Niko Colletti



1 year, 5 months ago


Niko (He/Him)

Full Name: Giovanni Coletti
Birthday: March 9, 2170
Height: Pisces ♓︎
Orientation: Straight
Height: 181 cm - 5'11
Alignment: Neutral good
Voice:  Link

Nerdiness  ⬤ ⬤ ⬤

...It's all part of my miracle masterpiece...

Just a wholesome guy with big heart and a smile that would melt an iceberg. Acts kind of dumb and silly most of time. Tends to be shy around new people but deep inside craves understanding and company of others. He spends most of time either playing video games or playig music. He's very sensitive and cries easily when he gets too emotional.


  • Snowboarding
  • Videogames
  • Music
  • Conflicts
  • Mean People
  • Violence

Design Notes

  • Dark fluffy hair
  • Mark on right cheek
  • Shield shaped necklace, matching with his girlfriend's sword necklace
  • Spends lot of time outside - mostly seen in warm clothes

  • He can play guitar and piano
  • He composes his own music
  • Can't dance very well
  • His nickname is basically end of his name + start of his surname but with K instead of C
  • He's of Italian and Greek descent 
  • Once he falls asleep, it's hard to wake him up with light or noise
  • He's addicted to grilled cheese
  • He loves baking sweet pastries for his loved ones 

Amelia (Close Friend/Girlfriend)
Just 2 nerds who love each other very much. They first met in online game, it was Amelia's brother who introduced them. They became even closer after Niko moved to the same city but it took them a while to confess feeling to each other. Her father did not approve of their relationship at first, but that couldn't stop them from being happy together.

Tony (Best Friend)
Two of them met in online game first, then they'd spend HOURS talking just about everything. They share the taste for dark humor and music. For Niko this was very special as he didn't have such a close friend before. Coincidentally, Niko's family moved to  the same city where Tony lives so they could start hanging out in person.

Damian (Close Friend)
They got to know each other after Niko moved to the city. Quickly became friends and spend lot of time doing all kinds of nerdy stuff. They especially share passion for music and even  compose songs together from time to time. 

April (Younger Sister)
They get along quite well but it wouldn't be true sibling bond without occasional banter. In the past April would always make sure to beat up anyone who'd try to hurt her brother which often got her into trouble but she was too badass to care. Later on this was not needed anymore.


Niko grew up with his mother and younger sister. They moved several times though. They occasionally went to trips to  mountains where he fell in love with snowboarding. 
Since he was sensitive neurodivergent kid, he was often victim of pranks and mockery and his only true friend was some guy he randomly met in videogame. There must have been some kind of destiny though because Niko's family eventually settled in his mother's birthplace where his friend also lived. They could finally hang out and he met his other friends as well.
He finally felt like he started to live for real. He started to be more open and to stand for himself. Not everything went smoothly at first though. He struggled to find and keep a job. After some time he started working in a funeral house but kept it as a secret since he was feeling a bit weird about that (but at least clients couldn't complain).