Charme Comfit! 🎈



1 year, 5 months ago



Charme Comfit Thief of Breath

bodaciousBuddy [BB]

BB: hey!! is this thing *n?? l**k its me!! y*ur faaav*rite cheerfeeder!! charme!! :DD - replaces o's with * and uses double puncutation marks.

Batonkind: A small baton used for twirling and cheerfeeding! It’s decorated with glitter glue, confetti, and ribbon. :)


» Game Information « Classpect: Thief of Breath Land: Land of Cyclones and Confectionary Lunar Sway: Prospit Consorts: Sugar Gliders Denizen: Hermes Appearance: At first glance, you'll notice that Charme stands at the statuesque height of 5'10". Her body is lean and is paired with long limbs that show subtle signs of muscle banded tightly underneath her skin. It should be noted that most of Charme's height comes from her mile-long legs which carry her effortlessly as she moves through a crowd and allows her to perform gymnastic feats with grace. Her neck is thin with a pronounced collar bone. As for Charme’s facial features, her face is relatively soft-structured with no harsh angles giving her a more youthful-looking appearance. Her nose is thin with a slight upturn at the end. Charme’s large round eyes are expressive and are a warm shade of honey, framed by thick curved eyelashes. A dark set of softly curved eyebrows rest atop her forehead, giving her a seemingly permanent look of mischief. Her hair is dark in color and is straight as a pin, falling like a curtain down past her mid-back when she doesn't put it up into her signature braids or a high ponytail. On to style, Charme dresses how she pleases she doesn’t dress to impress anybody but herself. Her wardrobe is filled with a bunch of different stuff because she has no set style, basically, if she likes it she’ll wear it. She does stick to bright colors and prefers clothes to fit her a bit bigger because she likes to have room to move around. OH, Charme certainly does wear those shoes that squeak with every step. Personality: “Fun! Fun!! FUN!!!” Charme is all about having a good time. While not decidedly at the expense of others, that’s often how her schemes of mischief and mayhem end up. “It’s their fault for getting in the damn way! They were totally boring!” Juvenile would be the most fitting word to describe Charme and her tendencies/mannerisms. Selfish by design, Comfit does everything in her life sparing a sole regard to her own emotions and showing little care for how those around her end up. Friend, foe, or otherwise. Blazing her own path excites her! No one to hold her back! Tell her what’s right or wrong! She plays judge, jury, and executioner. Both for hersel , and for any poor sap who happens to fall into the category of “Boring” within her twisted infrastructure Overall, though, one could label Charme as something of a bubbly person. She speaks as she lives: loud, excited, and with a bit too much reckless abandon. Not afraid to insult someone to their face. Though, most of the time that just means knighting someone as officially boring in her eyes. When she’s in a good mood, however, which is the majority of the time, our jittery friend is something akin to a pair of Vans. In the sense that she’s completely off the wall. Sitting still is out of the question. Always tapping, drumming, or shaking her leg, Charme has trouble standing still to begin with. Pacing around the room is a common way for the young woman to get her juices flowing in times where her painfully middle-of-the-road intellect must come into play. She’s definitely the “Act first, question later” kind of gal. Attributing it to her natural disposition, Charme Comfit is a ball of pure excitement and energy. Malicious, mischievous, selfish energy. But energy nonetheless. Though for all her spiel about having her own fun, living life as she pleases, the truth about our wannabe clown is that beyond all that she really just wants attention brought to her. Positive attention or Negative attention. She relishes in it. Modus: Ballon modus; Every item that Charme captchalogues appears as a balloon! To retrieve the item from her sylladex she must pop the balloon with the item’s picture on it. Strife Specibus: staffKind: A small baton used for twirling and cheerfeeding! It’s decorated with glitter glue, confetti, and ribbon. :) Backstory: wip ??? Guardian/Lusus: WeaselPop; A small white weasel with four eyes and a silly little hat :)


  • Cheerfeeding!!
  • Gymnastics
  • Throwing Parties
  • Tamagotchis
  • Clownin around xP


  • Boring sticks in the mud X[
  • Her team losing!! (in terms of stickball)
  • Talonscreechers
  • XX
  • XX