work as she's always been a bit rebellious and tomboy-ish. 
She spent most of her childhood with her brother and sister and got into all kinds of shenanigans. After her parents split up, she gained much more freedom as her mother stopped controlling her life and went to cruise the world instead.
Since early childhood, Amelia showed interest in dinosaurs and it never really went away, as she ended up working in a prehistoric section of a virtual reality museum. She tried to limit ties with parents and moved in with her boyfriend.