


1 year, 4 months ago


The ollunary of the inherited name "Forseti". He is known to be one of the very few monster hunters who are proficient enough to purge malevolent gods. Despite this, he refuses to ever work alone.

He takes his work incredibly seriously to the point of using particularly brutal tactics against monsters at times but is also known as an unforgettably gentle and loyal soul when off-duty.

His identity is often linked to a child known as "Apollo", one of the veterans of the Stingray 99 operation whose rivalry with King Bernard Herali caused him to become a symbol of anarchy among historians in Loram Ardeim. However, Hjelfrig, as an ollunary, has gone through numerous cycles since that time, and thus this link cannot be concretely proven.

His identity as Ygzatzr, which transcends his own mortality, is kept a secret by himself, Wul'tan, Verdandi, and others who agree to keep quiet about it. As this knowledge may put him and Wul'tan both in danger if it becomes widespread among gods. Though this title does not give him any abnormal power other than his physique, as the heart of creation that was once Ygzatzr's is presently being kept by Wul'tan.