


1 year, 4 months ago


A ljorser woman. The ollunary that inherited the name Verdandi, as well as the director of the Platzenzeugen rogues, titled the "Generaldirektor der Rekrutierungsabteilung und Ausbildung für die Platzenzeugen-Schurken". Close friends with Forseti, seemingly being able to somehow encounter him in every single one of their life cycles. Somewhat of an impatient teacher despite being the top director for a team focused on teaching the ropes for new ollunaries, or ollunaries that have re-discovered Darkloft.

Verdandi acts unkind towards strangers and most acquaintances but is more caring towards people she believes she can trust, which to Verdandi, don't seem to be many. She normally only spends her time in Darkloft, living in the quarters of the Platzenzeugen rogues. She loathes fighting despite being able to wield very destructive sorcery and some proficiency in certain martial arts.

Verdandi makes her own clothes, they're often designed very eccentrically, being flashy, ornate, and colorful, making her stand out like a sore thumb. She believes she can judge how open-minded a person is by whether or not her fashion taste bothers them.